Transgender Thread.

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Transgender is...?

  • Ok for anyone

    Votes: 15 30.0%
  • Ok as long as it's binary (Male to Female or vice versa)

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Wrong

    Votes: 7 14.0%
  • No one's business except the person involved

    Votes: 23 46.0%
  • Don't care

    Votes: 4 8.0%

  • Total voters
I have actually tried to skirt around the issue by referring to her in the third-person by name rather than "She" whenever I can. It's difficult enough teaching children the pronouns of other languages and I don't want to confuse the rest of the classroom when they, at such a young age, have trouble remembering she = girl and he = boy at times anyway.

she is in your class to learn English, not to solve her possible identity issues... I would certainly avoid confusing her with they.
She's taking part within the rules of the Olympics. Some might argue that the nmol/L level should be reduced for trans women competing at that level but for now those are the rules set in place and she is within them.
Indeed. However, it's those rules that form part of the controversy as there is far from a consensus within the sport that the rules are fair for females.
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Indeed. However, it's those rules that form part of the controversy as there is far from a consensus within the sport that the rules are fair for females.
If it proves to be a major issue I'm sure they'll address it going forwards. So far though it hasn't been a problem, it's not like there are trans women getting medals every year and they've been allowed to compete for quite some time already.
There is going to be a great deal of controversy if Laurel Hubbard (who used to compete in the men's events) wins a medal in Tokyo:

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I'm kind of half-half about this one. I wish all the best for her, of course, since I'm sure she trained her butt off to compete in the world's top competition. What I'm concerned is that, if she wins a medal, you just know those armchair internet 'experts' would start chiming in, "See? Transgender athletes shouldn't compete with regular gender (or whatever term they'll use) athletes!!!" And some kind of a knee-jerk reaction occurs, disadvantaging transgender athletes overall.


Or I could be way off. Who knows.
I'm kind of half-half about this one. I wish all the best for her, of course, since I'm sure she trained her butt off to compete in the world's top competition. What I'm concerned is that, if she wins a medal, you just know those armchair internet 'experts' would start chiming in, "See? Transgender athletes shouldn't compete with regular gender (or whatever term they'll use) athletes!!!" And some kind of a knee-jerk reaction occurs, disadvantaging transgender athletes overall.


Or I could be way off. Who knows.
Well, s-he already has won weight lifting events as a man.
Why not win a few as a woman?
Who's taking bets?
I'm kind of half-half about this one. I wish all the best for her, of course, since I'm sure she trained her butt off to compete in the world's top competition. What I'm concerned is that, if she wins a medal, you just know those armchair internet 'experts' would start chiming in, "See? Transgender athletes shouldn't compete with regular gender (or whatever term they'll use) athletes!!!" And some kind of a knee-jerk reaction occurs, disadvantaging transgender athletes overall.


Or I could be way off. Who knows.
The amount of study on this particular issue is not super deep. It's really not clear exactly what qualities confer what advantage in what sport. I don't think it's even remotely safe ground to say that the playing field is fair for transgender female athletes, especially not over all sports.
India Willoughby quits GB News, accusing channel of ‘opening gates of hell’ for trans people
Broadcaster said she did not want to take part in what she considered to be ‘demonisation’ of trans people
Wait, she didn't realise this'd happen before she signed up?!

[EDIT] Judging from the article she did and thought she could provide a counterpoint I guess. This hasn't stopped her demonising immigrants on the channel, apparently, just as her host Wootton is a gay man who appears to have attacked other minorities on the channel. Murdoch...
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India Willoughby quits GB News, accusing channel of ‘opening gates of hell’ for trans people

Wait, she didn't realise this'd happen before she signed up?!

