Definitely interested in joining the league, I'm hungry for some organized, CLEAN racing :)


Edit: Blue Car, WHITE rims, number 20

Welcome Afrodeezy7 we have you as Blue car / White wheels and number 20
looking forward to racing with you. You should be sent Turtle fr's tonight.
Thanks for joining Turtle Racing.
Definitely interested in joining the league, I'm hungry for some organized, CLEAN racing :)


Edit: Blue Car, WHITE rims, number 20

Welcome Afrodeezy, to the Turtle Racing League - Enduro Racing Series. To make your experience here an enjoyable one, we expect all drivers to follow "The Golden Rule of Motorsports".

The “Golden Rule” of Motorsports - “It is the responsibility of the overtaking driver, meaning the car that is attempting to execute the pass, to make sure that the pass is made cleanly and incident free.”

The reason “The Golden Rule of Motorsports” is the first thing you read when you get to Turtle Racing League and again when you sign up to join us, is that if you do not believe this rule applies to you, then this league is not for you.

Turtle Racing League is a casual, fun, and clean racing league. Therefore, you are encouraged to read and adhere to the GTPlanet Online Racing Rules and exercise Good Racecraft at all times, especially in turn 1. It is the policy of this league (except Division X) for you to hold your position in turn 1 and not try to improve it. We will not tolerate individual drivers taking the fun out of racing for others.

Please accept the PSN Turtle friend requests when they are sent to you. If you haven't already done so, you may (optional) choose a unique (refer to drivers list) car and wheel color combination. You will also need to choose a unique car number for cars with number plates.

Thank you for joining our league, we look forward to racing with you!

Sincerely, Turtle Racing League
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Why do we get points after the race, if in your original post saying "this is not a points series"??

That means points do not accumulate week to week with a points total winner at the end of a given number of races. Every week stands on it's own. In other words, although it is a series (in this case a running series of enduros races) it is not a points race series with an eventual winner based on total number of points.
I'll join Division A, though I'm unable to make it this Saturday.

PSN: xbinkus
I'll go with orange car/black wheels, #84
I'll join Division A, though I'm unable to make it this Saturday.

PSN: xbinkus
I'll go with orange car/black wheels, #84

Thanks for joining Turtle Racing xbinkus we have you down for Orange car / Black wheels and number 84. Dont worry about not making saturdays race. We look forward to racing with you when you can make it.
Once again thanks for joining.
I'll join Division A, though I'm unable to make it this Saturday.

PSN: xbinkus
I'll go with orange car/black wheels, #84

Welcome xbinkus, to the Turtle Racing League - Enduro Racing Series. To make your experience here an enjoyable one, we expect all drivers to follow "The Golden Rule of Motorsports".

The “Golden Rule” of Motorsports - “It is the responsibility of the overtaking driver, meaning the car that is attempting to execute the pass, to make sure that the pass is made cleanly and incident free.”

The reason “The Golden Rule of Motorsports” is the first thing you read when you get to Turtle Racing League and again when you sign up to join us, is that if you do not believe this rule applies to you, then this league is not for you.

Turtle Racing League is a casual, fun, and clean racing league. Therefore, you are encouraged to read and adhere to the GTPlanet Online Racing Rules and exercise Good Racecraft at all times, especially in turn 1. It is the policy of this league (except Division X) for you to hold your position in turn 1 and not try to improve it. We will not tolerate individual drivers taking the fun out of racing for others.

Please accept the PSN Turtle friend requests when they are sent to you. If you haven't already done so, you may (optional) choose a unique (refer to drivers list) car and wheel color combination. You will also need to choose a unique car number for cars with number plates.

Thank you for joining our league, we look forward to racing with you!

