Transgender Thread.

  • Thread starter Com Fox

Transgender is...?

  • Ok for anyone

    Votes: 15 30.0%
  • Ok as long as it's binary (Male to Female or vice versa)

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Wrong

    Votes: 7 14.0%
  • No one's business except the person involved

    Votes: 23 46.0%
  • Don't care

    Votes: 4 8.0%

  • Total voters
So close!! That's from collagen deficiency đź’•
So you're agreeing or do you actually think DNA damage doesn't play the major role in aging, since it is this design that contributes to aging more so than anything else? Are you aware that some species of shark live upto 500 years? You going to blame that on collagen too rather than the design of the DNA in comparison to humans?
You guys say "erm let's see if you're happy in X years >:)" and then when we're happy in X years you ignore it. "hundreds of thousands of dollars" not even close, and even if it's a lot of money, maybe 99% is coming from insurance.
So another form of rorting the system.. why am I surprised

This is off topic
You're asking for a lengthy opinion in a reply then get rid of all of the parts forming that perspective and therefore the conversation? That's just intellecutal dishonesty.

Then support them. I countered what you said with my reply, so you can address that or retract what you said. You're free to also ignore things selectively of course, but then why even participate at that point.

Voluntarianism, if it wasn't obvious enough..

I'd rather be happy at 34 and dead at 35 than not happy at 69 and dead at 70.
What about the years from 35 to 70? That's a lot of years. You could be happy right up till 50 then unhappy for another 20. Live fast die young is truly your motto, then. Aging too scary for ya, don't want to end up like someone's widowed grandma? No longer pretty and beautiful? That's what scares ya. Any plans for kids or marriage? None I take it
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So you're agreeing or do you actually think DNA damage doesn't play the major role in aging, since it is this design that contributes to aging more so than anything else? Are you aware that some species of shark live upto 500 years? You going to blame that on collagen too rather than the design of the DNA in comparison to humans?
That collagen comment was about how you were talking about wrinkles
Live fast die young is truly your motto, then.
Eh, sure.
Aging too scary for ya, don't want to end up like someone's widowed grandma? No longer pretty and beautiful? That's what scares ya.
Are you writing fan fiction or something??
Any plans for kids or marriage? None I take it
Been dating someone for 4 years but don't care if we get married or just stay GF and BF. Don't have plans for kids atm.
I'm willing to bet many who get the GAC treatment don't just stop at "talking" they go full tilt, knee-deep into surgery, whenever that happens is not relevant. Foot in the door technique. Once someone has been exposed to an appealing idea, it's difficult to erase from the subconscious. You can argue ideas are irrelevant, you'd be wrong. Pen is mightier than the sword. WW2 veterans will not wake up one day and stop thinking about their dead friends.

You mean like the appealing idea that GAC is a big conspiracy?

Gender affirmation surgery is not an appealing idea. To prove this, I'd like you to consider getting surgery to change your gender. Sound appealing? Didn't think so.

So we just believe everyone who didn't get to transition is dead. got it. That'll make the parents happy to know. Good little guilt trip there. But Where are the people that didn't transition and didn't regret it. I'd love to know if those people even exist at this point in the debate. Oh right, they're happily married with 5 kids. What a story, lots of faffing about! Genetics sorts it out between those who are in it for the fad and those who no longer care about it.

It was the premise. Again I must take you back to the premise. I have no idea why you would be against GAC to save the life of a child. This does not mean that everyone who does not receive it dies. I, for example, did not receive any kind of medical GAC, and I did not die. There are people that do not transition and do not regret it. I'm one of them, I think you are as well. But there are more. There are also people that do transition and regret it. And nothing I have said suggests otherwise.

You should consider addressing the question head on instead of continually side stepping. If GAC is the best medical course to save the life of a suicidal child, why are you unwilling to support it?

Straight humans being the genetic ideal does not change whatsoever.

