Transgender Thread.

  • Thread starter Com Fox

Transgender is...?

  • Ok for anyone

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • Ok as long as it's binary (Male to Female or vice versa)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wrong

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No one's business except the person involved

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Don't care

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Bad news for you. Seethe harder
Zero seething. One hundred percent dumbfounded at the inanity that continues to come out of you.

If a Moderator was going to ban you based on your assumptions of what we ban for, it would have happened long ago. And if, per chance, it does happen, it will not be death by cop. You will have earned it fair and square by violating the AUP.

This is taking away from my precious Netflix time. I'm so angry. I should ban someone.
You're easily excitable.
He did just buy some new kick ass pans.
Zero seething. One hundred percent dumbfounded at the inanity that continues to come out of you.

If a Moderator was going to ban you based on your assumptions of what we ban for, it would have happened long ago. And if, per chance, it does happen, it will not be death by cop. You will have earned it fair and square by violating the AUP.

This is taking away from my precious Netflix time. I'm so angry. I should ban someone.

He did just buy some new kick ass pans.
Not surprised ban waves are a thing.
That's pretty hilarious. Got nothing to say but some tired meme fit for a 9 year old . Figures.
Not afraid, if the fella wanted a discussion he could've done better to address my other points but nope. Put him straight to the ignore list
You're literally doing everything you're in here bitching about it. Saying nothing, not addressing any points yourself.
L Lose GIF by Travis
You've already been told they aren't but ok.
Mdoerator being ban-happy, check
Nah, the joke went over his head and he thinks I'm talking about when he joined.
It's quite obvious you're talking about when I joined. Like I said. This forum isn't for discussion unlike what some people think . This is a toy. For dumb jokes and circlejerking. Yalls just proving my points true. I'll just keep replying for a bit more then to prove my point
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It's quite obvious you're talking about when I joined. Like I said. This forum isn't for discussion unlike what people think . This is a toy. For dumb jokes and circlejerking. Yalls just proving my points true.
Nope. My point is how can someone talk about how much better a site was in the old days... if they weren't around in the old days? Gone downhill compared to what?
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This forum isn't for discussion unlike what some people think . This is a toy. For dumb jokes and circlejerking. Yalls just proving my points true. I'll just keep replying for a bit more then to prove my popoint.
You know what, you're right, so let's reverse this thing and get some actual discussion going!

Let's start by getting a firm understanding of what "woke" is and go from there! You go first since clearly we have no clue what we are doing.
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Nope. My point is how can someone talk about how much better a site was in the old days... if they weren't around in the old days? Gone downhill compared to what?
You point is irrelevant, lol. Anything else? Nope, just dumb jokes, and circlejerking got it
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If you must know. I've had far too many nonsense conversations with these types of special snowflakes.
Seeing how often you move the goalposts at every possible opportunity, I can see why.
This isn't really a discussion forum.
Then what is it? Because I'm dying to know what I've been doing here for so long if not continually having discussions...
Nobody takes it seriously enough to be worth replying, you've got your purple power tripping moderators and orange text trolls. Just need a few more rainbow colors in there.
No one is "power tripping". Do you know what a power trip is, or is that a turn of phrase you saw on Reddit or someplace else and decided to regurgitate it?

Also, question: why is text color always brought into the spotlight whenever someone is flailing about?

It's why I don't even frequent this site compared to the others. Gone downhill .
Gone downhill in comparison to what, exactly? People not being able to discuss things amicably? Running away from threats literally no one has made? What is it that's gone downhill here?
Also, question: why is text color always brought into the spotlight whenever someone is flailing about?[/color][/b]

There is no other reason to have some obnoxious text color than to draw attention. IT does nothing for serious conversation. Joke of a website.
You point is irrelevant, lol. Anything else? Nope, just dumb jokes, and circlejerking got it
If someone shows up and engages in meaningful conversation then people will tend to carry it on. If on the other hand, you act like an ass to everyone else on the site they're likely to respond in kind.
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There is no other reason to have some obnoxious text color than to draw attention. IT does nothing for serious conversation. Joke of a website.
Just as there's "no other reason" to have an avatar, and yet I see you have one. Huh.

Is it remotely possible that you're incapable of answering the original question and are thus trying to pick fights over nothing at all?

And, if this such a joke of a website I'll let you in on a little tip:


See the bit that's highlighted? You are more than welcomed to use that button to your satisfaction and spend your time elsewhere.
Just as there's "no other reason" to have an avatar, and yet I see you have one. Huh.

Is it remotely possible that you're incapable of answering the original question and are thus trying to pick fights over nothing at all?