Sincerely, Turtle Racing League
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Hello drivers
I just wanted to announce that I will be in Turtle Town around 8pm est for practice if anyone would like to join. I will be on for awhile seeing how I have'nt had much practice with this car track combo. Hope to see some of you.
If some of you new drivers do not have time to break in your cars (200 miles) before practice tonight you should at least change the oil. It does make a difference. Please try to make the practice tonight so we can all be up to speed and ready to go tomorrow night. Thanks!
I'd like to change my color, as I have recently come into gold chrome paints! Can I change my color to Gold w/black rims? Thanks :)
^You can always practice on Turtle_Town lobby. Since tomorrow is the day of the race, there is a good chance that people will be on there on and off throughout the day.
^You can always practice on Turtle_Town lobby. Since tomorrow is the day of the race, there is a good chance that people will be on there on and off throughout the day.

Cool, I'll keep my eye open, as I haven't done any laps yet :nervous:
I'd like to change my color, as I have recently come into gold chrome paints! Can I change my color to Gold w/black rims? Thanks :)

No problem with changing the color of your car. We've got you down for a Gold Car with Black Wheels. 👍
Great night of practice last night. The car/track combination is going to be very interesting in race conditions. :crazy:
As there are no Turtle Racing practice rooms at the moment, I've made my own so I can get a feel for the car online. Join if you'd like

Room # 1472 6399 8365 2934 8169

Turtle Racing League – Enduro Racing Series​
Race 4: Trial Mountain Circuit
Car: Art Morrison Corvette ‘60
Laps: 30
Tires: Racing Hards
Date: July 21, 2012
Prize: 1966 or 1967 Birthday Ticket

The “Golden Rule” of Motorsports​
“It is the responsibility of the overtaking driver, meaning the car that is attempting to execute the pass, to make sure that the pass is made cleanly and incident free.”


You are expected to follow The "Golden Rule" of Motorsports and adhere to the GTPlanet Online Racing Rules and exercise Good Racecraft at all times, especially in turn 1.


It is the policy of this league (except Division X) for you to hold your position in turn 1 and not try to improve it unless the following situations occur. 1) The driver directly in front of you is asleep on the start. 2) The driver directly in front of you runs off course with at least 2 wheels off the track. 3) Obvious race incidents that must be avoided. Division X drivers must observe this policy for as long as we are having mixed division races. There is no sense in causing an incident in the congestion of the first turn. Furthermore, it is inappropriate to take advantage of other drivers doing their part to keep turn 1 incident free.


Racing begins at 10pm Eastern / 7pm Pacific and all drivers will be racing together in the TURTLE_Division2 lobby (including Division A) until we have enough drivers to start using the divisional lounges. The final results of each division will be separate.


The edge of this track is the rumble strip. Two wheels must be kept inside the edge of the track at all times. There are areas on this track that the games corner cutting penalty system does not recognize. However, if a complaint is filed it will be easy to recognize intentional corner cutting when the race replays are reviewed during our investigation. Proper action will be taken based on the degree of intentional corner cutting, which may include a loss of position(s) or a time penalty which may cause a loss of position(s). Legitimate complaints are encouraged.


Drivers are expected to finish the races they start no matter what position they are in. No Rage Quitting!


Although you are welcome to use microphones during the race, they should only be used to communicate your proximity to other drivers in order to avoid an incident. Otherwise, either mute them or make sure any background noise in non-existent.


Be sure to break in your car. If you did not get a chance to break it in, you should at least change the oil.

Race Incidents

Legitimate complaints are encouraged, they insure a better racing environment for everyone. Complaints should be addressed by "Private Message" to the concerned driver. If there is no resolution, then the complaint should be directed by "Private Message" to the race steward of the race in which the incident occurred. Please include race number, lap number, and time of incident. A ruling will be announced after a video review by an independent steward.

Final Note

Race Clean and Have Fun!
As there are no Turtle Racing practice rooms at the moment, I've made my own so I can get a feel for the car online. Join if you'd like

Room # 1472 6399 8365 2934 8169

Turtle Town is always available to use. You need to go to "Community" and find the TURTLE_Town Lounge and click on the coffee cup.
Slightly off topic, but I believe I may have solved the mystery of the changing sports soft tires. Many of you go to Laguna Seca to do a B-Spec endurance race. That race only allows up to Sports Soft, causing it to automatically switch them. Then you come to Turtle Lounge, and you notice they are Sports Soft. This might also have something to do with the traction control being put on.

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