Ooof. BIIIIIG oof. I don't know what a genetic ideal is. Genes don't have a brain, and so they cannot abstract to an "ideal". Genes just do what genes do, propagate, mutate, propagate more if they can. Given that our own genes have been honed by millions of years of evolution, I'd say that our genes are as close to the genetic "ideal" as we have any example of. By that I mean the genes of every member of every species on the planet are at the best arrangement evolution has been capable of delivering. All of the genes of all of life must be taken in aggregate to consider this. The genes of an earthworm are as honed as they can be at this point, just like the genes of a gay human. Some number of gay members seem to be stable in the animal population - ideal in that one respect. Have you ever considered googling "what is the evolutionary function of homosexuality" it is an interesting read. I'll clue you in, the answer is not "nothing".

Not that we're talking about homosexuality here, we're talking about transgender issues. One can be trans and straight.

If Karen at walmart wants to transition, then de-transition. Who cares? Nobody should. But people do.

You apparently do since you want to stop Karen.

This is odd. I'll agree what you're recommending is odd. You'd risk giving someone enough steroids to kill them by the time they're 35 years old because "it's what they wanted"/ Whereas locking that person up for a few years in the psych ward, if necessary is all the rehabilitation they'd require. Come out after a few years, get on a normal treatment plan and live to their 70s. 35 vs 70. Go figure. You know very little about long term damage of steroid use.

And now I must bring you back to the premise of this statement as well. If steroids are for some reason needed to save the life of a child, I'm all for it, and I still do not see why you would not be. Again, you must assume the premise here to evaluate the statement. Locking someone in a padded cell is not a great treatment course, and may result in later suicide risk as well.

Don't have to dig far in search of the ex-gay and detransition movement... As usual science has failed to prove due to lack of monetary incentives , i.e. nobody will fund this. but people know by word of mouth. What really goes on is known by word of mouth. Not science. Sure it is risky to only rely on anecdotes and word of mouth regarding this topic. But it's powerful when nothing else is measured or yet to be measured. Science being born of philosophy doesn't negate the fact it's only a tool to find a direction. Sure a useful tool, the best we have but when it relies on money, and that money isn't there. Then science is no longer of use to people in that field. People will make their own decisions and inform themselves with or without science. Scientists ,Ex-scientists do not have to adhere to the scientific method in their personal life. Nobody has to and nobody does. That's the human condition. Imperfections and faults.

The funny thing is that science is about the truth rather than about money. There is a lot of money in denying science, a LOT, and people try. But they fail because science is actually a process that involves coming face to face with reality. It would be very lucrative if we can deny gravity every time we want to send something into space, but we cannot because gravity is real. So there is no getting around the theory of gravity - no matter how much money you throw at it. You can see with this simple example that your sentiment is incorrect.

What you're trying (badly) to say is that money can be a driving factor behind influence (not science). And that if enough money lines up in a particular way, word of mouth may be the only counterbalance to that influence. The early days of realizing that smoking is bad for you might be a good example. A lot of money was lined up in influencing people to continue smoking, and word-of-mouth was needed to counter that influence. Again, this is not about science, the science ultimately fought the big money rather than siding with it.

You believe that gender affirmation is influence (not science) driven by money. If this were true (see, I can actually function within your premise), it is an unusual example in a which a grass roots movement has all aligned due to similar incentives rather than big influencers doing the driving. We're not seeing the gender movement coming from big pharma, it's coming from individuals who are unhappy and connecting online and in pocket communities. I guess your idea is that it's coming from doctors who see an opportunity to sell surgery and other services. I think this cynical view of doctors doesn't jive well with the history of the trans movement.

To a certain extent I actually agree with you that some within the trans movement are over zealous and push too hard. Not scientists, not doctors, but philosophical purists. It's not a perfect fit for everyone, and the dangers, pitfalls, and failiings of gender theory should be open for discussion and embraced by people within and outside the movement as a way of reaching a truthful understanding rather than aligning in a particular direction. But it's very difficult to reach any kind of common ground in this discussion when you refuse to directly address even the most basic questions. Back to those questions then.

