DemonSeedFrom people she lists as friends, 2 are from my alliance, but they do not list her as a friend. Actually, only 1 of her listed friends has her on the list. So maybe she's just an inventive person . Damn spearfighters....
LoudMusicAn attack of 100 clubswingers would cut her numbers in half (and loose all your clubswingers). I'm willing to throw in a wave myself. It'll be a day before I can have that many clubswingers, though.
Anyone honestly interested in making this happen?
Div is backI am getting attacked by a :E: member in 15 minutes, Vaderraupe.
I have sent 500 wood, 500 iron, 1500 crop to 1sthand.
My troops are out on raiding.
Isn't E an ally?
Div is backDamn, check out the forum.
Div is backI've sent everything in time, check out the other forum , his attack was weak, I'll counter soon when my army will be back on track. Give me a day for a massive army.
Ev0If we get enough people attacking, from far enough away, McCraven won't be able to retalliate against everyone. Give me another day, I'm currently building up my troop strength. I'd be glad to join in the raiding goodness if we get enough members to commit.
*EDIT* Actually, McCraven's main village is pretty close to my own. If I did attack, I'd probably be the first person he'd go after. I think I may have to reconsider. I don't want to unnecessarily lose troops in a retalliatory attack.
Rena from EoEIf you have the plus-account then you can try in the warsim how effecftive it is. But I think it was an upgrade of the defense between 1.5 and 2.5 %
McLaren F1GTRWow, these guys are stupid.
6 attacks and nothing to show for it. LMAO.
Wow - you're in the opposite corner to me, so I don't think we'll be having much interaction...evilgenius788Hey everyone, I got an account too. I'm at (-84, 63) and my username is still evilgenius788.