Transgender Thread.

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Transgender is...?

  • Ok for anyone

    Votes: 15 30.0%
  • Ok as long as it's binary (Male to Female or vice versa)

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Wrong

    Votes: 7 14.0%
  • No one's business except the person involved

    Votes: 23 46.0%
  • Don't care

    Votes: 4 8.0%

  • Total voters
you're probably in the minority there to think so poorly of them. But I take it GTplanet doesn't like the trans movement either.
Don't make generalizations or assume that most of GTP is transphobic. This site is full of all sorts of people from all kinds of places and upbringings - and a portion of the userbase all identify as being somewhere on the LGBTQIA+ spectrum.

GTP welcomes everyone.
Should we dismantle all of science in the name of fun? That's a problem then. There are only two sexes
It's funny that the transphobe crowd claims we don't know basic biology and then will immediately say intersex people don't exist. Again, sex and gender are different.
But I take it GTplanet doesn't like the trans movement either.
For me personally I'm in support of the trans movement in so far as it is helping people be more comfortable with themselves and raising awareness so that others treat people with respect. I'm not as in support of legal codification of a complete lack of distinction between gender identity and sex. But I think that the "trans movement" is bigger than that.

Nuance. It's not "for" or "against" as a whole.
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Righto. Theres 3. Anyone else have an issue with this?
In terms of sex? I can't say for sure, and it depends on a bunch of things, but the most common answer I've found is six karyotypes that result in a living human. Off the top of my head, I know of Turner's syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome.

In terms of gender? I don't know, but I'm of the mindset people can choose how they want to live as long as it doesn't impact my rights at all. Someone wanting to call themselves a Zer or whatever doesn't change my life, so I'm not bothered by it. I do get annoyed when it's expected that I know and understand these things though. I'm not going to maliciously call you something wrong, but I think it gets lost on some people with nontraditional genders that most of us have no idea what you're talking about nor have the desire to learn.
After watching a few de-transition videos, I'm of the opinion that teens have far too much access to surgery. At least someone's profiting off this nonsense.
Off the top of my head, I know of Turner's syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome.
Of course Klinefelter (two X male) is self-terminating as it results in sterility.
I'm not going to maliciously call you something wrong, but I think it gets lost on some people with nontraditional genders that most of us have no idea what you're talking about nor have the desire to learn.
Fortunately your honest failure to recognize one's identity isn't likely to be held against you and the "did you just assume my gender" cliché grew out of conservative bitchfits. Of course that one would wilfully and performatively reject one's identity is pathetic and deserving of ridicule.
After watching a few de-transition videos, I'm of the opinion that teens have far too much access to surgery. At least someone's profiting off this nonsense.
At least in the USA, no minor is getting GAC in the form of surgery. Not a single person is getting SRS if they’re below the age of 18. There’s like 200 people who’ve gotten top surgery between the age of 16 and 18, but that’s still a minuscule amount. The majority of detransitioners still support gender affirming care.

The most common reason for detransition is lack of available healthcare and social stigma around being openly trans. Around 5% of people who receive GAC regret it, compare that with something like knee surgery that has around a 20% regret rate.

If any person tells you that a teen can just walk into a clinic and get puberty blockers, HRT, or surgery they either haven’t done the bare minimum of research or are lying to you. The only way to get HRT as easy as that is with informed consent, which is only available to adults. If you’re a transgender child you have to go through months or years of therapy before getting prescribed HRT and diagnosed with gender dysphoria, which will only be prescribed to people who are 16 or older in the USA.
At least in the USA, no minor is getting GAC in the form of surgery. Not a single person is getting SRS if they’re below the age of 18. There’s like 200 people who’ve gotten top surgery between the age of 16 and 18, but that’s still a minuscule amount. The majority of detransitioners still support gender affirming care.

The most common reason for detransition is lack of available healthcare and social stigma around being openly trans. Around 5% of people who receive GAC regret it, compare that with something like knee surgery that has around a 20% regret rate.

If any person tells you that a teen can just walk into a clinic and get puberty blockers, HRT, or surgery they either haven’t done the bare minimum of research or are lying to you. The only way to get HRT as easy as that is with informed consent, which is only available to adults. If you’re a transgender child you have to go through months or years of therapy before getting prescribed HRT and diagnosed with gender dysphoria, which will only be prescribed to people who are 16 or older in the USA.
comparing knee surgery to GAC is hilarious. I guess that's the state of things. Knee surgery isn't ideal and GAC is going to fix the planet for some?

As for your last paragraph, once you turn 18, you're not at all. Just affirmed. Do we all just say yes once the person turns 18, they can mutiliate themselves with our best surgens as they see fit, but not a day before? What is it about the age 18 that is better than the age 25? Emotional Intelligence is different for everybody. I'd say we're better off if GAC was limited to adults 25 and up. Just to be sure.
It's a lot of money to be throwing away at such a young age, maybe the 6 year gap would prove the person has better things to spend it on rather than opening the doors to a lifetime of surgery and wasting money, likely getting that person further into debt.

I equate it to drugs. Many who try a drug end up trying a whole host of drugs. But those who don't, don't. Money saved. Debt reduced. Life improved.
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Fortunately your honest failure to recognize one's identity isn't likely to be held against you and the "did you just assume my gender" cliché grew out of conservative bitchfits. Of course that one would wilfully and performatively reject one's identity is pathetic and deserving of ridicule.
Not that I think its commonplace at all, but I did have one co-worker do exactly this to another co-worker. Someone who we'd both had just met for the first time. The thing that irked me the most was that said co-worker was defending a point that person was making, but mistakenly used "she" to describe the person. They had a reputation within the company to do that often as well.

GAC is going to fix the planet for some?