1) What does "woke" mean?
2) ASSUME a child needs GAC as the best medical course to prevent suicide. Are you against it in this case and if so why?
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De-trans Stories are Harrowing

Enlightened and Accurate podcast episode from these fellas. Comments are equally as interesting and engaging. And there's a lot of them. Too many horror and "dodged the bullet" stories.. schadenfreude.. makes for some fun reading!
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Very edgy of you to assume so. Not surprised you being the local troll, you're at it again. Dismiss dismiss dismiss.
Calm down. I'm not trying to stop you from jerkin' your gherkin. I couldn't even if I wanted to.
Calm down. I'm not trying to stop you from jerkin' your gherkin. I couldn't even if I wanted to.
Ok, admittedly your crappy self-title of "trainwreck enthusiast" is clever but anything that comes out from you is just equally juvenile masterbation in my observation. why constantly argue the point like an idiot? If you don't care about the content don't watch it. It's pretty simple.
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Just poor spelling.
Instead of dismantling the content of the podcast episode I linked, you shoot the messenger. Hallmark of a troll. Why you've not been banished from more threads is beyond me.
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Instead of dismantling the content of the podcast episode I linked, you shoot the messenger.
Why you've not been banished from more threads is beyond me.
"Censorship* of thee but not of me."

*Purely in the parlance of the aggrieved. Absent state action, either direct as by penalty or prosecution or indirect as by adjudication of tort claims, "censorship" is itself merely free expression and free association.
It is literal. Genetics is all there is. You're nothing but the design of your DNA. That's all aging is too, the irreversible damage to your DNA over time resulting in the wrinkles on your forehead and skin
Not even close. Putting aside your profound misunderstanding of genetics and it's role in creating who a person is, there's plenty of parts of aging that are not purely DNA damage.

Builders with crook backs after years of manual labour? That's not DNA damage, that's just physical injury beyond what the body is able to repair.

As for "you're nothing but the design of your DNA", tell that to people with PTSD. That's not a genetic condition, and yet it can profoundly impact who people are and how they are able to live their lives. Genetics are a starting point, but we are who we are because of all the things that happened to us as well.
That's not the same question. Would you rather be DEAD at 35? Or DEAD at 70. Try to Answer that correctly, this time.
It's a shame that for the people you're directing this theoretical question at that the situation isn't that simple. All other things being equal, most people would like to live longer. But all other things are not equal, that's why people seek treatment.
De-trans Stories are Harrowing

Enlightened and Accurate podcast episode from these fellas. Comments are equally as interesting and engaging. And there's a lot of them. Too many horror and "dodged the bullet" stories.. schadenfreude.. makes for some fun reading!

Is that Sargon of Akkad? Well that's not off to a good start.

That's not a man who is interested in objective facts. That's a man with an agenda and an audience to pander to. Also a colossal asshole, but that's not really here or there.
De-trans Stories are Harrowing

Enlightened and Accurate podcast episode from these fellas. Comments are equally as interesting and engaging. And there's a lot of them. Too many horror and "dodged the bullet" stories.. schadenfreude.. makes for some fun reading!

I watched it. They're only picking cases from reddit and not offering much in the way of statistics on decision regret/detransitioning.

Medicine isn't as simple as finding a problem and fixing it with something that works 100% of the time.

For example, total knee arthroplasty (knee replacement) can be a life changing procedure for patients, but do you want to take a guess at what the decision regret may be as high as?


It's actually 17.1% according to one study

Do you have similar reservations for joint replacement surgery as you do with GAC?
I watched it. They're only picking cases from reddit and not offering much in the way of statistics on decision regret/detransitioning.

Medicine isn't as simple as finding a problem and fixing it with something that works 100% of the time.

For example, total knee arthroplasty (knee replacement) can be a life changing procedure for patients, but do you want to take a guess at what the decision regret may be as high as?


It's actually 17.1% according to one study

Do you have similar reservations for joint replacement surgery as you do with GAC?
There aren't many studies on transition regret but AP puts it at around 1%.
As the article says, proper counselling reduces the regret rate and helps make sure the surgery is targeted at people who really need it, rather than outright banning surgery all together as those with an agenda against transgender people would seem to prefer.
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There aren't many studies on transition regret but AP puts it at around 1%.
As the article says, proper counselling reduces the regret rate and helps make sure the surgery is targeted at people who really need it, rather than outright banning surgery all together as those with an agenda against transgender people would seem to prefer.
Not to mention that over 80% of those who do detransition cite at least one external factor, such as:
  • Lack of support
  • Familial pressure
  • Societal stigma
  • Pressure from religion
  • Pressure from school
In other words, many people detransition because others harass or make them feel uncomfortable, not because they feel like they made a mistake.

