And this right here shows everything that is wrong with your defense of what
@Johnnypenso posted early on in this thread, as well as others. You 'assume' that all trans individuals are going to be 100% able to blend in, when the fact of the matter is that a lot of us, depending on when we began our process of transition, can still look rather male in facial features. Some male to female trans people need to have extensive facial surgery to have any hope of going under the radar.
And in my opinion you are, and the only reason I have not used the report function on you (or anyone else in this thread); is because as an admin, and if you catch it before anyone else, you could not only delete said report, but quite possibly even the logs of the site if you so decided. I have been an admin on forums using the same software as this, so I know exactly what tools you have access to as an administrator. Not out right saying you would, but quite honestly, what would be the use of me trying to use the report system? My only other option would be to directly message a site owner, but my assumption would be that they would back you, an admin they have built a history and possibly friendship with, over a normal forum user such as myself.
I said:
I never said you where a cancer, I said threads like these are. There is a difference there.
It isnt that people are looking at the genitals, they are looking at facial features, height, muscle mass and tone. Things that are easy to see, because what is between someones legs is hidden; thus not easy to see. This is why girls who look masculine have been ejected from the women's toilets. Note that in most of those cases however, it is often a cis-gendered woman; not a transgender individual.
@Danoff was the main person doing that, repeatedly, since the very start of this thread. How many times do I have to point that out to you?
The only way you would remotely know that I have outright said anything bad against you, is if you have been using those admin privileges I mentioned above to read the private messages and discussions I have had with other people on this website. Because I have not outright called you anything other than a bigot publicly.