Transgender Thread.

  • Thread starter Com Fox

Transgender is...?

  • Ok for anyone

    Votes: 15 30.0%
  • Ok as long as it's binary (Male to Female or vice versa)

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Wrong

    Votes: 7 14.0%
  • No one's business except the person involved

    Votes: 23 46.0%
  • Don't care

    Votes: 4 8.0%

  • Total voters
From the election thread.

Can I ask how you think being transgender is related to sexual orientation?
They are changing what they are so they can be what they want to be(sexual orientation); and be with who they want to be with. I've explained my view on the subject a few times already.
Not my original point though...
A pedo is a man or woman who likes boys or girls. Their sexual orientation is 🤬 up, but they have one too...
Or you can call it a mental disorder. Either way I don't agree!
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This still disturbs me. For reference, the responses here were to the questions of whether or not @nascarfan1400 would have a problem with someone who transitioned due to a) simple choice, or b) fetish appeal.

I think that you people that pigeonhole your acceptance of others are dangerous, and display merely a new face twist on old school bigotry. I'm on this right now because I recently wondered about whether or not identical twins have ever turned out to have a one straight/one gay configuration. Answer is a definite yes - example. Now, while I find it a curio, at the same time.... I really don't care. My acceptance of homosexuals is not stifled or bound by it being an exclusively genetic phenomenon. It wouldn't bother me in the slightest if someone willed themselves gay, took a gay pill (were one to exist) to become gay, lived a gay lifestyle while calling themselves gay for greater earning power. Whatever,.... I just.... don't.... care. The acceptance is not conditional on an adherence to pigeonholes created, or on the need to silence religious busy bodies that can only be convinced by a genetic explanation, or any other proviso.

Granted, @RedDragon may be entirely accepting of the "sissies" of this world (though still not allowing them in to "the club" mind you), but the apparent rigidness and the reliance on referencing the "rule book" is regardless, disturbing. The scorn thrown the way of people that have shown true acceptance in this thread brings yet another layer of disturbing to the table.

Enough with the deviously disguised new brand of shackle.
Well theres a difference between crossdressers and transgenders, though. There are plenty of crossdressers out there that DON'T want to be labeled as trans.
This still disturbs me. For reference, the responses here were to the questions of whether or not @nascarfan1400 would have a problem with someone who transitioned due to a) simple choice, or b) fetish appeal.

I think that you people that pigeonhole your acceptance of others are dangerous, and display merely a new face twist on old school bigotry. I'm on this right now because I recently wondered about whether or not identical twins have ever turned out to have a one straight/one gay configuration. Answer is a definite yes - example. Now, while I find it a curio, at the same time.... I really don't care. My acceptance of homosexuals is not stifled or bound by it being an exclusively genetic phenomenon. It wouldn't bother me in the slightest if someone willed themselves gay, took a gay pill (were one to exist) to become gay, lived a gay lifestyle while calling themselves gay for greater earning power. Whatever,.... I just.... don't.... care. The acceptance is not conditional on an adherence to pigeonholes created, or on the need to silence religious busy bodies that can only be convinced by a genetic explanation, or any other proviso.

Granted, @RedDragon may be entirely accepting of the "sissies" of this world (though still not allowing them in to "the club" mind you), but the apparent rigidness and the reliance on referencing the "rule book" is regardless, disturbing. The scorn thrown the way of people that have shown true acceptance in this thread brings yet another layer of disturbing to the table.

Enough with the deviously disguised new brand of shackle.
I feel like I need to point out that @RedDragon is transgender herself. If you are correct and she is indeed creating a supposed shackle, then that would be extremely hypocritical and a slap to the face for everything she stands for.

Now I don't have full context, but I am going to look at RedDragon's post.

Well technically in that case they wouldn't be transgender. There are a lot of different terms that you can use for them in this case, however the most common might be drag queen or "sissy"
Technically both right and wrong here. I've not heard of people being transgender for this reason, but it's possible for a transgender person to prostitute themselves and have that as a selling point. Would they still be a "sissy" at this point?