Some of the responses in that study are so disheartening:
“School staff harassed and abused me daily for my gender expression.”

“Military forced me to detransition while in service.”

“Mental health professional told me I am not transgender and I thought I was just crazy.”

“I have become frightened of the police since being sexually molested by an officer.”
Not even close. Putting aside your profound misunderstanding of genetics and it's role in creating who a person is, there's plenty of parts of aging that are not purely DNA damage.

Builders with crook backs after years of manual labour? That's not DNA damage, that's just physical injury beyond what the body is able to repair.
The body is not able to repair certain things, due to the design in the DNA. Some animals can regrow most teeth, unlike humans who are also limited in this capacity. Or we can talk about chimpanzees who are jacked or "shredded" under all that fur. Their muscles being comparable in looks to humans. Why? they don't have to consume even half the high protein intake we have to to get those big muscles? They're built better for the purpose of manual labor.
I could then theorize, Better growth of back muscles with inferior food quality = less chance to destroy your spine on basic, repetitive work. This is the gist of it.
As for "you're nothing but the design of your DNA", tell that to people with PTSD. That's not a genetic condition, and yet it can profoundly impact who people are and how they are able to live their lives. Genetics are a starting point, but we are who we are because of all the things that happened to us as well.
PTSD exists for an evolutionary reason. Survival perhaps? Though I imagine Big pharma will do everything it can to give you daily pills whilst supporting your religion. So there goes that.
It's a shame that for the people you're directing this theoretical question at that the situation isn't that simple. All other things being equal, most people would like to live longer. But all other things are not equal, that's why people seek treatment.

Is that Sargon of Akkad? Well that's not off to a good start.

That's not a man who is interested in objective facts. That's a man with an agenda and an audience to pander to. Also a colossal asshole, but that's not really here or there.
Generally speaking, when does a host not have an agenda, or direction? Without one you're not going to get anywhere, period. Nor rouse an audience. Picking apart things is easier if you attack the content of the video instead. Preffered to that over your quick and personal dislike of the presenters.
You mean like the appealing idea that GAC is a big conspiracy?

Gender affirmation surgery is not an appealing idea. To prove this, I'd like you to consider getting surgery to change your gender. Sound appealing? Didn't think so.
It can be appealing for those seeking higher social status, in some cases it all works out, they get the status they seek, thus approval. No need to de-transition till their circle of friends changes, permanently.
I have no idea why you would be against GAC to save the life of a child. This does not mean that everyone who does not receive it dies. I, for example, did not receive any kind of medical GAC, and I did not die. There are people that do not transition and do not regret it. I'm one of them, I think you are as well. But there are more. There are also people that do transition and regret it. And nothing I have said suggests otherwise.
It’s about wall street manufacturing a need for profit, a middle class “Playground” for profit. Where transgender rights are more important than poverty, because classism. Why compare the two? Are they not able to be compared? You can compare any category when it’s part of the same economy. Pick your poision. Pick your cause. Transgender rights or world poverty? I’d rather focus on bigger issues than transgender rights, at this moment. It’s not like Transgender rights is doing the most for poverty nor classism. So what might appear as my “Apathy” is really just annoyance that THIS is the issue we have to talk about. Because wall street is politically aligned.
Ooof. BIIIIIG oof. I don't know what a genetic ideal is. Genes don't have a brain, and so they cannot abstract to an "ideal". Genes just do what genes do, propagate, mutate, propagate more if they can. Given that our own genes have been honed by millions of years of evolution, I'd say that our genes are as close to the genetic "ideal" as we have any example of. By that I mean the genes of every member of every species on the planet are at the best arrangement evolution has been capable of delivering. All of the genes of all of life must be taken in aggregate to consider this. The genes of an earthworm are as honed as they can be at this point, just like the genes of a gay human. Some number of gay members seem to be stable in the animal population - ideal in that one respect. Have you ever considered googling "what is the evolutionary function of homosexuality" it is an interesting read. I'll clue you in, the answer is not "nothing".
If you were to look at Evolution and begin to understand a hypothetical philosophy, if it existed, I'd theorize it would be to propogate in straight, without inbreeding. That's the ideal, the rest is sub-optimal.
Not that we're talking about homosexuality here, we're talking about transgender issues. One can be trans and straight.

