Toyota Championship Finished - All Stats -----> #733Finished 

  • Thread starter JockeP22

Race #7 Options

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I think connection problems are beginning for me. My third atempt failed...:mad:

Trying one more... And failed again... Now my very last one for today

And failed again, good night guys...

I'm the guy that give up and tried 2 more attempts and one more after restarting the PS3... It doesn't work...

Now I missed a race, I'll give up the Toyota Projekt...:banghead:
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I very apprieciated that Jocke would start again because of my internet problem.
sorry for that. In the future just drive and dont look after anybody, because you see the troubles about restarting.
It happened what I didn't want to happen. Fast decisions, deviating from the flight plan and it all fell apart. No one to blame but myself. I apologize, fellow drivers.
:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:
Next time, it will be OK, I swore!!! Otherwise I'll become as green as Mannys' cars...

I am so sorry
I'm very sorry
It's alright guys.

Life isn't perfect and neither was I this time.

Let me just tag the drivers that were in the room.
@bcd73 @bloodyboyblue @buybon355 @gkgamer @Mikey24 @rallymathie
@Wayne Gratiot @jammy21 @qken @Aaroh007 @o_OPaTricKO_o @MannYhAvitZ
+ Gavin

Eventually I froze on the screen and before I would disappear I quickly wrote to you all
'cancel friends'.

I meant of course that the race would be cancelled, I realized afterwards that it could have been misunderstood.
That I wanted to cancel being friends. :lol:
Definitely not so.

It could have been great, I was glad that you all found it interesting enough to join the event today.
What was it, 14 drivers from 12 different countries?

This opportunity won't come back I'm afraid. It was the only time Manny was able to race here for example.
I saw this scenario unfold in my 'worst case' predictions, and it did just that.

But it's life. I guess my inexperience shone through this time.

To finish on something positive though, I am proud that I managed to get friends together for an hour

and Lithuania.

12 countries from all corners of the world. Amazing.
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Jocke take a bow, you deserve a round of applause. All these drivers from all these countries wanting to race in a championship you devised. Well done. So it runs a week longer, no biggy. You've even stated in the thread no restarts, but being the nice guy you are, you did this to please myself and many others who called the restart. We'll all be there next week as planned, filter into the room one by one, stick to the format and have an awesome race. Look at the practice everyone had put in, read through the comments, even @bloodyboyblue got excited about racing at the ring. Half a dozen sleeps and we'll do it all again. I can't wait.
After reading all the comments I feel bad that we couldn't race this event cause I was really looking forward to this one and It is true that this was gonna be the only one I was going to attend...

We all love the racing world and we love to race with each other here in GT6 and we signed up for the event we knew the:

I have been in other Endurance Races and when I'm late they don't restart the race cause of me and I don't ask for them to Restart for me cause I was given the Information and the Time so that would be My fault

When I am in the middle of an Endurance race and I have Lag Issues I stop and let everybody pass me cause I don't want to cause an accident cause of my Internet connection & when I get disconnected It really sucks but the race NEED to go on!

I respect everybody here and what Jocke did was a really nice gesture cause we are all friends so what Jocke did was RIGHT... He didn't want to leave a friend behind, but unfortunately this happen.

Maybe next time when one of us decided to run an Endurance race lets agree that If we are late and if we have Internet Problems lets NOT hold back the rest of OUR FRIENDS and let them have the race and we will have to hold back and pass the opportunity... Cause that is what a real Friend WILL do

So @JockeP22 we OWE you an apology my Friend and since you are a really good friend Next time if I can't make it Just start with out me and don't feel bad about it Ok... I am sure all of Us agree on that 👍


@bcd73 @bloodyboyblue @buybon355 @gkgamer @Mikey24 @rallymathie
@Wayne Gratiot @jammy21 @qken @Aaroh007 @o_OPaTricKO_o @ @Dimse91

Can we give Jocke another chance and Re do it again?
We Owe him and he is a really great guy so If he can restart a race for US can we give him a RE DO for him?


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After reading all the comments I feel bad that we couldn't race this event cause I was really looking forward to this one and It is true that this was gonna be the only one I was going to attend...

We all love the racing world and we love to race with each other here in GT6 and we signed up for the event we knew the:

I have been in other Endurance Races and when I'm late they don't restart the race cause of me and I don't ask for them to Restart for me cause I was given the Information and the Time so that would be My fault

When I am in the middle of an Endurance race and I have Lag Issues I stop and let everybody pass me cause I don't want to cause an accident cause of my Internet connection & when I get disconnected It really sucks but the race NEED to go on!

I respect everybody here and what Jocke did was a really nice gesture cause we are all friends so what Jocke did was RIGHT... He didn't want to leave a friend behind, but unfortunately this happen.

Maybe next time when one of us decided to run an Endurance race lets agree that If we are late and if we have Internet Problems lets NOT hold back the rest of OUR FRIENDS and let them have the race and we will have to hold back and pass the opportunity... Cause that is what a real Friend WILL do

So @JockeP22 we OWE you an apology my Friend and since you are a really good friend Next time if I can't make it Just start with out me and don't feel bad about it Ok... I am sure all of Us agree on that 👍


@bcd73 @bloodyboyblue @buybon355 @gkgamer @Mikey24 @rallymathie
@Wayne Gratiot @jammy21 @qken @Aaroh007 @o_OPaTricKO_o @ @Dimse91

Can we give Jocke another chance and Re do it again?
We Owe him and he is a really great guy so If he can restart a race for US can we give him a RE DO for him?


Thanks Manny for these kind and meaningful words! All is said IMHO!!! :) 👍
I'm pretty sure it's a real encouragement for @JockeP22 ... Go for it dear Jocke!!! :cheers:
Everything is okay and we understand that you wanted best for us all.

Next time if someone gets dc or is late , lets think he got engine problem and is not able to start the race :)

Lets wait for next race and never back down!

Just like real racing when you get a blown engine or Hit a wall and your car can no longer run... Excellent substitute Dimse91

and is true It happens... So next time we get problems lets pretend that and sit back and wait for the results


Any other group of guys might have abandoned the idea / series after a setback like this.
But you all chose to be supportive and that is lucky in this day and age.

There is a second chance here to recreate what was lost yesterday.
@MannYhAvitZ has ignited the spark and is willing and able to re-do the event if the timing
is right and I am too.

In order to save the other seven race dates from changing we can re-do race #1
this week instead and proceed with race #2 as planned.

Today 20:00 GMT
Thursday 20:00 GMT
Friday 20:00 GMT
Saturday 20:00 GMT
Sunday 20:00 GMT

I believe these are the times that Manny could do. I propose we do it today already.
But it needs to be unanimous. Everyone from yesterday needs to be able to (if they are still interested).
What do you think, gentlemen.

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