Number 69

Hey bud sorry to tell you this but number 69 has been taken. On the first page of the thread with the drivers list are car numbers so if you could pick one that has not already been picked that would be great. We will get you going so just be calm and chive on oh my bad wrong web site.:sly:
Thanks again man.
Was at work Srry practice tommorow??

I'm not going to be on tonight ph1sher, but I will be on friday evening around 8pm est. If you're going to be available I would be happy to help you out.
I look forward to racing with you.
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Would like to join the racing. Division 2 I guess.

PSN Infintal-ng
Car color Purple
Wheel color black
Number 31

Nice to see you Infintal-NG we are glad to have you racing with us, we got you down for Purple car Black wheels and number 32. Thanks for joining Turtle Racing we look foward to racing with you.
Thanks, looking forward to racing with you guys

Likewise, I saw you pop in for a minute last night which prompted the conversion of how to address you. We couldn't decide on dga or 1420. :lol:

Lol yeah I get asked that often maybe dg or 420 can some give me the vett I'm outa funds :(

Thanks, I'll go with "dg" 👍 Sorry, but I can't help you out on the '60 Corvette right now, I already have trades set up for the next couple of days.
Thanks, I'll go with "dg" 👍 Sorry, but I can't help you out on the '60 Corvette right now, I already have trades set up for the next couple of days.

I can send one you're way just send fr to mbobb1969. I will try to get one to you this evening.:)
Man that sucks I have work tommorow at 5 p.m eastern time:/ can anybody do it around noon?
Definitely interested in joining the league, I'm hungry for some organized, CLEAN racing :)


Edit: Blue Car, WHITE rims, number 20
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