You apparently do since you want to stop Karen.

And now I must bring you back to the premise of this statement as well. If steroids are for some reason needed to save the life of a child, I'm all for it, and I still do not see why you would not be. Again, you must assume the premise here to evaluate the statement. Locking someone in a padded cell is not a great treatment course, and may result in later suicide risk as well.
I'd prefer padded cell over GAC surgery.
The funny thing is that science is about the truth rather than about money. There is a lot of money in denying science, a LOT, and people try. But they fail because science is actually a process that involves coming face to face with reality. It would be very lucrative if we can deny gravity every time we want to send something into space, but we cannot because gravity is real. So there is no getting around the theory of gravity - no matter how much money you throw at it. You can see with this simple example that your sentiment is incorrect.

What you're trying (badly) to say is that money can be a driving factor behind influence (not science). And that if enough money lines up in a particular way, word of mouth may be the only counterbalance to that influence. The early days of realizing that smoking is bad for you might be a good example. A lot of money was lined up in influencing people to continue smoking, and word-of-mouth was needed to counter that influence. Again, this is not about science, the science ultimately fought the big money rather than siding with it.
Ultimately irrelevant, science was late to the party to expose the big boys. Lead to a lot of death, decades of death in fact, before science could help out. Meaning years for the papers to gain traction, then to be useful in any capacity to ordinary people by way of marketing. Timing is key, that was my other point. Science does not care about timing, science does not care. It is more of a neutral. It will let people die. Whereas philosophy or religion can guide and be immediately, readily useful to groups of people. But science does not care, because it always needs money. Hence people flocking to different ideas in search of hope where science waits for money before it can start to manufacture hope for these people.
You believe that gender affirmation is influence (not science) driven by money. If this were true (see, I can actually function within your premise), it is an unusual example in a which a grass roots movement has all aligned due to similar incentives rather than big influencers doing the driving. We're not seeing the gender movement coming from big pharma, it's coming from individuals who are unhappy and connecting online and in pocket communities. I guess your idea is that it's coming from doctors who see an opportunity to sell surgery and other services. I think this cynical view of doctors doesn't jive well with the history of the trans movement.

To a certain extent I actually agree with you that some within the trans movement are over zealous and push too hard. Not scientists, not doctors, but philosophical purists. It's not a perfect fit for everyone, and the dangers, pitfalls, and failiings of gender theory should be open for discussion and embraced by people within and outside the movement as a way of reaching a truthful understanding rather than aligning in a particular direction. But it's very difficult to reach any kind of common ground in this discussion when you refuse to directly address even the most basic questions. Back to those questions then.

1) What does "woke" mean?
2) ASSUME a child needs GAC as the best medical course to prevent suicide. Are you against it in this case and if so why?
Woke means something new every day, it's hard to keep up with all the definitions. So I'll retract my statement and conclude woke means effectively nothing. It's a buzzword depending on useage.

Highly doubt your scenario. Go straight to the end goal. ASSUME a child needs gay sex to survive. Or flip it. Hetero sex to survive, as a medical course. Same deal. Equally ridiculous. But not implausible?
I watched it. They're only picking cases from reddit and not offering much in the way of statistics on decision regret/detransitioning.
Reddit is where news gets their stories from, instead of dailymail. I don't see the problem for a podcast starting out to use the most interesting audience-driven internet conversation.
Medicine isn't as simple as finding a problem and fixing it with something that works 100% of the time.

For example, total knee arthroplasty (knee replacement) can be a life changing procedure for patients, but do you want to take a guess at what the decision regret may be as high as?