Do we all just say yes once the person turns 18, they can mutiliate themselves with our best surgens as they see fit, but not a day before?
Yes..? Their body their choice. Once of legal age you're allowed to do all kinds of things on your own whim, the day of, and not the day before. Crazy huh? Weird to have such an issue with it when it pertains to this one particular case. I'm just not even sure why it would matter to you what someone wants to do to themselves that you'll never, ever, see.
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What is it about the age 18 that is better than the age 25? Emotional Intelligence is different for everybody. I'd say we're better off if GAC was limited to adults 25 and up.
Denigrating individual sovereignty at age of majority. Know who else has issue with individual sovereignty? Rapists.
Not that I think its commonplace at all, but I did have one co-worker do exactly this to another co-worker. Someone who we'd both had just met for the first time. The thing that irked me the most was that said co-worker was defending a point that person was making, but mistakenly used "she" to describe the person. They had a reputation within the company to do that often as well.
It shouldn't happen. I certainly wasn't comfortable saying it can't or doesn't, and so I qualified it with regard to likelihood.
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Yes..? Their body their choice. Once of legal age you're allowed to do all kinds of things on your own whim, the day of, and not the day before. Crazy huh? Weird to have such an issue with it when it pertains to this one particular case. I'm just not even sure why it would matter to you what someone wants to do to themselves that you'll never, ever, see.

What do Individualism and democracy have in common?
I'm compelled to ask again if and why it's morally wrong to use force, even lethal, against those who would act to violate another's natural right to self-ownership, to disregard the consent of one at age of majority, in effect to end said violation. Including if the action is by a member of the voting public to violate the right through use of government force.
Emotional Intelligence is different for everybody.
Then why not toss out age and measure emotion intelligence?
It's a lot of money to be throwing away at such a young age, maybe the 6 year gap would prove the person has better things to spend it on rather than opening the doors to a lifetime of surgery and wasting money, likely getting that person further into debt.

I equate it to drugs. Many who try a drug end up trying a whole host of drugs. But those who don't, don't. Money saved. Debt reduced. Life improved.
And if GAC improves someone's life you're throwing away years and money by holding it off. It's like drugs, there may be one that can greatly improve a person's condition, but if it's denied to people, there can be a whole lot of pain.
Then why not toss out age and measure emotion intelligence?

Why not throw out capitalism and start with a better economic model?
The reason we don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.

Raising the drinking age. Raising the age of consent. Raising the GAC age. It all works in our economic system.

Hell raising the pension age is the one most should be crying about.
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comparing knee surgery to GAC is hilarious. I guess that's the state of things. Knee surgery isn't ideal and GAC is going to fix the planet for some?

As for your last paragraph, once you turn 18, you're not at all. Just affirmed. Do we all just say yes once the person turns 18, they can mutiliate themselves with our best surgens as they see fit, but not a day before? What is it about the age 18 that is better than the age 25? Emotional Intelligence is different for everybody. I'd say we're better off if GAC was limited to adults 25 and up. Just to be sure.
It's a lot of money to be throwing away at such a young age, maybe the 6 year gap would prove the person has better things to spend it on rather than opening the doors to a lifetime of surgery and wasting money, likely getting that person further into debt.

I equate it to drugs. Many who try a drug end up trying a whole host of drugs. But those who don't, don't. Money saved. Debt reduced. Life improved.
I’m comparing it with knee surgery because you don’t have a problem with that, even though the regret rates are significantly higher.

The reason that people are affirmed is because if they aren’t it can cause distress, that’s why so much trans people who live in anti-trans environments struggle with suicidal ideation, an extra 9 years not being able to live as your true self can literally be the difference between life and death.

Comparing receiving GAC to getting addicted to drugs is a completely false equivalency. GAC is used to help solve the condition of gender dysphoria, the same way I use antihistamines to help clear up my chronic sinus congestion. It’s still drugs, but someone taking a prescribed drug is doing it for a completely different purpose than someone who is addicted to a hard drug like heroin or meth. People going into debt to pay for procedures to help them live as their true selves isn’t a trans problem, it’s a privatized healthcare and insurance problem.
I’m comparing it with knee surgery because you don’t have a problem with that, even though the regret rates are significantly higher.

The reason that people are affirmed is because if they aren’t it can cause distress, that’s why so much trans people who live in anti-trans environments struggle with suicidal ideation, an extra 9 years not being able to live as your true self can literally be the difference between life and death.

Comparing receiving GAC to getting addicted to drugs is a completely false equivalency. GAC is used to help solve the condition of gender dysphoria, the same way I use antihistamines to help clear up my chronic sinus congestion. It’s still drugs, but someone taking a prescribed drug is doing it for a completely different purpose than someone who is addicted to a hard drug like heroin or meth. People going into debt to pay for procedures to help them live as their true selves isn’t a trans problem, it’s a privatized healthcare and insurance problem.

It's amazing how people can adapt and survive. Suicidal ideation is an issue that needs bigger attention than it's given. Good point. However this is totally irrelevant to GAC.

This is an aggressively stupid evasion of the question as asked.
Are you calling me stupid? Or are you "having a bitchfit" or "being a pathetic troll" as you call it ;)
However this is totally irrelevant to GAC.
Why not throw out capitalism and start with a better economic model?
The reason we don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.

Raising the drinking age. Raising the age of consent. Raising the GAC age. It all works in our economic system.

Hell raising the pension age is the one most should be crying about.
Are you calling me stupid? Or are you "having a bitchfit" or "being a pathetic troll" as you call it ;)
I called your evasion of the question asked of you aggressively stupid. Ignoring the question entirely would have been an improvement. Do work on your reading comprehension.

Emotional intelligence takes a backseat to simple age due to legal expediency. That's not a good thing.