Transgender Thread.

  • Thread starter Com Fox

Transgender is...?

  • Ok for anyone

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • Ok as long as it's binary (Male to Female or vice versa)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wrong

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No one's business except the person involved

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Don't care

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Not too interested in getting into an arguement on the woke crap, you're very pleasingly derailing my feed. Pick an actual point

I ask everyone who uses "woke" to define it. The answer (when if provided) always falls into one of two categories: A) a definition unique to that individual, or B) an evasion of the question. I see you've chosen option B.

Here's the actual point I picked: you're using a word you don't know the meaning of to dismiss things you don't understand.

It's almost as if you read TexRex's response and decided to prove him absolutely right:

Given one's demonstrated propensity to traipse around a topic of discussion rather than engaging it and other individuals meaningfully and in good's doubtful. The best for which one can reasonably hope is an indirect response.
Edit: if provided, not when provided.
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lmao i just came here looking for tunes so i could compare my cars to what you guys are driving... and this is the top thread?

i don't care what you call yourself or identify as. that's your choice and your life. i take a libertarian approach of do whatever the **** you want, just don't try and force me to share your ideology or perspective because that won't end well
Yeah I'm surprised this is the "top thread" too. nonsense is popular with the village of special snowflakes here. Shame really but everything good eventually gets infiltrated by these parasite types. Nothing can just be ordinary anymore.

I ask everyone who uses "woke" to define it. The answer (when provided) always falls into one of two categories: A) a definition unique to that individual, or B) an evasion of the question. I see you've chosen option B.

Here's the actual point I picked: you're using a word you don't know the meaning of to dismiss things you don't understand.

It's almost as if you read TexRex's response and decided to prove him absolutely right:
Why would I read Tex? That browbeating troll made it on my block list weeks ago. You're a friend of his? Good luck with that
Yeah I'm surprised this is the "top thread" too.
As noted, it isn't.
nonsense is popular with the village of special snowflakes here. Shame really but everything good eventually gets infiltrated by these parasite types.
Firstly, you're here. Secondly, lol "special snowflakes". Crucially, you've been here for less than 8% of the site's life time; if anything is "infiltrating" and a "parasite type", it's not the decade-plus members who've been here literally the whole time you have and are perfectly capable of holding opposing viewpoints with one another without throwing insults and having to block each other.

Incidentally you meant "repudiating" not "refuting" - and @Roo's question is apt. If you're going to be throwing words about, it's hardly unreasonable that we should know exactly what you mean by them.

And stop double-posting.
As noted, it isn't.

Firstly, you're here. Secondly, lol "special snowflakes". Crucially, you've been here for less than 8% of the site's life time; if anything is "infiltrating" and a "parasite type", it's not the decade-plus members who've been here literally the whole time you have and are perfectly capable of holding opposing viewpoints with one another without throwing insults and having to block each other.

Incidentally you meant "repudiating" not "refuting" - and @Roo's question is apt. If you're going to be throwing words about, it's hardly unreasonable that we should know exactly what you mean by them.

And stop double-posting.
As if being a premium member means literally anything. Old people say the darndest things. Weak response. try better
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just don't try and force me to share your ideology or perspective because that won't end well
I'm getting distinct "sToP sHoViNg It DoWn My ThRoAt" vibes, so I'm kind of curious what you're calling force here and what you purport will result.

A not unreasonable interpretation is that you're inclined to perpetrate--or venture to, anyway--an act of physical harm against another for mere expression which you disfavor.
As if being a premium member means literally anything.
Who said anything about premium members? Inferiority complex much?
Old people say the darndest things.
Who said anything about people's ages? Inferiority complex much?
Weak response.
Indeed. You dodged everything, didn't engage in any meaningful way, and failed to notice the irony of your previous statement - where you accidentally called yourself a parasite.

Can you grow up a bit, please?
Who said anything about premium members? Inferiority complex much?

Who said anything about people's ages? Inferiority complex much?

Indeed. You dodged everything, didn't engage in any meaningful way, and failed to notice the irony of your previous statement - where you accidentally called yourself a parasite.

Can you grow up a bit, please?
Your implication is that people who are on the website longest are older more mature. Don't dare run and hide now.
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Your implication is that people who are on the website are older more mature.
Nope. My statement is that your own comment paints you as the parasite invading the thing that's good and making it bad and that you don't seem to grasp the irony of it. The doubling down is hilarious.
Don't dare run and hide now.
Interesting command from someone who's been dodging a question for two pages now.

