white car/ black wheels #37

Hey subdiv White car Black wheels has already been taken. If you could change wheel color you will be all good. You can look on the first page of this thread theres a list of all color combos there.
Bought it..now need to break it in..who wants to join me for breaking it in tommorow?? Around 1 central time or whatever works for you guys

You can't just free run with the car and accumulate miles. It will accumulate miles in A-Spec, B-Spec, and during an actual race.

What most of us do is go to B-Spec Extreme and run the Indy race 3 or 4 times. If any body else wants to chime in with a better way please do.

Your best bet for some practice and basic tutoring is Wednesday night 9pm Central Time.

Hey Ph1sher, I should have put Wednesday night at 7pm Central Time instead of 9pm Central Time.
Sounds good..ill be on at 7 p.m

I'm glad I realized my mistake and I'm glad you got my message because we are usually wrapping things up around 9pm central. I would have felt awful if you missed us!
Hey subdiv White car Black wheels has already been taken. If you could change wheel color you will be all good. You can look on the first page of this thread theres a list of all color combos there.

ok, white car/red wheels #37
Hello gentlemen, just wanted to announce that I will be in Turtle Town tonight around 8pm est if anyone would like to join me for some practice in this mean tire shredding machine we all call the Morrison corvette. Hope to see some of you.
PSN: cmswpm
Car color: black
Wheel color: Red
Plate number:21

Hello cmswpm, welcome to the Turtle Racing League, we are certainly glad to have you join us! A couple of things though, if you wouldn't mind both the color combination and the car number you have chosen are already taken. If you would like to choose a unique color combination and number please refer to the drivers list. Thanks, and again welcome aboard!
Last edited:
Black car
Blue wheels

Hello cmswpm, you have picked a color combo that someone has already, if you go to the first page of the thread there is a drivers list with all color combinations that have been picked already just look though them and pick a car and wheel color that has not been picked by someone else and we will get some fr's sent to you.
Thanks for joining looking foward to racing with you.

PS If you pick fast you might still be able to take part in practice tonight.
Thanks again.:)
Hello gentlemen, just wanted to announce that I will be in Turtle Town tonight around 8pm est if anyone would like to join me for some practice in this mean tire shredding machine we all call the Morrison corvette. Hope to see some of you.

I'll join you tonight. If you get there before me Ph1sher has expressed interest in some basic tutoring.
Would like to join the racing. Division 2 I guess.

PSN Infintal-ng
Car color Purple
Wheel color black
Number 31

Hello Infinital-NG, welcome to the Turtle Racing League! The color combination you chose in fine, however #31 has already been chosen. If you would like to choose a unique car # please refer to the drivers list. Thanks, and welcome aboard!
I'd like to join
White car with white wheels

Welcome mb1425, to the Turtle Racing League - Enduro Racing Series. To make your experience here an enjoyable one, we expect all drivers to follow "The Golden Rule of Motorsports".

The “Golden Rule” of Motorsports - “It is the responsibility of the overtaking driver, meaning the car that is attempting to execute the pass, to make sure that the pass is made cleanly and incident free.”

The reason “The Golden Rule of Motorsports” is the first thing you read when you get to Turtle Racing League and again when you sign up to join us, is that if you do not believe this rule applies to you, then this league is not for you.

Turtle Racing League is a casual, fun, and clean racing league. Therefore, you are encouraged to read and adhere to the GTPlanet Online Racing Rules and exercise Good Racecraft at all times, especially in turn 1. It is the policy of this league (except Division X and Division 1) for you to hold your position in turn 1 and not try to improve it. We will not tolerate individual drivers taking the fun out of racing for others.

Please accept the PSN Turtle friend requests when they are sent to you. If you haven't already done so, you may (optional) choose a unique (refer to drivers list) car and wheel color combination. You will also need to choose a unique car number for cars with number plates.

Thank you for joining our league, we look forward to racing with you!

Sincerely, Turtle Racing League
Does the number livery editor go 3 digits? I only thought it went to 99. Cool if it does, never tried.
I would like to welcome cmswpm to Turtle Racing we have you as Black car Orange wheels. As martin has said I dont think the number livery editor will go up 250 so you will have to pick another car number.
Thanks for joining us we look foward to racing with you.

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