Transgender Thread.

  • Thread starter Com Fox

Transgender is...?

  • Ok for anyone

    Votes: 15 30.0%
  • Ok as long as it's binary (Male to Female or vice versa)

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Wrong

    Votes: 7 14.0%
  • No one's business except the person involved

    Votes: 23 46.0%
  • Don't care

    Votes: 4 8.0%

  • Total voters
Twenty three posts in this thread today says otherwise.

And for someone that doesn't need the information, you're sure set that your opinion is the correct one.
She's invested in her point, which I do not care about.

There are details I like to keep. This is not one of them lol. Btw I know I'm not correct on a lot of things.
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Might be time to take a step back and learn before taking a stance, then.

And if you have no desire to learn, you have no right to have any say on what someone else does or when they legally do it.
Again You're assuming. There are no rights or wrongs. So I'm throwing that out
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As for your last paragraph, once you turn 18, you're not at all. Just affirmed. Do we all just say yes once the person turns 18, they can mutiliate themselves with our best surgens as they see fit, but not a day before? What is it about the age 18 that is better than the age 25? Emotional Intelligence is different for everybody. I'd say we're better off if GAC was limited to adults 25 and up. Just to be sure.
It's a lot of money to be throwing away at such a young age, maybe the 6 year gap would prove the person has better things to spend it on rather than opening the doors to a lifetime of surgery and wasting money, likely getting that person further into debt.
Are you going to include all cosmetic surgery in this "not before you're 25" deal? No breast implants or reductions, no nose jobs, no eyelid surgeries, no liposuction?
Age 25+ why 25? Why not. Arbitrary much like 18 is arbitrary. Contrary to popular belief 18 doesn't mean anything as an age. Neither does 25, but it works better for our purposes.
Does it work better? You say these are both completely arbitrary but that one works better, where is the evidence for that coming from?

What does it even mean to "work" better? What is the result that you're measuring this against?
The reason so many trans people have suicidal thoughts and commit suicide at a disproportionate level to cis people is because a lot (not all) of them being unable to feel like themselves in their own body without transition-social or medical-can cause intense feelings of distress.
I think a lot of people would understand this more if they took the time to imagine spending a week dressing as the "wrong" (for them) gender and being consistently referred to as the wrong gender. Let alone if they were to actually do it.

At some point it starts to feel like the whole world is doing it intentionally just to wind you up, because on some level that's exactly what is happening. I can't imagine that someone who doesn't deal with being told that their opinions are ridiculous on an internet forum would tolerate being consistently mis-gendered well.
Yeah no. Unless I see some stats, you're not convincing me. Cis people by far make up the suicide toll, worldwide and internationally at very least.
You should look up what the word "disproportionate" means. It does not mean that the absolute number of suicides is higher. It is a comparison of proportions within groups.

Almost every mental health condition results in some level of elevated suicide risk over the baseline population. Treatment reduces that, and is therefore considered beneficial.

The most basic Googling would have given you what you want, but here:

It's even from an Australian university and about Australians, so if you disagree then go and take it up with them in person. But a 43% rate of attempted suicide is not even in the same order of magnitude as the general population suicide rate.
Also braces compared to GAC? really? I'm fine with braces. Both my sisters had them. But bodily mutilation? Cutting off the penis and breasts. no thanks. Once again this is just personal preference but if you want to apply it to a broader set, you'll find many people are not okay with bodily mutilation but fine with teeth braces
Are you against all cosmetic surgery too?
There are no rights or wrongs.
It's ironic then that this is painfully wrong.
I think a lot of people would understand this more if they took the time to imagine spending a week dressing as the "wrong" (for them) gender and being consistently referred to as the wrong gender.
I think that'd require a smidgen or two of emotional intelligence. It's not rocket science.

But it is science.
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I do think a person at 18 would be better off saving thier money than spending it on GAC. Even $2000 is too much towards GAC at that age.
That's really not your place to decide. But also, GAC covers a wide variety of services.
Historically there has not been much outrage to rasing the age of consent. Nor the drinking age. In some parts of the world it's not higher than 18. I think It's much better to raise the ages than try something new that isn't tried and true. Raising the legal age just works for all manner of things.
I'm not sure at all how an age restriction would work for something as broad as GAC. Perhaps you could be more specific, because it seems like you're talking about gender affirmation surgery. Specifically for that, not all GAC, it might be appropriate to have a discussion about whether a guardian can truly consent for the child. Even within that category there are degrees of severity.