It's actually 17.1% according to one study

Do you have similar reservations for joint replacement surgery as you do with GAC?
17% is not insignificant. THen you have to take into account people who don't complain and don't report, may be higher, even 20% which would be one 5th, overall. Not sure yet, but appreciate your analysis of the content.
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It can be appealing for those seeking higher social status, in some cases it all works out, they get the status they seek, thus approval. No need to de-transition till their circle of friends changes, permanently.

You think people are removing/changing their genitals to get friends? First of all, would YOU ever do that? If not, why do you think this describes anyone?

The transgender community is very supportive of people undergoing transition, partly because they know how much support is needed. I understand that your particular affiliations probably leave you without the same kind of support, and that perhaps you're envious of the transgender group for supporting each other. There are right wing support groups (churches, for example), but that comes with its own unhealthy context.

Just because the transgender community exists, that doesn't mean that people are transgender to get into it, no matter how appealing you think it is. Consider what these people are doing and understand that the motivations are profound.

It’s about wall street manufacturing a need for profit, a middle class “Playground” for profit.

Conspiracy theories are something you should resist.

Where transgender rights are more important than poverty, because classism. Why compare the two? Are they not able to be compared? You can compare any category when it’s part of the same economy. Pick your poision. Pick your cause. Transgender rights or world poverty? I’d rather focus on bigger issues than transgender rights, at this moment. It’s not like Transgender rights is doing the most for poverty nor classism. So what might appear as my “Apathy” is really just annoyance that THIS is the issue we have to talk about. Because wall street is politically aligned.

It's an interesting hypothesis - that you can only care about or support one cause. It's wrong, of course, but it is interesting. It's so trivial to demonstrate that this is wrong that I'm going to leave it to you.

If you were to look at Evolution and begin to understand a hypothetical philosophy, if it existed, I'd theorize it would be to propogate in straight, without inbreeding. That's the ideal, the rest is sub-optimal.

I have no idea what you're talking about. What is this "hypothetical philosophy" and what is "ideal" or "optimal" in this case? There is no objective ideal or optimal. There is only that which exists. Our genetics have been honed by millions of years of natural selection, and they include capacity for a wide variety of attributes and sexual attractions. Some of these have real uses in social/tribal organization which directly impact the ability of a population to reproduce. It's quite arrogant to suggest that you know what nature should have done.

I gather you did not bother to do the google search on the function of homosexuality in evolution like I suggested. I maintain that suggestion. It would help you understand something you're clearly interested in.

I'd prefer padded cell over GAC surgery.

Me too. But we're not talking about only us are we?

Ultimately irrelevant, science was late to the party to expose the big boys. Lead to a lot of death, decades of death in fact, before science could help out. Meaning years for the papers to gain traction, then to be useful in any capacity to ordinary people by way of marketing. Timing is key, that was my other point. Science does not care about timing, science does not care. It is more of a neutral. It will let people die. Whereas philosophy or religion can guide and be immediately, readily useful to groups of people. But science does not care, because it always needs money. Hence people flocking to different ideas in search of hope where science waits for money before it can start to manufacture hope for these people.

Ultimately science is what helped people in the examples I gave - because it's not about money, it's about truth.

Woke means something new every day, it's hard to keep up with all the definitions. So I'll retract my statement and conclude woke means effectively nothing. It's a buzzword depending on useage.


Highly doubt your scenario. Go straight to the end goal. ASSUME a child needs gay sex to survive. Or flip it. Hetero sex to survive, as a medical course. Same deal. Equally ridiculous. But not implausible?

I wouldn't say that's equally ridiculous, I'd say that's more ridiculous. The scenario here is that gender affirming care reduces suicide risk for certain populations of kids, and of course there is data to back that up. You can pick at the data (I'd invite anyone to do so), but you should probably have a look at the data instead of just saying "I doubt it". This is the first hit in google I got for such a search. It's not a study itself, and it doesn't have enough citations for my taste, but it should give you a flavor of the amount of research you can comb through, and should, before you just "doubt it".

