The press should also be required not behave like spoiled children, shouting out questions whenever they please because they feel they are more entitled than all the other reporters at this particular event that chose to follow the decorum.
If you behave like a spoiled child, you get treated like one...
...political correctness...
... no. In order to hold public servants accountable, the press should not be required to do anything other than their jobs.The press should also be required...
So is acting out of turn when there is an event with decorum to be had. The media knew that going into the event.... no. In order to hold public servants accountable, the press should not be required to do anything other than their jobs.
Free press is the literal cornerstone of preventing tyranny of government. This is why free press - and free speech - is the very first Amendment to the US Constitution. It's the most important one - we have to be able to freely say who has done what and when in our name in order to have an informed electorate to hold the elected officials to account.
Whether or not you agree with accredited members of the press behaving "like a spoiled child", the fact is that it is precisely their job to do that. It's only by prying, harrying and even occasionally just getting your voice heard that the difficult questions are asked.
If the gentleman in question is merely behaving as he is because he's a bit of an arse, or he's not being impartial (as mentioned above), rather than because he's a journalist trying to get an answer to a difficult question, then Trump - or anyone else - can certainly make a complaint about his conduct to the various professional journalistic bodies. If he's just doing his job, we shouldn't be pursuing him at all. Telling the difference may be tricky.
The media also knows that press conferences are designed to control the media.So is acting out of turn when there is an event with decorum to be had. The media knew that going into the event.
In some corners. In others Trump still looks like a massive... trump - given that his security literally crossed a line by physically removing an accredited journalist from a press conference. That, if nothing else, should cause questions about exactly what President Trump, when he's the executive branch whose job it is to defend the Constitution, thinks about the First Amendment...For the record here, Ramos wouldn't have been called, given his channel's prior bad dealings with Trump, but instead of acting like a mature adult about it, and scoring some political points in the process, had he simply remained quiet and waited until well after the press conference to pull his illegal immigration spew, he made himself look bad by jumping in front of another reporter to spew his agenda and it made Trump look stronger in the process.
Fair point. You can't be picky when enforcing the First Amendment after all...In some corners. In others Trump still looks like a massive... trump - given that his security literally crossed a line by physically removing an accredited journalist from a press conference. That, if nothing else, should cause questions about exactly what President Trump, when he's the executive branch whose job it is to defend the Constitution, thinks about the First Amendment...
Anything can be "agendaised" either way.
The "reporter" was there only to cause problems and trying to provoke Trump into doing or saying something stupid.
Like always, it backfired and Trump continues to mop the floor with dumb liberals and mainstream media, who are so desperate to take him down.
Don't worry. As famous as Trump is, he will never be trusted running a country even by a citizen. His ignorance are too well documented to be ignored. Of course, the very minority will lick Trumps boots, but still a minority.Trump doesn't give a rip about the media, academics, political financiers and career politicians. All he cares about are the voters. And therein lies the problem: the awful, terrible, ignorant citizens who hold the right to vote. Democracy is of course the worst system of government, except for all the others.
Are you distantly related to Nostradamus?Don't worry....He will not win, period.
Uuh, what? I dont get it -___-Are you distantly related to Nostradamus?![]()
The "reporter" was there only to cause problems and trying to provoke Trump into doing or saying something stupid.
Like always, it backfired
Trump continues to mop the floor with dumb liberals and mainstream media, who are so desperate to take him down.
You must have missed the sound of the Trump throwing a journalist out of a room, maybe you also missed the ignorant comment from his staffer? Trump did something stupid alright.
Source required
A mop? So that's what it is.
"Free Press" doesn't mean you can just interrupt a press conference whenever you want and shout questions at random. There are always limits. Not everyone who has a question for a politician is going to get to ask it, there isn't enough time in the day or in a lifetime for that matter.... no. In order to hold public servants accountable, the press should not be required to do anything other than their jobs.
Free press is the literal cornerstone of preventing tyranny of government. This is why free press - and free speech - is the very first Amendment to the US Constitution. It's the most important one - we have to be able to freely say who has done what and when in our name in order to have an informed electorate to hold the elected officials to account.
Whether or not you agree with accredited members of the press behaving "like a spoiled child", the fact is that it is precisely their job to do that. It's only by prying, harrying and even occasionally just getting your voice heard that the difficult questions are asked.
If the gentleman in question is merely behaving as he is because he's a bit of an arse, or he's not being impartial (as mentioned above), rather than because he's a journalist trying to get an answer to a difficult question, then Trump - or anyone else - can certainly make a complaint about his conduct to the various professional journalistic bodies. If he's just doing his job, we shouldn't be pursuing him at all. Telling the difference may be tricky.
If we held politicians accountable for everything their staffers did or said, there wouldn't be any left.You must have missed the sound of the Trump throwing a journalist out of a room, maybe you also missed the ignorant comment from his staffer? Trump did something stupid alright.
"Free Press" doesn't mean you can just interrupt a press conference
But press conferences themselves are a calculated way of controlling the media coverage of oneself.
You only invite who YOU want, you only pick the people who ask questions YOU want to answer and, if questions are required to be submitted before they're asked, you only pick the questions YOU want to answer.
Politicians are public servants and the press must be allowed to hold them accountable.
And Trump has had an accredited member of the press physically removed from such an event. This speaks more loudly for his opinion of the First Amendment, something he as President would be expected to defend, and ought to do far more damage to his reputation than any difficult question ever could.The media also knows that press conferences are designed to control the media.
While some reporters may be annoyed by the fact that this chap has eaten into the time that this politician allows them to have with him, some will be pleased that someone upset the carefully managed stage show of the press conference.
That's exactly what the elite, educated press, elected politicians, university academics, and Wall Street bankers think as well. The Big Problem is the citizenry and system of democracy that permits them to vote. Once The People are allowed to participate, just about anything can happen, like the French Revolution! Perhaps a benevolent dictatorship of the educated elite is to be preferred?I don't understand why this is even worth discussing. Donald Trump is a joke, and a bad one at that.
Trump is not suitable to be president.
...Reading all the posts here, got me thinking (which is dangerous.)
Yes!! Trump loves to be the center of attention. Narcissism run amok.Which leads me to the second point: did Trump's PR team deliberately let this happen? In a popularity contest like this, staying in the headlines is a good thing. Ohh look, here's headline: Trump
So am I alone in thinking that this whole Trump clown show is actually a ploy by Democrats to rattle Republicans?
Trump has a lot of classically liberal ideas - when he is thinking, which seems to be seldom. But I don't think this is a Democrat plot. He cuts deeply into certain Democratic constituencies like blue-collar whites. So he really does have more in common with conservatives similar to Reagan, who in his maturity also switched from Democrat to Republican.So am I alone in thinking that this whole Trump clown show is actually a ploy by Democrats to rattle Republicans?
And yet even the President did the same thing when he was being interrupted.And Trump has had an accredited member of the press physically removed from such an event. This speaks more loudly for his opinion of the First Amendment, something he as President would be expected to defend, and ought to do far more damage to his reputation than any difficult question ever could.