But if a child needs something in order to survive - because of an established likelihood of suicide - I don't see how anyone could oppose gender affirmation surgery to save the life of a child. So ultimately there can't, or shouldn't, be some kind of age restriction for gender affirmation surgery. Accepted medical practice in that area may have restrictions around children, but it's hard for me to see how anyone can support an outright ban. This is a decision reached between patients/guardians and doctors.

And if anyones so bothers or literally dying to get GAC, they will find a way to do it illegally, not my problem if they think they're literally dying without it.
You're implying that someone can't be suicidal as a result of this, which would be factually demonstrably wrong. Arguing that a black market will solve this is... just a terrible argument. People shouldn't have to break the law to change their bodies - and that seems to obviously apply to children in emergency scenarios.
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I'm fine with braces.

"That's a lot of money to be spending at that age."

[many that age spend considerably more on this other thing]

"No but I don't have a problem with that. Lots of people don't have a problem with that."

This is like that myth of consent meme where the only legitimate parties are supposed to have forgotten to ask Jesus for consent.


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Pretty much. It's become almost entirely useless as a term because it's just a generic "I don't like this". Like the way that certain types of people call any political system they don't like Communism.

Kind of a shame, because I think that there's room in our vocabulary for simple words to encompass both positive meanings like "political and social awareness" and negative meanings like "performative social activism".
@Danoff "But if a child needs something in order to survive - because of an established likelihood of suicide - I don't see how anyone could oppose gender affirmation surgery to save the life of a child. "

Of all the ridiculous things and things I've said included. THis statement of yours still stands out as the most ridiculous of them all. There's probably a reason that is. And common sense is truly not common any more. This Woke nonsense persists. Time to throw out all the old ways in favor of the "new and improved"... it's always worked perfectly....nothing bad has ever come from the new and improved. Everyone's way happier now than 30 years ago (1993) ....all thanks to the new and improved! Don't like it? too bad. We're here to stay!

Example: Girl doesn't like her body, because she was bullied to feel ugly in school? And those thoughts persist so she wants surgery or she'll die? Don't do anything about it (the thoughts), instead just get some doctors or whatever to affirm her, tell her yes, make her pay thousands upon thousands of dollars to remove her genitals or breasts. Yeah that'll do it. Physical fixes for a mental problem.

Therapy and the entire field of psychology was made to fix the many mental ruts like this. Are teens/young adults not capable of thinking things through? Are their brains not developed enough or some other crap excuse? And why is it that when people are getting a vasectomy, they are repeatedly questioned and told not to go through with it... the resistance is substantial, yet for GAC, there is little to no resistance for these young and foolish people making such big life choices.. yeah that doesn't smell fishy at all. Gateway drugs. Gateway drugs. I tell ya someone's getting paid by the crapton for this ingenious load of crap. Wish I were in the field in all honesty, this might as well be the next goldrush for the lucky coalition that capitalized and lobbied this thing into existence ;)

Just doesn't seem right to me even though there "are not rights or wrongs" one can still have an inclination to dislike something new and see it as alien, forbidden, unethical and wrong. Nothing is "right or wrong" but human feelings are their own language from logic. The two do not have to agree or make sense for a human to be merry on his way, to survive. Every person is a walking contradiction, of split thoughts and split feelings, because well, that's just humanity.

Much like it is easier to consistently be a parasite and bully someone psychologically and get away with it than bully them normally (physical assault/violence) and leave a physical "paper trail"... it is apparently now too difficult to simply give people the appropriate mental tools to fix a mental problem. There's nothing wrong with her body, two perfectly healthy breasts and healthy genitalia, let's mutilate it anyways, we won't say no, we don't want negative publicity, she paid us to do so, we need your money, we love your money, we love your money, we love your money, we desire your money, we will kill for money, we want nothing more than to empty your pockets and get you in debt, this is the way. She's just a number on the list, plenty more where that came from, we love the money, we'll gladly "help" her. Hell let's convert the entire 8 billion for fun. Trans for all. Money, money, money. Everyone's happier when they've transitioned. Everyone needs to transition. Because Money. This is the new and improved circumcision. Except Religion hasn't convinced you to go through with it, you've convinced yourself. Well that's just my view then, and that's not going to change now is it? ;)
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The only time conservatives recognize consent of others is when consent not being recognized by the state (as by one's not having reached age of majority) can be used as a cudgel to deny self-ownership. Otherwise they just disregard consent entirely.
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Time to throw out all the old ways in favor of the "new and improved"... it's always worked....
It could actually be said that's a really condensed version of human history. We've thrown out quite a lot of things after finding stuff that was better later on. Though what is missing from your statement is that people don't really change things just because. Many times there is a reason for it.
Example: Girl doesn't like her body, because she was bullied to feel ugly in school? And those thoughts persist so she wants surgery or she'll die? Don't do anything about it (the thoughts), instead just get some doctors or whatever to affirm her, tell her yes, make her pay thousands upon thousands of dollars to remove her genitals or breasts. Yeah that'll do it. Physical fixes for a mental problem. That seems a bit off target....
But this is something else then isn't it? If the cause is bullying, address that. Even if this person sought out surgery there would be some therapy involved to figure out what is going on. If the problem was found to have an obvious external cause, then the process would likely stop there. The example you've provided is disjointed from reality.