You've invented a condition that I don't think exists "suicide because of lack of sex" and used it to try to argue against an actual condition. Altering your own body is not the same thing as requiring someone else to have sex with you, that much should be apparent. I also don't understand what it is with right wingers and pedophilia, why does everything need to come back to pedophilia all that time?

If you're truly interested in whether it should be acceptable to prescribe sex (voluntary, by a certified individual presumably) to children (presumably late teens) to combat some kind of depression, you should probably take that question to any of the threads here that discuss pedophilia. It's not really appropriate or related to this thread. I'll chat with you about it there.
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It can be appealing for those seeking higher social status, in some cases it all works out, they get the status they seek, thus approval. No need to de-transition till their circle of friends changes, permanently.
Higher social status with who exactly? Chasers and the occasional weird person who wants a token queer friend?
I'd prefer padded cell over GAC surgery.
Implying you would have dysphoria, and identify one way regardless of how you're born? Kinda the same way trans people have an Internal sense of gender that cannot be changed by anyone but themselves.
Ultimately irrelevant, science was late to the party to expose the big boys. Lead to a lot of death, decades of death in fact, before science could help out. Meaning years for the papers to gain traction, then to be useful in any capacity to ordinary people by way of marketing. Timing is key, that was my other point. Science does not care about timing, science does not care. It is more of a neutral. It will let people die. Whereas philosophy or religion can guide and be immediately, readily useful to groups of people. But science does not care, because it always needs money. Hence people flocking to different ideas in search of hope where science waits for money before it can start to manufacture hope for these people.
You're so close to having a good point about capitalism causing greed.
Woke means something new every day, it's hard to keep up with all the definitions. So I'll retract my statement and conclude woke means effectively nothing. It's a buzzword depending on useage.
Leftists and progressives have had a pretty good definition of "woke" for a while, that it roughly means "Aware of and wanting to eliminate societal and systemic hierarchies". Usually it's conservatives and right wingers who stumble over themselves trying to define it.
17% is not insignificant. THen you have to take into account people who don't complain and don't report, may be higher, even 20% which would be one 5th, overall. Not sure yet, but appreciate your analysis of the content.
That is a quite significant regret rate, but you haven't really criticized 'regular' surgeries like knee surgery, despite complaining about detransition and transition regret.
Generally speaking, when does a host not have an agenda, or direction? Without one you're not going to get anywhere, period. Nor rouse an audience. Picking apart things is easier if you attack the content of the video instead. Preffered to that over your quick and personal dislike of the presenters.
If someone has a bad reputation, it can be for a reason. If you want to say that everyone has an agenda fine, but some people put their agenda ahead of fact checking or critique while others can be open to rethinking their position. From my own experience, Sargon isn't really interested in being objective. Having watched a debate video in which he participated, it seemed his only goal was to stir up the crowd and appeal to popularity rather than address the debate. If he is looked down upon for his character, it wouldn't surprise me.
It can be appealing for those seeking higher social status, in some cases it all works out, they get the status they seek, thus approval. No need to de-transition till their circle of friends changes, permanently.
I think you missed the point. People aren't likely to go look into surgery unless they have a big problem and that surgery offers a solution. Seeking GAC to appeal to social status is nonsensical when that could be done in many other ways that would be a lot less unappealing to people conformable with their own bodies. You keep trying to represent GAC as some popular fad, when going by population it's uncommon and going by the reactions of some groups, dangerous. Your perception doesn't really match the real world.
It’s about wall street manufacturing a need for profit, a middle class “Playground” for profit.
The same with profit. This isn't about profit. If you want to profit get into crypto scams or something. Things that will actually net you money.
Where transgender rights are more important than poverty, because classism. Why compare the two? Are they not able to be compared? You can compare any category when it’s part of the same economy. Pick your poision. Pick your cause. Transgender rights or world poverty? I’d rather focus on bigger issues than transgender rights, at this moment. It’s not like Transgender rights is doing the most for poverty nor classism. So what might appear as my “Apathy” is really just annoyance that THIS is the issue we have to talk about. Because wall street is politically aligned.
I don't even know what this is. Rights exists regardless of poverty or other problems. People aren't going to forgo rights protections because something is wrong in the world. People also aren't going to hyper focus on one problem above all others. How are you even going to make that happen when people have different opinions on what is important? Are you going to step and tell people what to think and deny them their own free will?
If you were to look at Evolution and begin to understand a hypothetical philosophy, if it existed, I'd theorize it would be to propogate in straight, without inbreeding. That's the ideal, the rest is sub-optimal.
And then there are asexual worker insects that are the backbone of social colonies. You've taken the most shallow possible understanding of evolution and tried to force it to fit your own view of the world.

