Toyota Championship Finished - All Stats -----> #733Finished 

  • Thread starter JockeP22

Race #7 Options

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And even if you don't get the result you wish for today, there are still seven more cars and seven more races with a new chance.

And remember guys that it's your seven best race results out of the eight Tuesday's that count towards the championship.
Not including poles and fastest laps.

Where can i find a roster of drivers who will participate in this championship?
Top of page 3, mate. :)
Then again it's always uncertain because real life.

*If anything less favourable should happen during the race let us discuss it through PM.
I think we are good enough to police ourselves.

*As mentioned in the original post when we have made a head count and everyone has reported that they see
the same number of cars on track we will begin qualifying.
There will be no restarts at this point.

And this goes for me too, if I should disconnect I expect you lot to continue.
The community lobby automatically saves the qualifying and race results so no worries there.

I've seen too many series/leagues/championships here that have spent hours trying to get a race going
proper by having restart after restart and drivers getting ever more aggravated. I want to avoid this.

I may be appearing harsh with this statement. Am I in the wrong?
Then again it's always uncertain because real life.

*If anything less favourable should happen during the race let us discuss it through PM.
I think we are good enough to police ourselves.

*As mentioned in the original post when we have made a head count and everyone has reported that they see
the same number of cars on track we will begin qualifying.
There will be no restarts at this point.

And this goes for me too, if I should disconnect I expect you lot to continue.
The community lobby automatically saves the qualifying and race results so no worries there.

I've seen too many series/leagues/championships here that have spent hours trying to get a race going
proper by having restart after restart and drivers getting ever more aggravated. I want to avoid this.

I may be appearing harsh with this statement. Am I in the wrong?

you are complitely right! helmet counting and off to quali! no restarts,no race delayed!
ok thanks!
And pp and tyres?
other limits?
because once i drove with the wrong specs @ lotus cup, not here. and they banned me. But i didnt knew the right specs. :)
I'm at Burger King right now chowing down a Big King meal to my full satisfaction. As soon as I get home I'll go into the lobby.
It's 1 hour, 45 minutes until event time.

Gavin I can't fetch a link for you on this phone but the information is on the first page.
Race is 60 minutes with a full twenty-four hour cycle.
I was going to join this championship but i had couple problems with the biggest one is being the exam starting next week and it would last until 20 April along with time being set at midnight's (in my respective time zone), chance to get disconnected for losing connection and so on.....etc so i couldn't. Hopefully I could join similar event to this one in the summer (but then Project cars will be released already and everyone leaved and made GT Ghost Town).

Meanwhile i hope you will have good time racing around with these toyota's. 👍

I had to post this jockeP22.
I'm at Burger King right now chowing down a Big King meal to my full satisfaction. As soon as I get home I'll go into the lobby.
It's 1 hour, 45 minutes until event time.

Gavin I can't fetch a link for you on this phone but the information is on the first page.
Race is 60 minutes with a full twenty-four hour cycle.
It's okay I'm going to have a practice I've joined club found room set up enjoy the king lol

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