Again, not really transgender. As with above, there are more terms. In this case "sissy" would probably be the one being used
This one really makes me uncomfortable. It just does. Being transgender is a thing facilitated by a wide variety of variables. Fetish appeal could be a contributor, both sexually and non-sexually. For example, someone could have a fantasy of being a housewife married to some well-off gentleman and be a guy to begin with. They'd facilitate the transition to further their goals of achieving this fetish/fantasy.

Hi, yes, I am trans. Do you know how much bravery it takes to come out to a world where you are hated by a large number of people? The average life expectancy of a trans person is 30-32 years. Statistically speaking, there is a decent chance I've lived over half my life already. Any recommendations on how to spend my twighlight years? Even worse, the suicide attempt rate among trans and gender non-conforming people is 41%. So yes, I'm about 200% sure that we aren't cowards at all for trying be ourselves and live authenticity. And, as far as the respect goes. Just treat us like a person. That's all we want.
For the most part, we here are treating you as a person while trying to vet the issue as thoroughly as possible on both sides of it. It's unfortunate that you don't feel like we're treating you like a person - but you personally seem to be acting like a special snowflake, putting yourself over the rest of us with your manner of talking (I'd say talking down but that's a bit too harsh).

On a side note, your second link in the original post doesn't have a proper source, and the first one doesn't have a peer-reviewed source readily accessible in spite of naming it in the article and linking to a second one coming up.

What is this fear that you had when you were younger? That people would step up and treat LGBT people and other minorities like people?

(sources omitted for space)

This is for everyone in this thread: please, yes, go on and keep telling me how you think that I am ignoring science or religion or some other stupid thing that you know about from your kooky uncle Bob. Because obviously you know more about trans people than people who are actually trans. Makes visits to GTP a little bit less enjoyable honestly.
Second paragraph of this fits what I just said about your attitude towards us. You're throwing insults at us and talking with intense sarcasm. It's irritating just to read. First paragraph is just sarcasm as well from what I read.

And finally: for the last time transgendered is not a word. Being trans is not a verb. You don't stop being transgender like you stop cooking or eating or sleeping. It's an adjective used to describe a person. I'm transgender in the same way that I have brown hair. They both describe me.
Transgendered is a legitimate word. It's another form of the same adjective.

See definition below:

If this "triggers" you, it proves my point about you acting like a special snowflake. If you want people to think of you as a normal person, you have to - metaphorically speaking - take the hits and move on like a normal person instead of trying to white-knight (or SJW) your way through this.

It took me 30 minutes to make this post. Thirty minutes I could've spent on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered. Now I'm grumpy.
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Well theres a difference between crossdressers and transgenders, though. There are plenty of crossdressers out there that DON'T want to be labeled as trans.
Why are you bringing up cross dressers at all? The topic is and was people who have actually transitioned, and why some would draw a line between trans people with different motives - and call them "sissies", no less.

True acceptance doesn't care about motives and categorisations. It's not affronted, and doesn't even raise an eyebrow, over someone not transitioning for "the right" reasons. It just doesn't care, because there's no need for provisos or caveats to be attached, or pigeonholes to be made. Sure, it can be interesting to go in to details of possible scenarios like @Obelisk did, but it should not be in any way necessary for acceptance of the absolute variety.

You originally said....
Trans is not a choice, but it is beautiful. Trans is not a fetish. Trans is something I will support to the day I die, along with all LGBT groups. And to all the transgirls and transguys reading this, out or not, you are incredibly brave, and I respect you all greatly.
I get what you are trying to do, but there are all sorts of implications along for the ride with your attempt to show solidarity.

Trans is not beautiful. It's mundane. It's nothing. It's a colourless and flavourless trait, like being straight or gay. What would your reaction be to someone describing straight as "beautiful"? I would think that they're a moron. Along with that discrimination though, you added that trans people are brave, and that you respect them all. Up to you if you want to hold respect for people you've never met, and know virtually nothing about, but trans people are simply not brave by default. Again, I see what you are trying to do, but it would be like saying that Muslims are good people. They are both untrue and overbalancing statements, albeit likely with a caring motive.