[EDIT] Judging from the article she did and thought she could provide a counterpoint I guess. Didn't stop her demonising immigrants, just as her host Wootton is a gay man who appears to have attacked other minorities on the channel.
Sadly this will play directly into the hands of the sort of people who GB News is aimed at - they'll immediately accuse her of not having a valid viewpoint because she "ran away" and the demonisation of trans people will continue, spurred on by the viewers being safe in the knowledge that they must be right because even a trans person on the channel couldn't put forward a valid argument.🙄
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I sort of cringed when I found out this thread is still going :lol:

This is all an important discussion but how I started this thread is just, no and I feel really bad starting the thread the way I did.

My perspective on Transgenderism has changed so much especially over the past few years getting less politically active. And in the end of the day, I don't think my views matter as it's none of my business outside of people can be what they want if they aren't threatening anybody. I'll try my best to respect what you identify though admittedly I will struggle. Just hope I can be respectfully corrected if I do mess up
Someone in my life is getting her penis and testicles removed today. If you have a penis, and aren't planning to get it removed, give a thought to just how different this person's life might have been from yours.

I have a lot of strong beliefs, but I don't know how strongly one needs to feel about something to remove their penis.
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Someone in my life is getting her penis and testicles removed today. If you have a penis, and aren't planning to get it removed, give a thought to just how different this person's life might have been from yours.

I have a lot of strong beliefs, but I don't know how strongly one needs to feel about something to remove their penis.
Thanks for using the correct gender. You bet I'm glad I'm not in her situation as my penis is quite important to me. Just as I'm glad I'm not a pregnant woman who has to make the heartbreaking choice on whether to terminate their foetus. But despite (or maybe even because of) that I believe both their rights to autonomy should be protected to the fullest extent possible.

Sending your friend or relative very best wishes and I hope everything goes well.
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I can't even begin to think about what would compel me to have my penis removed apart from grave health implications associated with not doing so. I'd just hope it doesn't end up in the wrong hands.
Great to hear. Best of luck with her. I've heard the surgery might have mental side effects but hopefully it turns out great for her.
Great to hear. Best of luck with her. I've heard the surgery might have mental side effects but hopefully it turns out great for her.
I'd imagine that even if you're transitioning to what you feel as the correct gender it could be pretty disconcerting for a while. Like when you take off a heavy pack that you've been carrying for ages, and it feels good and more natural but it's still kinda weird. Except you've been carrying the pack your whole life and you've never known what it was like to not have to carry it before.
I'd imagine that even if you're transitioning to what you feel as the correct gender it could be pretty disconcerting for a while. Like when you take off a heavy pack that you've been carrying for ages, and it feels good and more natural but it's still kinda weird. Except you've been carrying the pack your whole life and you've never known what it was like to not have to carry it before.
And you keep running into people online and in real life who insist that you're still carrying the pack.
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Searched but couldn't find anything:

Paper finds that trans inclusive bathroom policies are associated with less instances of sexual assault against trans youths.

An earlier one found that cis gendered individuals are not at increased risk under these policies.

Texas leading the charge again files a lawsuit claiming first amendment protections of employers to misgender employees. The "protected class" workplace harassment ship has sailed, nobody told Texas apparently. I'm not wholly unsympathetic to this case, since I do think that workplace discrimination "protected class" requirements are fraught with problems. But this suit is absolutely tone deaf to the currently well established legal protections around employment.

It's not just this one area. And this is what so many conservatives seem to completely misunderstand. You don't get to "misgender" employees while keeping all of the other anti-discrimination policies, because it fits perfectly into those existing policies. So let's not pretend that we can carve out this one issue of "misgendering" and say that it's protected by the first amendment, because it directly applies to some other case where an manager who doesn't like black people calls all of his black reports the n-word until they leave, and it applies to sexual harassment too.

