Traction control to go fast?

  • Thread starter 8MR

What Traction control setting do you use?

  • Traction control 3

    Votes: 30 8.0%
  • Traction control 2

    Votes: 101 26.9%
  • Traction control 1

    Votes: 60 16.0%
  • No traction control

    Votes: 184 49.1%

  • Total voters
Well that depends on the how the TC functions in this game. No one knows if it is limiting torque out of corners. Driving without assists isn't difficult and doesn't make you better. Although I wouldn't recommend it on some sport mode races unless the players are attentive, careful and clean.
Up till now i have been using 0-3 like many others have said. I start with it at 0 (unless i already know better) and if i can't keep the car pointed in the right direction i turn it up a notch and if it is still all over the place i go up one more. The race cars do seem faster with a 1 or 2 but i haven't done many races in them. In the n class cars under i am certainly faster with out it. Also like someone else already said, even if it is set at 1 or 2 if you are smooth enough that it never actually comes on then i don't think it makes a difference
I use 0 about 90% of the time, but tend to turn it to 1 if I'm having too many issues controlling the car.
I'm running faster without TC, just need some more throttle control, so even if in some races TC1-3 would be safer, i keep it off to train my right foot/leg :lol:

I think GTSport is a Simcade game and definetely no driving simulator (game starts up with a lie everytime ;)), so it doesn't have to be realistic (which it isn't), it just has to be fun (which it is)!

0. But there can be exceptions. For example any TVR car :lol: Or maybe some Le Mans cars with TCS 1 can help you get a feel for the car/track without all the spinning out.

99% of the time TCS can be eliminated by staying in a higher gear and/or easing on the power instead of smashing it down.

Is turning it off legit faster or is it just a thought? Does it ever help on some cars or is it always going to be faster with it off?
You get more power out of corners.
Traction control limits the power do you leave a corner steady.
It can be anywhere from a few hundreds to a few seconds of a difference depending on your driving style.
Though in GT3 cars, the difference is minor.
You don't need TC on the 4x4 cars that's an easy guess. For the rest some cars are more stable than others with MR cars twitchy in general(for me).
I use TCS at 2 with the Gr.3 cars.

I know I lose a bit of pace coming out of slow corners but I gain in safety both for me and for others around me on track. Sometimes I'll run qualifying laps with TSC set to 0.

I find it more comfortable and given the fact that I'm not exactly racing for the win, I don't mind having fun and going a tenth or two slower with my TCS on.

Still, I manage to be on the top10.

Edit: Just to add that I don't get any feedback on the wheel to know when the car is going to lose grip and it's difficult to correct it. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I find it really weird because on PC2 and AC I can notice that right away.
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personally hate driving with traction control, when going round corners theres a drastic restriction. i personaly love throttling around the corner as it gives me the feel that im actually driving and not relying on any assistance. That being said i have noticed that it does depend on the car and the track, but i mainly use 0 traction control.
In most circumstances I use TCS = 0. However, I've started to use TCS = 2 for Gr.3 Sport Mode races. This allows me to be more consistent during the race and gives me one less thing to worry about when batting for position.
I would use TC2 before the patch, now turning it off mostly, It was much more difficult to keep the faster cars under control pre-updates without TC, or is it just me?
Mine is 0 to 2. It depends on the car. I never go higher than 2.

No shame in using TC. Sometimes you gotta use technology at your disposal to make life easier.
From the older GT games always drove with TC2. I’ve read some conflicting information about what is realistic. Do modern race cars have TC or not? Anyways I started to learn driving without TC. Frustrating at the moment when your in the middle of a race, when you spin out because a simple corner is taken a bit too overconfident! Any tips to stay consistent? Or is it just practice?
In GT5/6 I never raced with traction control on because it hindered my lap times, and I felt very comfortable without it. Now in GT Sport, it almost feels like a requirement to run TCS at 3. Of course, I hate using such a high setting because it slows my car down significantly, but I'll spin off track constantly without it. Tuning cars is almost pointless since I mostly race in Sport Mode where everything is BoP'd. There is essentially no room for customization.

For clarification, I play with a DS4 controller. I don't have any plans for a wheel and pedal combo... at the moment.
In GT5/6 I never raced with traction control on because it hindered my lap times, and I felt very comfortable without it. Now in GT Sport, it almost feels like a requirement to run TCS at 3. Of course, I hate using such a high setting because it slows my car down significantly, but I'll spin off track constantly without it. Tuning cars is almost pointless since I mostly race in Sport Mode where everything is BoP'd. There is essentially no room for customization.

For clarification, I play with a DS4 controller. I don't have any plans for a wheel and pedal combo... at the moment.

I am DS4 user, too. I use TCS 1 (or 2 if I on berserk mode) for FR/MR cars or TCS 0 for 4WD cars.
I race without TCS, since I'm using Wheel/Pedal setup. I do ease into the throttle, but I may be a little more cautious on it, since I have bad memories of spinning out at corner exit. So on slower corners, I may loose a little time on acceleration. I did one race with TCS on 1 with the McLaren GT3, and for the most part, I was still driving like I had no TCS. Watching the replay, the TCS kicked in very little, so who knows how much time I gain or loose.
I found that TCS was a must at launch, but was able to dial all aids right down (I tried them all) once they fixed the counter-steering issue - TCS usually set at 1 if I felt I needed it.