And, if this such a joke of a website I'll let you in on a little tip:


See the bit that's highlighted? You are more than welcomed to use that button to your satisfaction and spend your time elsewhere.
My opinion is that this is a joke of a website. That is all. That's my opinion. No less.
My opinion is that this is a joke of a website. That is all. That's my opinion. No less.
I'm confused. Now it seems like you're against leaving the place you've repeatedly referred to as a joke.

If you intend to stick around, let's circle back around
to this, and here's a visual reminder in case you don't want to click the link:

Can you explain what you understand "woke" to mean, please?

Any interest in having an adult conversation and standing the ground you've decided to step upon, or are you only interested in drive-by commentary?
I'm confused. Now it seems like you're against leaving the place you've repeatedly referred to as a joke.

If you intend to stick around, let's circle back around
to this, and here's a visual reminder in case you don't want to click the link:

Any interest in having an adult conversation and standing the ground you've decided to step upon, or are you only interested in drive-by commentary?
Drive bys are fun. That's what this website is all about. Jokes, circlejerking and fun. So no.
Drive bys are fun. That's what this website is all about. Jokes, circlejerking and fun. So no.

Correction: that's what you're about. But then your entire M.O. (that's Modius Operandi; method of working) is to provoke action so you can then run around and fulfill whatever warped fantasy it is that you have of being a martyr.

Everyone, proceed with the discussion as normal and pay no mind to the jokester.
@Danoff "But if a child needs something in order to survive - because of an established likelihood of suicide - I don't see how anyone could oppose gender affirmation surgery to save the life of a child. "

Of all the ridiculous things and things I've said included. THis statement of yours still stands out as the most ridiculous of them all. There's probably a reason that is. And common sense is truly not common any more. This Woke nonsense persists. Time to throw out all the old ways in favor of the "new and improved"... it's always worked perfectly....nothing bad has ever come from the new and improved. Everyone's way happier now than 30 years ago (1993) ....all thanks to the new and improved! Don't like it? too bad. We're here to stay!

Example: Girl doesn't like her body, because she was bullied to feel ugly in school? And those thoughts persist so she wants surgery or she'll die? Don't do anything about it (the thoughts), instead just get some doctors or whatever to affirm her, tell her yes, make her pay thousands upon thousands of dollars to remove her genitals or breasts. Yeah that'll do it. Physical fixes for a mental problem.

Therapy and the entire field of psychology was made to fix the many mental ruts like this. Are teens/young adults not capable of thinking things through? Are their brains not developed enough or some other crap excuse? And why is it that when people are getting a vasectomy, they are repeatedly questioned and told not to go through with it... the resistance is substantial, yet for GAC, there is little to no resistance for these young and foolish people making such big life choices.. yeah that doesn't smell fishy at all. Gateway drugs. Gateway drugs. I tell ya someone's getting paid by the crapton for this ingenious load of crap. Wish I were in the field in all honesty, this might as well be the next goldrush for the lucky coalition that capitalized and lobbied this thing into existence ;)

Just doesn't seem right to me even though there "are not rights or wrongs" one can still have an inclination to dislike something new and see it as alien, forbidden, unethical and wrong. Nothing is "right or wrong" but human feelings are their own language from logic. The two do not have to agree or make sense for a human to be merry on his way, to survive. Every person is a walking contradiction, of split thoughts and split feelings, because well, that's just humanity.

Much like it is easier to consistently be a parasite and bully someone psychologically and get away with it than bully them normally (physical assault/violence) and leave a physical "paper trail"... it is apparently now too difficult to simply give people the appropriate mental tools to fix a mental problem. There's nothing wrong with her body, two perfectly healthy breasts and healthy genitalia, let's mutilate it anyways, we won't say no, we don't want negative publicity, she paid us to do so, we need your money, we love your money, we love your money, we love your money, we desire your money, we will kill for money, we want nothing more than to empty your pockets and get you in debt, this is the way. She's just a number on the list, plenty more where that came from, we love the money, we'll gladly "help" her. Hell let's convert the entire 8 billion for fun. Trans for all. Money, money, money. Everyone's happier when they've transitioned. Everyone needs to transition. Because Money. This is the new and improved circumcision. Except Religion hasn't convinced you to go through with it, you've convinced yourself. Well that's just my view then, and that's not going to change now is it? ;)
Trans people still existed and got surgery in the 90s btw
Correction: that's what you're about. But then your entire M.O. (that's Modius Operandi; method of working) is to provoke action so you can then run around and fulfill whatever warped fantasy it is that you have of being a martyr.

Everyone, proceed with the discussion as normal and pay no mind to the jokester.
Edgy Edgy. Try again, lol

Trans people still existed and got surgery in the 90s btw

Yeah, they just weren't as popular as it is now. That's part of what made those years (90s) better, none of this crap went viral. Nowadays any little thing goes viral. For what. Turn off the telly and life is better. Back then the telly was a lot more how can I say "honest" or "based" without sounding too smug
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