TOUGE Tracks in gt5?

  • Thread starter __silvia__

Targa/Touge YAY or NAY?

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road kill
actually theres 5 sec penaltys on all special condition races including costa di amalfi and citta di aria which are tarmac and not rally tracks.
Correct -- my point was that all of the races should have had a 5 sec penalty -- ALL races, not just the rally/special condition races
I have been thinking more about this topic. A strange inspiration has been when I was looking at Gamespot { }. I was looking up pictures of the old XBOX game, "Sega GT 2002." Some of the pictures I seen included a sort of touge course at night under snowy conditions. This would be a great idea if executed correctly. There would have to be a number of different environments and different weather conditions unique to these environments. I have a strange liking to snowy mountain settings in sunset conditions. Another nice idea would be a mountain road event which overlooks the sea later in the course. My biggest hook would be if there was a beautiful night sky. I haven't seen a beautiful night sky since maybe 2001, when I noticed many, many stars in the sky. I love nighttime, especially with a multitude of stars, perhaps even an aurora or galaxies. This doesn't have to be some sort of "fanboy" deal. GT4's rival, "Forza Motorsport," featured some open circuits. I've even raced a few of them in solo runs at game stores and electronics sections of retail stores. I am not looking at this as a chance for "Inital D" types to enjoy "Initial D" style racing. The primary counter I use is that touge courses can double as nice tarmac rally courses. Now, if you're thinking something like "Five Dangerous Hairpins!", then that would add to the challenge in taking on these courses in driving them correctly. Even though touge is pretty much illegal street racing, we can kind of skirt the rules by not having stuff like police civilian traffic intervene. In fact, I think roads can be blocked off. What I am going for is as professional of a racing environment as possible. I don't like associating touge/drifting with illegal street racing. I sometimes consider controlling drift as a skillful element. I look at it as a way to practice your ability to control oversteer in a rear-wheel drive car, especially with powerful rear-wheel drive cars.

Since Japan is the birthplace of touge, a number of Japanese locales would make a nice oppurtunity to have touge or tarmac rallying. I don't know too many European mountain roads that can double as tarmac rally courses, but I'd want to give Europe some love on this deal. I can't think of many American locales to give touge a go. Best guess would likely be highways along the coastline of Southern California. There are a number of possibilities, so that's why I suggest as much as I can. If you have any ideas or comments, let me see those comments of yours.
John has a point here.

Now, i know i'm getting into fiction, but i'm writing a story in which there is a form of togue, but it is conducted "on the 3rd thursday of every month" under police discretion: in other words, the local authorities close off the roads to be used.

so, at intersections, we could place a couple of Crown Vics (or whatever car that country uses.) blocking off the roads. or, we could go really professional, and use removable barriers with circuit sponsors plastered across them.

This could work!

Might I suggest a tarmac stage set in the Ozarks? perhaps in the Alleghenies? Hazzard County?....No, that'd be part dirt....
I don't know too many European mountain roads that can double as tarmac rally courses, but I'd want to give Europe some love on this deal.
The area of Monte Carlo used in the WRC event is pretty cool. Lots of hairpins where drivers have to yank on the handbrake. For something even more amazing, check out the Stelvio Pass in Italy. The only word that comes to mind is 'crazy.'

I can't think of many American locales to give touge a go.
There is also a road called US 129, aka the 'Tail of the Dragon,' in North Carolina. With over 300 curves in just 11 miles, it looks like the US equivalent of the Nurburgring Nordschleife. It could make for a nice point-to-point course.
This is a way in which people who dislike the idea of touge potentially have another way to see this style of racing. The minus for some would be no touge action, but the plus is potentially more rally racing, especially stages. I sort of consider drifting as rally racing, only that you aren't off-road or judged by time. A creative idea is to have perhaps a few different areas designated to point-to-point racing. For you "Initial D" fans, imagine not only tackling Mt. Akina, but also checking out different curvy roads in quiet settings. A more arcadish setting would be that you have a number of stages linked together to make one really long race. Imagine something like starting down a mountain while driving through a number of rural villages before crossing the Finish Line in the outskirts of a metropolis. You're used to long point-to-points if you've played something like Cruisn' USA, Rad Racer, or the OutRun series.

A quick note- I'm going to have to see World Rally using the streets of Monte Carlo. Oh wait. World Rally doesn't get big ratings here in America, so we'll have to be used to NASCAR and Saturday night figure-eight destruction derbies. So I don't know what that is like. :sad:
Yay to touge 👍 👍 👍 ! I think Polyphony could learn a thing or two from Enthusia and Forza. The Touge tracks there are lots of fun. If they do add togue tracks, they should get better lighting effects in first. It really adds to the atmosphere of the track. The headlights on Enthusia and Forza are way cool.

Not especially touge tracks (with that I mean only mountain passes in Japan), but long, winding mountain roads sure would be a very nice add on. Here in Europe we have quite the collection of lovely mountain passes, too.

I would be very glad to see some European mountain passes, set during the day so you also have a beautiful view down into the valley.

Like on these pics showing the "Großglockner Hochalpenstraße", the road leading up the mountain "Großglockner" in Austria.


There are also some very nice mountain roads in Spain and Mallorca... for example this picture is from a mountain road on Mallorca.

And do I even have to mention the mountain passes in Switzerland?

It would be so nice to see such a track or two in GT5.
Touge is not neccecarilly what it was to be, but yes, those kind of roads would be good fun to drive or race.

It could be road rallies, like the classic targa races like the targa Florio in sicily, segments of the mille miglia, or other old road tracks that are twisty like Pescara, Brno, Mugello etc. (I also would like the faster, less twisty classics like Rheims but thats a different story).

