I don't think its fair to call IMMORTALPILOT elitist.
I agree with him. People in the top 2500 shouldn't use driving aids (unless they use stick or PSP). People shouldn't start switching aids on to get into the top 10, yes they can its their choice, but it shouldn't be the norm to just start turning aids on if the car/track combo is difficult.
This is my opinion and because i'm not in the top 10 people will either ignore my comments or tell me to go away untill i am in the top 10 or no.1.
This is why its not fair to call IMMORTALPILOT elitist because he hasn't said anything for a long time, it was only until recently that he spoke out. So really hes damned if he does and damned if he doesn't so to speak.
Are people a bit sensitive about his comments because they are affraid of falling down the ladder with out driving aids?
I do agree that people should be able to use driving aids to learn tracks our to counter for devices other then steering wheels, but i'll refer you to this link about trusting your brain:
Your brain can do what it needs to do, you don't need driving aids, you don't need the navigation map, you don't need the speedo. About the only thing you do need is the gear selector display because you can't pop you hand down and feel which gear your in. Keep your eyes up and watch the corners coming, don't get distracted by other data, if you do then your always going to struggle.
For the record i drive with nil aids what so ever, but i'm not overly bothered by people that use 1 abs because it seems to be considered the norm for some reason. Of all the people that use no driving aids 95% still seem to use 1 abs for some reason? It doesn't bother me though because if you watch IMMORTALPILOT's ghost in the current time trial you can still see him going into turn 1 sideways under breaking. ABS 1 doesn't make a driver no.1 but some of the other aids will depending on the car and track combo.