These fools just have no idea how laws work. They're just bumbling through advocating changes to the legal code, with abortion, discrimination, internet communication... with absolutely zero regard for the consequences of what they propose. This just makes the Texas government look stupid, and they've had a bad track record of that recently.
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Right-wing author and commentator Matt Walsh, host of a popular Daily Wire podcast, has reportedly leased property in Loudoun County, Virginia as a way to evade the school board’s adoption of meeting rules requiring that speakers be students, parents, residents or business owners in the county. Loudoun County’s school board has been a target of right-wing organizing and disruptions after the school board adopted transgender-inclusive policies and right-wing hysteria over critical race theory reached an all-time high.

Walsh has proclaimed on Facebook that he would lead a “Protect Your Kids” rally outside the school board meeting today. Walsh’s Facebook post declared:
The Loudoun County school board in VA has imposed a radical trans policy allowing males access to girl’s restrooms and teams. Teachers are required to use preferred pronouns. To protest this madness, I’ll be leading a rally outside the school board meeting on September 28. Join us! The time for sitting on the sidelines is over. Schools that harm children must be confronted. We must speak up against this indoctrination loudly and in person. I have a large platform and intend to use it to help mobilize these efforts. The child abusers will hear from us.
The Daily Wire, which is based in Nashville, Tennesse, reported Saturday that Walsh plans to speak at tonight’s school board meeting and “found a workaround by leasing a property in the area.” The Daily Wire noted that Walsh “went viral last month when he spoke out against radical COVID policies during a school board meeting in Tennessee.”

Walsh mocked the school board’s rules—and transgender people—tweeting Tuesday morning, “For too long, I have been a Virginian trapped in a Tennessean’s body. It feels so good to finally live my truth openly. I’m here, I’m Virginian, and I’m proud.”
Matt Walsh doesn't even send his kids to public school to begin with. Just like the last time, this dip**** is just showing up places to create disruptive nonsense before he slinks back under his rock on Twitter.
Matt Walsh doesn't even send his kids to public school to begin with. Just like the last time, this dip**** is just showing up places to create disruptive nonsense before he slinks back under his rock on Twitter.
There's that, of course, but I'm honestly surprised that the Daily Wire set is pushing a "males are dangerous" narrative.
Thanks for using the correct gender. You bet I'm glad I'm not in her situation as my penis is quite important to me.
It turned out to be quite important for a few of my trans friends too as they kept theirs, instead choosing to have an orchiectomy
The BRIT awards are the latest place to cave in and scrap "Male and Female" categories for their awards for the sake of inclusivity for non-binary artists.
However what they've done is now gone from rewarding two artists to only rewarding one...
There will now always be an argument every year over, if a man wins it "uh why didn't a woman win it grrrrrr patriarchy" or if a woman wins it "uh rigged against men because they wanted to show they're progressive". If all these categories are won by one gender, there will be outcry against the awards. By appeasing one section of society, they're opening a whole nother (and bigger) can of worms.
In sports, your sex during puberty plays a big role in your athletic ability, especially in certain sports where specific physical attributes tied to sex help you win. This is why athletics is divided into male and female categories. Because biological women just wouldn't be competitive in certain sports if it weren't, and people are interested in seeing women compete. For example, the average height of an NBA player is 6' 6", the average height of a WNBA player is 6'. That's a HUGE difference in the sport of basketball.

Where is the analogy in entertainment? Does having testicles during puberty help you act?
In sports, your sex during puberty plays a big role in your athletic ability, especially in certain sports where specific physical attributes tied to sex help you win. This is why athletics is divided into male and female categories. Because biological women just wouldn't be competitive in certain sports if it weren't, and people are interested in seeing women compete. For example, the average height of an NBA player is 6' 6", the average height of a WNBA player is 6'. That's a HUGE difference in the sport of basketball.

Where is the analogy in entertainment? Does having testicles during puberty help you act?
I think it's more of a concern of public perception. People might call it sexist if one gender wins more than the other by a considerable margin.

I don't agree with it myself (as I don't think it'll be much to matter and awards shows have always been somewhat fixed unrelated to this) and I do think making it a single category is the better move, just playing a little devils advocate