Also, you're claiming it's a case of physical fixes for a mental problem. Does there even have to be a rigid divide? If the end result is a better life, the treatment was a success, even if it was physical treatment of a non physical problem.
Are their brains not developed enough or some other crap excuse?
Apparently you "dropped" this after bringing it up, but that's quite an extreme reversal.
there is little to no resistance for these young and foolish people making such big life choices
Maybe I'm not understanding, but isn't that another reversal opposite of the one I just pointed out?
I tell ya someone's getting paid by the crapton for this ingenious load of crap. Wish I were in the field in all honesty, this might as well be the next goldrush for the lucky coalition that capitalized and lobbied this thing into existence ;)
That seems very unlikely. If anything it would probably be more profitable to ignore any physical aspect of GAC and just charge people by the hour to explain what is wrong only to give made up advice that keeps them coming back to spend more. Not to mention that the vast majority of people don't seek GAC as far as I know.
Just doesn't seem right to me even though there "are not rights or wrongs" one can still have an inclination to dislike something new and see it as alien, forbidden, unethical and wrong.
Being uncertain of something new? Perfectly reasonable, but it's still none of your business how other people approach it.

Looking at something new as unethical and wrong, just because it's new? That's a threat to the advancement of civilization. Horses worked just fine, those internal combustion engines must be the work of the devil.
Much like it is easier to consistently be a parasite and bully someone psychologically and get away with it than bully them normally (physical assault/violence) and leave a physical "paper trail"... it is apparently now too difficult to simply give people the appropriate mental tools to fix a mental problem. There's nothing wrong with her body
There wasn't anything wrong with her body because that's how you defined the situation. That situation isn't what's being discussed in this thread though.
There wasn't anything wrong with her body because that's how you defined the situation. That situation isn't what's being discussed in this thread though.
One can critique the entire opposite sex (what you'd readily call sexist misogynistic generalization) and come to a conclusion that "this is right " and "this is wrong" for that sex. This has also been done for centuries by the ancient greeks by the way. Fascinating to go back into history. Learning things though about the way people behave in the 21st century, not so fascinating for me

It could actually be said that's a really condensed version of human history. We've thrown out quite a lot of things after finding stuff that was better later on. Though what is missing from your statement is that people don't really change things just because. Many times there is a reason for it.
Money is also a reason, isn't it. Those with money dictate the lives of others. History is written by the victors. The losers are too dead to write about it
Also, you're claiming it's a case of physical fixes for a mental problem. Does there even have to be a rigid divide? If the end result is a better life, the treatment was a success, even if it was physical treatment of a non physical problem.
Disagree. Quality of life improves temporarily. Sunk cost fallacy kicks in, the person is doomed to multiple surgeries to "look perfect". Their journey to narcissism begins and ends with their bank balance. People who don't have the money don't get these nonsense surgerys, they just get on with life, become stoic perhaps. One does not stop at one surgery. Look at the plastic industry. Nose job boob job, lip job, jawline, navels, lipo, silicon replacements after they go sour or almost kill the person.. never ending "creativity" by the plastic industry. And thats just the tip. there's leg lengthening surgery too to look taller. Break the leg bones then fix em right back up, it's really amazing what people will do in the name of vanity or to fix their mental problems. Or to get a better job/career. Standards are going up, only the rich can compete on that level. Others will try to compete and end up in debt, homeless or dead by drug overdose much like a celebrity death/suicide.. once they realize they've wasted away their money on countless useless mutilations of their body. Their conscience( for lack of a better word) haunts them at what the hell they've done to themselves, but after the fact. Too late..

Looking at something new as unethical and wrong, just because it's new? That's a threat to the advancement of civilization. Horses worked just fine, those internal combustion engines must be the work of the devil.