There could be more Tarmac rallies, like the rally of Catalunya for example, or more likely taking roads from places like the Alps, Carpathy, Wyoming, Japan, even places like North-Western China (if PD could go there), or even Fantasy mountain roads would do. PD could use real roads and just put up those unbreakable barriers where need be (ala citta, Costa, Grand canyon etc.). The whole charm of those roads is that they are thin, bumpy, with elevation changes and constant curves and twisties. Who wouldnt want to takle those roads in an Amuse S2000 R1 aka Touge Monster. 👍
It's not that rally races are not fun -- just shouldn't be necessary for any completion percentages
Then why not make the manufacturer races not needed too, oh and the GT World championship, since not everyone likes that, hell why not just forget the lot. 100% game completion means just that, 100% game completion, if you don't want to race the rallies fine, but don't complain that you haven't got 100%.
yes they need to put a nice drifting track in the new game they need to go to japan and look around till they find one , Akagi would be a nice drift course . 👍
I tried to look for double-functionality in looking at tarmac rallies and touge courses. Maybe I'm one of the few people who think of drifting as rally racing, only without the usual suspects of traditional rally racing. They certainly share likenesses. If PD can be creative, they can come up with wonderful environments to come up with racing. Here are some ideas in terms of environments:

* curvy mountain roads after a snowstorm and after snow has been plowed away, sunset into twilight

* coastal roads with tall rocks on the right side and the beautiful view of the ocean to the left, preferably a southern California setting

* curvy country roads with cloudy or mostly cloudy skies, preferably in Germany or Italy

* twisty roads in Italy, afternoon or late afternoon

* (something similar to Forza's Fujimi Kaido or Pacific Shipyards)

* some course in a mountainous Japanese setting "Initial D" fans can appreciate, preferably a night stage under a starry sky

We can be creative about this deal, can we? These ideas are a bit of a start.

Enthusia Professional Racing has a great "Initial D" style touge track. It is a lovely one because you can see the city lights of the city below. I think that's unlike "Initial D," however. I don't think you don't get to see city lights while attacking the corners of Mt. Akina. The link I provided shows you the many different pictures of the Enthusia. Look for the ones with the touge course. It's called "Dragon Range."
I think you do, in Stage 1 ep. 1 right at the beginning, there's a straight and on the left side is the city/town and on the right the Akina (Haruna) mountain...... (at around 2:49)
Like in GT4 thet have different halls, like Beginner, extreme, special conditions etc..

they should have a touge hall, with Hakone, Haruna, Mt. Nikko irohazaka and Akagi.
and for each course there should be Day/Night, Dry/Wet, Hillcimb/downhill
and at the starting/finish line, there shouldnt be grand stands. Just some guy with a stopwatch
Just a quick note... I probably wouldn't mind snow settings for those downhill courses you mentioned, gtdrifter6. It could snow in those mountain settings, you know.
Just a quick note... I probably wouldn't mind snow settings for those downhill courses you mentioned, gtdrifter6. It could snow in those mountain settings, you know.

yeah nice idea's i like the touge halls and btw dr. ak nice pics those look like some nice technical courses like i said before gt5 needs point to point races and well every type of track
I'm all for the idea of "touge" ... however, we must keep the game spread evenly.

Rally tracks should be point-to-point. Bring back some GT2 elements, like the hillclimbs and downhills. I still own and play a copy of GT2 for that sole purpose.

Tarmac rally courses should be based more realistically. I highly doubt a course on a Mediterranean Island will "loop" continuously, as in Costa Di Amalfi.

I personally would love to see more 'close-quarters' tracks, like Citta Di Aria, but make it point-to-point!

I agree partially on a "touge" hall in the Career menu. Let's not overuse the word "touge" ... I like how someone a couple pages back referred to it as Targa ... BINGO. I like that.

I own and still play NFS: Porsche Unleashed, and I love running the Corsica track on that game. Some of you know what I"m talking about, for others, it's like a road-rally through beautiful Corsican hills, mountains, and forests. We need more of that in GT5/Vision GT/whatever they'll call it.

I just want something I can saw through in a mildly-tuned [by mildly, I mean 225fwhp NA at most, and slightly stiffer suspension setup] DC2 Integra. I have a 900* Force Feedback wheel for a reason, and I intend to use it in much the same manner as I run local touge/targa roads in Utah, with my G1 Integra.

I have been thinking more about this topic. A strange inspiration has been when I was looking at Gamespot { }. I was looking up pictures of the old XBOX game, "Sega GT 2002." Some of the pictures I seen included a sort of touge course at night under snowy conditions.
I love that track. It's pretty long, you go this long slippery road, and then turns around and goes back.
Ok maybe i must not say this in here. but anyway.
I did like to see those long American highways in gt5.
Like highway 5.. basically runs the heigth of California.. Pretty much straight. Theres also twisty ones right on the coast.
haven't been on here in awhile. glad to see the thread is still getting posts.

I'm all for the idea of "touge" ... however, we must keep the game spread evenly.

Rally tracks should be point-to-point. Bring back some GT2 elements, like the hillclimbs and downhills. I still own and play a copy of GT2 for that sole purpose.

Tarmac rally courses should be based more realistically. I highly doubt a course on a Mediterranean Island will "loop" continuously, as in Costa Di Amalfi.

I personally would love to see more 'close-quarters' tracks, like Citta Di Aria, but make it point-to-point!

yes i agree with that
It may not be a touge, but what about the point-to-point route used for the Silver State Classic in the US? If PD can include the Option Stream Z, a car purpose-built for that event, why not the race itself?