After reading all the comments I feel bad that we couldn't race this event cause I was really looking forward to this one and It is true that this was gonna be the only one I was going to attend...
We all love the racing world and we love to race with each other here in GT6 and we signed up for the event we knew the:
I have been in other Endurance Races and when I'm late they don't restart the race cause of me and I don't ask for them to Restart for me cause I was given the Information and the Time so that would be My fault
When I am in the middle of an Endurance race and I have Lag Issues I stop and let everybody pass me cause I don't want to cause an accident cause of my Internet connection & when I get disconnected It really sucks but the race NEED to go on!
I respect everybody here and what Jocke did was a really nice gesture cause we are all friends so what Jocke did was RIGHT... He didn't want to leave a friend behind, but unfortunately this happen.
Maybe next time when one of us decided to run an Endurance race lets agree that If we are late and if we have Internet Problems lets NOT hold back the rest of OUR FRIENDS and let them have the race and we will have to hold back and pass the opportunity... Cause that is what a real Friend WILL do
@JockeP22 we OWE you an apology my Friend and since you are a really good friend Next time if I can't make it Just start with out me and don't feel bad about it Ok... I am sure all of Us agree on that 👍
@bcd73 @bloodyboyblue @buybon355 @gkgamer @Mikey24 @rallymathie
@Wayne Gratiot @jammy21 @qken @Aaroh007 @o_OPaTricKO_o @
Can we give Jocke another chance and Re do it again?
We Owe him and he is a really great guy so If he can restart a race for US can we give him a RE DO for him?