-Who or what "the privielged class" is depends on the conversation and context. If we're talking about Black Lives Matter, it'd be white Americans. If we're talking about wealth disparity in the first world, it'd be the 1%. If we're talking about sexism and misogyny, it's men. If we're talking about mental illness, it'd be the mentally healthy. And if we're talking about transphobia, it's cis people. Obviously it gets more complicated than that, since these identities intersect and interrelate, but this isn't complicated language.
- I've already explained why I disagree with your judgment on this. And yes, I think you're biased. That doesn't mean I think you're "a transphobe" in any kind of all-consuming sense, or that you Actively Hate Trans People. But I think that, like most people, your perspectives are shaped by our culture in favour of certain groups. And that, like most people, you don't notice it. It's like a shark being unable to notice that she's wet. That doesn't mean I think you're a bad person, or acting out of malice. It's just that, like everyone, you have biases.
-By "your call" I mean your call on what tone you want to set for your forum, in general.
You've clearly decided to prioritize the freedom of expression for guys like StonesFan and Ryzno to speak their mind, however offensive and/or ignorant it may be, on sensitive topics over the comfort of members who feel personally invested in those topics.
As a result, you've apparently got TONS of trans members all feeling very uncomfortable here. I'd imagine this is also true of LGBT members in general. And
I'll certainly be staying far away from general discussion and sticking to car/game/tuning topics from now on, since this thread is a pretty clear signal that while my experiences in the tuning forum and asking for advice have been very very pleasant, this over here is NOT the kind of community I enjoy being a part of.
That's your decision. You're free to make it. I think your community is poorer for it, but you may prefer a hands-off moderating approach to social topics. Or maybe you think freedom of speech is of paramount importance. Or you don't see why it's hard for disadvantaged minorities to simply respect the right of people to disagree. Or maybe you don't even think diversity adds really much to a community anyway. I don't know. It's none of my business. It's not my forum.
Incidentally, your colleague @nataliereed84 says that being transgender is not in any way (with capital letters) something you can equate to race or religion, because they're made-up things. I think that's an interesting point - and a discussion you can have between yourselves.
And this here suggests to me you're not really making an effort to understand the points any of us are trying to make. Hell, I didn't even MAKE any analogy to religion, except with the evolution point when I was trying to talk about the problem with the "fair and balanced" fallacy.
And that is EXACTLY why I don't give credence to "we'd listen if you were only rational and polite!".
I'm not interested in picking fights with mods or getting banned on my third conversation here.
I'll be taking my leave of the general discussion / current events forums. This is clearly not my kind of place.
For any trans people reading, please know you've got my support and empathy. And if you ever feel like talking, or just venting some frustration, feel free to PM.