Not to mention that homosexuality seems to have an evolutionary basis for existing.
I'd prefer padded cell over GAC surgery.
Kind of the point being made before when you were saying people want to do this to be popular.
Highly doubt your scenario. Go straight to the end goal. ASSUME a child needs gay sex to survive.
The scenario could be a 1 in a trillion trillion case. The question is, IF that is the case what do you do?

There is no assumption being made, especially not the one you decided to write in out of nowhere.
Not to mention that homosexuality seems to have an evolutionary basis for existing.
That being what exactly?
Kind of the point being made before when you were saying people want to do this to be popular.

The scenario could be a 1 in a trillion trillion case. The question is, IF that is the case what do you do?
If then yes, but the number of people converting are not all doing so because they're suicidal with no way outs. You wouldn't be able to even get a reliable statistic on that. Such a bad point isn't really all that interesting to me.
This is one of the wildest mish-mashes of incel, conspiracy theory, alt-right, religious fundamentalism plus anti-science AND eugenics (somehow both at the same time) I've seen in a while. That someone could be so obviously interested in a topic and yet so absolutely resolute about not educating themselves or doing anything that might even potentially have impacts on their current stated opinions is bizarre.

If you don't care to learn and alter your opinions, what are you even doing discussing this with other people? Trying to recruit an anti-trans army that you can hang out with on Friday nights for some casual trans bashing?

I'd say someone could benefit from therapy, but that would just be advocating for Big Psychology. :rolleyes:
That being what exactly?
It's not hard to find, search for it and you'll find a lot of different relevant results to look through. Search for evolutionary basis for homosexuality.

The short of it is, if you're not spending energy reproducing, you can spend more energy caring for existing children. That's good for the children.
If then yes, but the number of people converting are not all doing so because they're suicidal with no way outs. You wouldn't be able to even get a reliable statistic on that. Such a bad point isn't really all that interesting to me.
Then we have agreement that GAC is beneficial in at least some cases. With that being true, why would anyone would want to ban it completely? It's just denying a treatment option at that point.

Moving on to cases outside of the if condition, being suicidal is not a requirement for looking into GAC, nor should it be. People can do what they want with their bodies, and GAC having a history of good results makes it seem like a good method of treatment.
Reddit is where news gets their stories from, instead of dailymail. I don't see the problem for a podcast starting out to use the most interesting audience-driven internet conversation.
OK, but they used it exclusively.

Why didn't they do research like @UKMikey did on the possible rate of regret?

If they linked to this article, for instance (or UKMikey's, or a study, or anything really), I might have considered their views on the topic.
17% is not insignificant. THen you have to take into account people who don't complain and don't report, may be higher, even 20% which would be one 5th, overall. Not sure yet, but appreciate your analysis of the content.
Have you heard of the drug Clozapine?

Read up on the history of it, and tell me if you think it should have remained unavailable to patients in the US.
It's not hard to find, search for it and you'll find a lot of different relevant results to look through. Search for evolutionary basis for homosexuality.
I take it then as you're not willing to discuss such "findings" here because they do not exist with credible sources.
Then we have agreement that GAC is beneficial in at least some cases. With that being true, why would anyone would want to ban it completely? It's just denying a treatment option at that point.
Plenty of treatments already available for body dysphoria and the like. GAC surgery is expensive and irreversible. Some people argue it is "playing god". Not sure how many of you are religious but there's that. Why use it when other treatments exist.
being suicidal is not a requirement for looking into GAC
Danoff brought it up, weird point when he ran out of ideas to use as a rebuttal, yes. As I stated earlier, you can't find a reliable statistic on that. It's a poor point.
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