Trans Tasman Racing

  • Thread starter Mad94d
Oops..Thanks for pointing that out mate I hadn't noticed until you mentioned it, I have both the new and old saved in the same folder and must have picked up the wrong one..:ouch: And just looking at post # 143, it looks like you may suffer from the same type of dyslexia mad,...:sly::lol:
Oops..Thanks for pointing that out mate I hadn't noticed until you mentioned it, I have both the new and old saved in the same folder and must have picked up the wrong one..:ouch: And just looking at post # 143, it looks like you may suffer from the same type of dyslexia mad,...:sly::lol:

What? :lol: It has the Trans Tasman Racing banner in the post. :)

The banner at has the TT-R initials in place of the GT5 logo on the banner that Mad used, I guess that is what Craig is referring to?

The banner at has the TT-R initials in place of the GT5 logo on the banner that Mad used, I guess that is what Craig is referring to?

Yeah, he brought that up at the TT-R Forum. I can see what he means now. :lol:
Hehe! Craig you cheeky bloke!:D:tup:
You posted the video's here to, I'll have to do the same from now on.;)
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Updated first posts with MNR and FNR pics with links attached to the pics. 👍

A Few new vids from PAPAOSA. 👍

Thanks once again for the Vids and Pics PAPAOSA. You're contribution to the team is unbelievable. :cheers:
First post is looking sharp.......-ish.:)

:lol: Trying to make it look a bit better....

EDIT: I think I smartened it up a little bit....
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:) OnTrack Highlights of 2009 @TT-R

+1, absolutely loved watching that video, almost like watching a documentary of our team's racing history.:D But then, I guess that's what it is!:dopey:
Added the video to the first post. Works quite nicely as a bit of a promo/historic video.:)

EDIT: TT-R is also in talks about running at 550pp FWD tomorrow night, any aussies or new zealanders interested post at the TT-R forums which can be found in my sig or in the first post.👍
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Absolutely fantastic vid Craig, a great recount of the team's past racing events. :)
Thanks again guys:tup:! TTR is a blast! Had a 53:501 of best lap, but 53.2 is possible! Next time ill change car... Now you guys know how i feel, when you guys pull away in the Ford GTLM when im driving the Mines:lol:!
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we're running 12 minute intervals at the moment in the FWD event. So :00 :12 :24 :36 :48. 👍

EDIT: We're now off to Eiger. :lol:
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Then we went off to the Ford GT N1 1 lapper @ Suzuka, had a blast there, then had a few races at the HSR RWD event in Mustangs. :lol:

Great night tonight guys. :cheers:
Great night of racing tonight boys, the vast contrast in cars and events made for some interesting battles to say the least.... :lol:
Yeah, a vast contrast indeed, great stuff.:) May I also say, had you guys elected to stay with S3 tyres at HSR, I could have gotten a podium in that last 11 full race.:P Power slides in the GT were too fun on N1 tyres, but I still suck at controlling them.:lol: The FWD cars were crazy door to door stuff, and the Mustangs, well, there was one race Nicko and I were side-by-side lap after lap after lap, pretty much the entire 10 lap race.:lol:
Thanks to Paulie, PAPAOSA, Nick and Toivonen for the races tonight, awesome fun. 👍
Sorry for double post. Just thought i'd post this vid here....

This was the most fun i've had for a loooong time online...


HSR a couple of weeks ago*****************************And some early footage put together with my new program.👍

TT-R Releases AJAX Chat room!

Today TT-R released a brand new chat room on there home forum at The chat room is intergrated into the site using the AJAX chat program.

This feature should come in handy when it comes to online racing, acts as a good place to chat easily too without people have to download a seperate chat program such as Messenger or Skype.

To enter the chat room simply look to the top right while in the forum and you should see "Chat" next to members, FAQ, Shop etc. Please enter the chat and check it out when you can, it is a fantastic feature that TT-R is thankful that supersonic-88 added for us! - link to chat room

- Mad94d
Ahhh! What:eek: only just seen this thread now!. This is awesome! i never new there was sort of a news thread happening here:lol:

Sweet another TT-R chat :crazy:

Thanks to everyone for making TT-R what it is today! :cheers: will try and keep up to date here now!. So sorry for not posting till now :banghead:

Yes! i do think im a drifter at hart!👍 i find it hard to not to! when you are forced to attempt exploiting the limits! :D and N tyres are just plain Fun 👍

TT-R Forum Updated

After a recent introduction of the new integrated AJAX chat feature, supersonic-88 once again surprised us all and changed the theme of the forum. Mad94d, TT-R founder was delighted with the change "I believe that the theme by supersonic-88 looks much more professional than the previous theme. It's great to see the site still so active after being released so long ago."

When Site Admin Blair (supersonic-88) was questioned about the new theme, he said it was time for a change in the layout of the site and that TT-R should be taking full advantage of it's premium feature. "The Site looks much more professional than what it previously was. The site is now more personalised more to what TT-R would like therefore making it more professional than what it previously was. I hope that the team likes the new change."

I'm sure that this should bring yet more good things to the site, one thing I've learnt from signing up at many different forums is that a good looking site makes me more inclined to stay.

- Mad94d