My impression is that it is symptomatic of a wider epidemic of topical thinking presented under the guise of principle thinking. Not long ago on this site, a former moderator scoffed at a call by an Australian politician ("cretin", as he called her) for a Royal Commission investigation into Islam, but when questioned about another MP's calls for an investigation into Scientology said that he would support that. Topical, not principle thinking. How about support for gay marriage because "You are who you are, and you love who you love", but somehow intrafamilial relationships and marriage are not ok? Topical, not principle thinking. How about guns based on being free people, but wanting restrictions on what gay people can do? Topical, not principle thinking.

There are so many examples on offer. It's rife, and I see a hell of a lot of that problem in this thread.
Why are you bringing up cross dressers at all? The topic is and was people who have actually transitioned, and why some would draw a line between trans people with different motives - and call them "sissies", no less.
A sissy is a crossdresser, and while under the trans umbrella, they typically aren't transgender.

Trans is not beautiful. It's mundane. It's nothing. It's a colourless and flavourless trait, like being straight or gay.
But it is beautiful. All human life is beautiful.

What would your reaction be to someone describing straight as "beautiful"?
I'd agree, see above.
A sissy is a crossdresser, and while under the trans umbrella, they typically aren't transgender.
How long is this going to take? The question the whole time was about a trans person. @RedDragon just chose to sequester, based on transitional drive factor, and describe that example trans person as a "sissy" instead.

The rigidness and mere "acceptance by numbers" is really showing through.
I found this interesting video which was actually made by a Transgender:


Hypocritical views. Masculinity and femininity are not part of science proper, but rather what we could deem "cultural science" (with the emphasis on the cultural). "I don't want this thing that liquid comes out of to be part of me" can exist without a reference point, "I want to be a girl" cannot. If the person in the video would have wanted all of the changes they have made to themselves having never had any contact with another human, they would be one in how many million, or billion?
I found this interesting video which was actually made by a Transgender:


Blair White!! One of the few channels I've ever subscribed to outside of sim racing and couple of other hobbies. Never seen that video but she usually makes a lot of sense and pretty funny too...IMO of course.:sly:
I'm curious why we even have a thread on this when anybody who comes here expressing opposition to this way of thinking is shouted down as a bigot...
The people who have been doing the loud bigot calling have been thoroughly shut down too, though, so it's not as big a problem as you'd think.

The opinions forum can get toxic sometimes. Luckily, the more established members tend to have enough sanity to prevent radical SJW's from running rampant all over the place :D
I'm curious why we even have a thread on this when anybody who comes here expressing opposition to this way of thinking is shouted down as a bigot...
It's interesting that you appear to see only two sides here. Even a broad stroke of the brush easily shows three different stances - 1) A lack of acceptance, 2) An acceptance limited by social conventions, and 3) An all-encompassing acceptance. The first group has been all but disregarded, with much of the focus being on the irony-filled assertions of the second group in addressing the third.

It's a misunderstanding that is still in a state of flux, but we'll be much more likely to ultimately see eye to eye if discussing it.
LeMansAid - a few questions:

-What determines reality: facts or feelings?

-What do the terms man and woman mean?

-Is it hateful to be attracted to one sex but not to transgendered people who identify as that sex?

-Will parents be guilty of child abuse if they fail to “transition” their children who identify as transgender?

-Will a culture that celebrates transgender identities tolerate evidence that such identities are harmful?

LeMansAid - a few questions:

-What determines reality: facts or feelings?

-What do the terms man and woman mean?

-Is it hateful to be attracted to one sex but not to transgendered people who identify as that sex?

-Will parents be guilty of child abuse if they fail to “transition” their children who identify as transgender?

-Will a culture that celebrates transgender identities tolerate evidence that such identities are harmful?
- I don't believe that anyone could "feel" like a man or a woman without societal reference points.

- Less and less, hopefully. Except for where it might truly matter, like in a medical sense.

- No.

- I'd rather people just didn't celebrate gender at all. I see no reason to place constraints on gender attributes. I'm accepting of difference, and don't endorse a new form of (albeit much more well-intentioned) intolerance. Or the "old" one.