Deflect, deflect, deflect...
Nope. My statement is that your own comment paints you as the parasite invading the thing that's good and making it bad and that you don't seem to grasp the irony of it. The doubling down is hilarious.

Interesting command from someone who's been dodging a question for two pages now.

Deflect, deflect, deflect...
Different strokes. I view the parasite as the cult like following moderators have here. Pretty easy to see through. Just throw out another ban wave to solve the issue... I guess you're just thinking too small ;)
moderators ... ban wave
Interesting that you've invoked yet another thing you view as status that wasn't mentioned previously, and tacked on something that doesn't even exist (at least on this site)...

You're zero for three, and I think you dropped your victim card around here somewhere.

And don't think nobody's spotted that you're still deflecting... I'm almost curious what it is you're so afraid of.
Interesting that you've invoked yet another thing you view as status that wasn't mentioned previously, and tacked on something that doesn't even exist (at least on this site)...

You're zero for three, and I think you dropped your victim card around here somewhere.

And don't think nobody's spotted that you're still deflecting...
Moderators love banning people. But you won't admit it. That would drive away customers from the business model you've got going on this site I bet. But if you take it upon yourself to really take this cult to the next level... then anythings possible for you
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Different strokes. I view the parasite as the cult like following moderators have here.
Sean Moore Goal GIF by Cliftonville Football Club

Moderators love banning people.
Actually we hate it. Also moderation hasn't been brought up at all, until you brought it up.
But you won't admit it.
Largely because it's not true. Also moderation hasn't been brought up at all, until you brought it up.

Why are you bringing it up (and people's ages, and people's "premium" status) without cause or reference? Oh yeah, the deflection.

What is it you're afraid of that you'll do this much squirming to avoid answering a very simple question?

It's like you believe that contradictory opinions are too cool and edgy for the site and we'll have to take you out back and shoot you for daring to express them. Sadly this misses the point I actually already expressed that several of the longer-term members here already have opinions that contradict each other, but they don't insult and abuse (or block) each other for it: they discuss it, reasonably and sensibly.

I wonder why you don't want to do that - and why you'd even post in this forum in the first place if you don't actually want to discuss things...
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Sean Moore Goal GIF by Cliftonville Football Club

Actually we hate it. Also moderation hasn't been brought up at all, until you brought it up.

Largely because it's not true. Also moderation hasn't been brought up at all, until you brought it up.

Why are you bringing it up (and people's ages, and people's "premium" status) without cause or reference? Oh yeah, the deflection.

What is it you're afraid of that you'll do this much squirming to avoid answering a very simple question?

It's like you believe that contradictory opinions are too cool and edgy for the site and we'll have to take you out back and shoot you for daring to express them. Sadly this misses the point I actually already expressed that several of the longer-term members here already have opinions that contradict each other, but they don't insult and abuse (or block) each other for it: they discuss it, reasonably and sensibly.

I wonder why you don't want to do that - and why you'd even post in this forum in the first place if you don't actually want to discuss things...
If you must know. I've had far too many nonsense conversations with these types of special snowflakes. So I take one conversation at a time, whatever is of interest , that is until you jumped in to say your piece. This isn't really a discussion forum. Nobody takes it seriously enough to be worth replying, you've got your purple power tripping moderators and orange text trolls. Just need a few more rainbow colors in there. It's why I don't even frequent this site compared to the others. Gone downhill .
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What's wrong with that? After all:

And, of course, yet another deflection.

It really is quite funny to see how afraid you are of one question about literally one word.
Whats wrong with behaving like a 9 year old? I'm not sure. But don't give the kid moderator powers, surely.

Not afraid, if the fella wanted a discussion he could've done better to address my other points but nope. Put him straight to the ignore list
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moderator powers
Still obsessed. And still deflecting.
Not afraid, if the fella wanted a discussion he could've done better to address my other points but nope. Put him straight to the ignore list

He asked what you were defining "woke" as, in order that your comments and points could be better discussed with a common understanding of the word.

Two pages of deflection, victim cards, contradiction, blocks, and self-burns later, it remains unanswered - because you're not scared of answering...
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Any idea when this "not frequenting the site" thing is going to start? I need to know if I should bother getting another batch of popcorn going or not.
If popcorn is good, more pocorn must be better.
This site has definitely gone downhill since checks notes March 2022... :confused:🍿
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