Back to reality for a sec. I'm just reminded of the housing crisis going on over here. Maybe you haven't heard because you're well off. Civilization will advance just fine without transitioning the entire 8 billion into poverty. We didn't have too many transitioning humans in the 60s, yet we invented some pretty decent things then too. Not all inventions are for the good of mankind. Pandoras box and all that.
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@wheelhp Whilst you're active in this thread again, please could you address this:
Given one's demonstrated propensity to traipse around a topic of discussion rather than engaging it and other individuals meaningfully and in good's doubtful. The best for which one can reasonably hope is an indirect response.
One can critique the entire opposite sex (what you'd readily call sexist misogynistic generalization) and come to a conclusion that "this is right " and "this is wrong" for that sex. This has also been done for centuries by the ancient greeks by the way. Fascinating to go back into history. Learning things though about the way people behave in the 21st century, not so fascinating for me
You're going to have to go into more detail, because it's not really clear what you're saying with this.
Money is also a reason, isn't it. Those with money dictate the lives of others. History is written by the victors. The losers are too dead to write about it
Money influences many things sure, but the world is a lot more complicated than that.
Disagree. Quality of life improves temporarily. Sunk cost fallacy kicks in, the person is doomed to multiple surgeries to "look perfect".
That's less opinion and more data. Some people may fall into a spiral chasing something impossible, but that doesn't mean the best option is to just do nothing.
Back to reality for a sec. I'm just reminded of the housing crisis going on over here. Maybe you haven't heard because you're well off. Civilization will advance just fine without transitioning the entire 8 billion into poverty. We didn't have too many transitioning humans in the 60s, yet we invented some pretty decent things then too. Not all inventions are for the good of mankind. Pandoras box and all that.
I'm not sure I've heard anything about transitioning 8 billion anywhere but here.

The 60's did see a lot of advancement yes, but it's not like we've stopped since then. I certainly know which era of technology I prefer.
Money influences many things sure, but the world is a lot more complicated than that.
As much as I'd love to tear down the cashed up government, it's complicated.
That's less opinion and more data. Some people may fall into a spiral chasing something impossible, but that doesn't mean the best option is to just do nothing.
Where did I say doing nothing is the correct and only alternative? REmind me that this is indeed what I was hinting at, lol I think you've lost your points there this time. My "solution" is psychotherapy and medial marijuana. LSD, if it were legal. But I'm sure nobody here in their bubble of misinformation wants to talk about the positives of some drugs, which is a shame.
I'm not sure I've heard anything about transitioning 8 billion anywhere but here.
If it helps you , you can just call it a conspiracy by me. Not that it's even worth discussing or interesting. I'll allow it
The 60's did see a lot of advancement yes, but it's not like we've stopped since then. I certainly know which era of technology I prefer.
I was refuting your point, your point was that you thought that I'm against advancing civlisation.... My point is we can pick a better direction instead of picking one that the sci-fi novels remind us is wrong
lmao i just came here looking for tunes so i could compare my cars to what you guys are driving... and this is the top thread?

i don't care what you call yourself or identify as. that's your choice and your life. i take a libertarian approach of do whatever the **** you want, just don't try and force me to share your ideology or perspective because that won't end well
But I'm sure nobody here in their bubble of misinformation wants to talk about the positives of some drugs, which is a shame.
Seems like we're not the ones who are misinformed in this case (and many others) since there's a forty-eight page thread on this forum where the positives and negatives of marijuana are discussed at length.
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this is the top thread
No, it's just the one with the most recent post. That's why it's in the "Latest Posts" section:


You've actually ended up pretty far down the forum. You're at the red arrow and you probably want the blue one:


But as you can see, GTPlanet has an incredibly wide and diverse range of topics. We have members who've been here for 20 years and haven't played GT for the last 15 - they just stick around because of the spread of (and general grown-up nature of) discussion topics available.
Example: Girl doesn't like her body, because she was bullied to feel ugly in school? And those thoughts persist so she wants surgery or she'll die? Don't do anything about it (the thoughts), instead just get some doctors or whatever to affirm her, tell her yes, make her pay thousands upon thousands of dollars to remove her genitals or breasts. Yeah that'll do it. Physical fixes for a mental problem. ;)
What fantasy world is this extreme scenario?

Where's all this outrage when underage girls (& maybe guys, who knows) start wanting & getting cosmetic surgery, something that happens far, far more often than someone transitioning. :lol:
According to the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (ASPS), in 2020, nearly 230,000 cosmetic surgeries and nearly 140,000 non-invasive cosmetic procedures were performed on teens ages 13-19
Teens seek plastic surgery for many reasons. One reason many cite is that young people can be cruel, whether intentionally or not. For example, someone may blurt out to a friend, "Gee, did you see that kid's nose?" -- without thinking of the pain it may cause. A constant barrage of cruel remarks often drives teens to take surgical action.

Most teens seek plastic surgery to improve their appearance or to increase self-esteem. Teens often report that their self-image and self-confidence improves when their perceived physical shortcomings are corrected.
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