If you find my comments confusing or dichotomous, I'd suggest reading the thread from the beginning until the stance number three that I mentioned in my previous post becomes clearly defined to you. It comes from a different angle than where arguments would most commonly come from when discussing transgender.
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Just want to throw in a question.

What do you think about Transgender children or children learning transgender?

I'm all for giving children the FYI about there is a thing called transgender when they come across it and don't know it yet and just like with every other person, encourage them not to be mean to trans.

However I'm not for Transgender children, their brains aren't exactly developed enough to fully understand the concept of transitions especially since if a child might regret their decision down the line where they already made process, it could be too late. I say wait until children are old enough to truly understand the concept of Trans and the risks before actually transitioning.
Just want to throw in a question.

What do you think about Transgender children or children learning transgender?

I'm all for giving children the FYI about there is a thing called transgender when they come across it and don't know it yet and just like with every other person, encourage them not to be mean to trans.

However I'm not for Transgender children, their brains aren't exactly developed enough to fully understand the concept of transitions especially since if a child might regret their decision down the line where they already made process, it could be too late. I say wait until children are old enough to truly understand the concept of Trans and the risks before actually transitioning.
Your watching 60 minutes I'm guessing lol.
Just want to throw in a question.

What do you think about Transgender children or children learning transgender?

I'm all for giving children the FYI about there is a thing called transgender when they come across it and don't know it yet and just like with every other person, encourage them not to be mean to trans.

However I'm not for Transgender children, their brains aren't exactly developed enough to fully understand the concept of transitions especially since if a child might regret their decision down the line where they already made process, it could be too late. I say wait until children are old enough to truly understand the concept of Trans and the risks before actually transitioning.

Young minds develop and go through a ton of different phases, especially during the puberty years. I think it's okay to teach kids about it from a scientific point of view and let them explore it on their own, but I don't support letting young people transition until they are at least through puberty. And I'm mostly talking about those stories you see where parents let their 12 year old go through a transition, kids are way to impressionable and have way to many strange emotions/feeling going on at that age to know for sure they are a different gender.
I only just realised now that I accidentally missed answering one of your questions @stonesfan129. As it turns out, the question somewhat aligns with some of the more recent talk here about how to deal with young children.
-Will parents be guilty of child abuse if they fail to “transition” their children who identify as transgender?
If we take the component concepts generally held under the transgender banner, but look at them in their purest form, I think it's quite easy to articulate what parents should and shouldn't be taken to task on. "Purest form" means things that the child would do/not do, or want to do/not do, regardless of societal reference points. So basically, anything that is an innate want or action.

Solely corrective, or trivial, body modifications shouldn't be an issue. Behaviours shouldn't be an issue whether or not they reference society or are innate tendencies. We're really just left with the question of major body modifications, which we can quite comfortably lump in with non-trans-related wants. Running with an example I've used previously - it's perfectly fine for a consenting adult to amputate part or all of a healthy limb, but not fine for that to be allowed on a child. Equally, it's perfectly fine for a consenting adult to have their penis removed//vagina-ised/inverted/whatever, but not fine for that to be allowed on a child.

Unless it can be proven that a major body modification is corrective, it's a no-go on a child. Drugs and hormones included. And unless someone who accepts major "transgender" modifications on children are also willing to accept the amputation of healthy limbs on children - I call hypocrisy.
Just want to throw in a question.

What do you think about Transgender children or children learning transgender?

I'm all for giving children the FYI about there is a thing called transgender when they come across it and don't know it yet and just like with every other person, encourage them not to be mean to trans.

However I'm not for Transgender children, their brains aren't exactly developed enough to fully understand the concept of transitions especially since if a child might regret their decision down the line where they already made process, it could be too late. I say wait until children are old enough to truly understand the concept of Trans and the risks before actually transitioning.
Personally I like the law as it is. They are free to grow or cut their hair and dress like a girl or boy and if needed delay puberty. However they can only make a choice on anything that will last when they are 18.