Since this last update and its increased grip levels, I am more confident turning TCS off completely and running with no ABS, on the DS4. That's purely for my own enjoyment - I'd definitely be much more consistent and probably also faster with both switched on.
Varies. Generally started on 3 but often on 2 now. I've raced the odd one with TC off as well, and for me it just varies between car and track. People who simply quote that fastest is with TC off are clearly just copying what they have read and have no understanding of the game or real world cars and driving.
Like everything I believe it depends on a few factors, and how those factors interplay with each other. The biggest two factors being your own skill level and the car itself.

I have only driven the Cayman GT4 seriously since I am new to the game. I tested that car all day last Sunday at Interlagos and tried it with various different settings. In the end I achieved my best results over a 4 lap race with TCS at 2.

Now I probably could have pieced together the fastest single lap with it set to 0 or 1, but I could not consistently get through an entire race that way. This is of course because I am not in the top 1% of drivers. If I was perhaps 0 would have been best.

Now it remains to be seen how this correlates to real life but the above is kind of consistent with the real world for the Cayman GT4 at least.

The majority of non pro drivers are faster with TCS on, and pro drivers are faster with it off. To even closer match reality, a few GT4 drivers have totaled their cars attempting to track them with TCS off.

Anyway as my skill improves (hopefully) I plan to change my setting to 1, and then one day perhaps even turn it off assuming I can ever master that kind of throttle control consistently.

And that is just ONE car on ONE track.
I NEVER use traction control, and as it seems I won't ever use it. It feels like the car is making the work itself with TC on, whereas when it is off, you get a better feel of the car and can control the throttle to be faster.
Always have been driving without TC in all race games/sims.

But with GTS pre 1.06 i felt the need to put TC on 1-2 with some of the GR.3 cars. The snap oversteer we had comming out corners was very abrupt and diffucult to manage as there was very little warning, it just happened and it happened to often imo.

Now post 1.06 things seem improved. Only tested the Porsche 911 RSR yet but the car behaved much better without TC. There was more progression to it and better to manage. It now feels and drives more like i am used to from other sims, more natural to me. Pace was still competitive as well it seemed, did 2 races and got 2 podiums both top splits but with some B drivers in there. Will have to see how things compare in a full A/S field.

So now it seems i can finally ditch the TC, i didnt really like driving with it as it made the cars a bit dull to drive imo. Will have to test other cars though.
Always only use TC 0. I feel faster that way and I think it makes me a better driver. I don't want electronic witchcraft correcting or masking mistakes I make. I want to see and feel the car if I go over the limit so I can correct it next lap. I learn nothing if I just point out of a corner and mash the throttle and all the aids sort it out.
Is turning it off legit faster or is it just a thought? Does it ever help on some cars or is it always going to be faster with it off?
Executed perfectly it's gonna be faster. If you look closely on your gas bar you will see it cuts input slightly at times when you could get away with full throttle. But it is also a lot safer because at TC2 and above you will never spin and lose control. Depends on your throttle control you may not see a noticeable difference right away, might even be slower.
I don't use TC with the group 4 cars but I use 2 for the group 3 cars. If I could tune in sport mode then I probably would not use it at all. It feels like it hurts my lap times a bit, even though it makes it easier to stay consistent.
Depends on car/track/level of apathy combination for me. Generally 0-1, occasionally 2. Never had it higher than that.
Well if you want hotlapping TC off is a must if you know the track and the car. In this way you can achieve the best possible time lap. In sport race, especially with higher cars it is better to put TC at 1 or 2. This for 2 reasons. First you can't setup your car, second you usually race with people on your level, and in the heat of the battle it is easy to make mistake.
In the past, this was true. On GTS, traction control makes you go faster, which is a little bit of a shame. IMO the game should reward drivers that run without assists.
GTS is a completely different animal when it comes to the physics model. Can't say it feels better with road cars (looking at you Mustang) though. On a side note, GT3 and actually most race cars these days use TCS and ABS. All road cars built after a certain date require TCS and all these assists, plus manufacturer-specific assists. I see literally no point in giving out free candy to those without assists - its like saying you passed a math test without a calculator, nothing to really brag about, and should only be self-confident and happy you won/did your best without any assists.

Also, some cars are just plain twitchy. Yes, I could spend $800 on a decent set of pedals, wheel, and gear selector to use no assists and have control over minute inputs, but I'm not THAT serious about this game - so a DS4 and TCS it is.

Aren't most real race cars and high performance road cars faster with traction control these days? Many appear to be made to drive optimally with advanced computer systems controlling a whole lot of things on the fly.

I haven't tested enough in the game with traction control off to have an opinion there yet.
Aside from those with autos (no select shift/flappy paddles), yes. The only major downfall of EVERY racing game out on the market is the lack of car-specific assists, like torque vectoring, constantly changing power distribution in AWD cars, magne-ride suspensions, and so forth - so you never really are racing "that car," rather a generic car copy-pasted and tweaked to mimic that car. Sad really.

As for TCS settings, I use 2-3 for twitchy RWD cars and 0 for AWD and FWD cars. The throttle seems WAY too touchy in GTS for my liking with a DS4 on most RWD cars.