Ahh I'm so bummed out I'm gonna miss the race on Eiger! I'm an animal on that track, brings me back to my GT5 Prologue days.

Also, since I hate/suck badly at NASCAR, I'm not so sure I can handle a 200 lap race in one. I may have to sit that one out :(

One last thing: any chance of adding a race at the end of the season with the Ferrari Formula 1 Cars? (maybe another special race like the Historic Car Race) I could see that being quite fun & exciting, especially maintaining clean racing and the golden rule of Motorsport at such high speeds (I may be a bit biased because I'm a huge F1 fan/follower, but hey, it's worth a shot!) I understand the cars are super expensive and all, but I have a level 24 ticket I can dupe as many times as needed so everyone can have a F1 car :) 👍

Quit reading our minds! :nervous:
Turtle Racer
Quit reading our minds! :nervous:

Well you know, I have skills ;)

As for the tracks in the game that real F1 cars race on (which would be better because F1 just works nicely on these tracks)

Autodromo Nazionale Monza
Cote d'Azur
Nurburgring GP/F
Fuji (not anymore though)
Indy Road Course (surprisingly fun)

I believe that's all, I'm not by my PS3 but I looked up the track list and that's all I could come up with
Every track just listed with the exception of Fuji made up that F1 series I just ran.
In this order:
Make sure you clear your cache for less connect problems!

I always clear my cache before a race series race. I have a nice routine. I usually move my PS3 into the living room for saturday nights. So turn off power to cable modem, router, ps3. While moving the ps3 will power on the modem, leave on for a 2-3 minutes, then power on the router, leave on for 2-3 minutes then boot up the ps3. Load GT5, clear network cache, change oil on my car and go racing.

Firstly I got disconnected by PSN, not just booted from the room. I don't think I've ever seen that happen unless my internet went down, or when PSN crashed.

Restarted PS3, Router, and Cable Modem, then proceeded to run a speedtest & pingtest to see if my net was flaky. All checked out within my normal specs I get any other time.

No one else was on the internet at my house.

Really the fault with this issue in general is with PS3 & PD. The lack of having an available true server mode sucks. Sure PSN is free so we lose that availability, but it sure would be nice.

I remember reading a while back when the on-line lag issue started spring up that lounges are hosted on PD server and most likely that is in Japan. I'm going to try tonight to run a wireshark session and see if I can tell where my PS3 is connecting while playing gt5.

Also when playing online unless it's a fixed status host we are communicating in a mesh-type network (everyone is sending/receiving data to everyone else) whereas a fixed status host is in a star network. One central piece and everyone else sends/receives to the central piece.

Maybe in the future if we do experience problems, we move to a public room with a fixed host status. Sure we might get some people that join the room that could be named something like "Turtle Racing Private" and then those people might come over to GTP and sign up to race.

Also if people could check their NAT level at the PS3. Most will probably be Nat2, maybe a few 1's in there. Those are both fine, but any nat3s we should try and take care of.

From main PS3/XMB menu, go to the left where settings are and scroll down to the bottom. I think Network is either the last or 2nd to last entry. From there is a Network connection test, and it will show you what Nat level you have.

Any 3s are more than likely someone using DSL where the DSL Modem also functions as a router, and then you have a router plugged in behind it. To fix you will have to bridge your DSL modem, and I can help with that if needed. My job all day everyday is IT so feel free to PM if you need help.

One last thing and I'll shut up.

Sharing a few cars. I know on Saturday mobius had to buy a brand new car so it didn't get broken in. What if a few of us purchased an extra car, broke it in, and then sent that car to "Turtle_Town" then those could be shared, so people would know on race day that if they didn't get time to break in a car there is at least an option for them to borrow a car that is already broken in??

Thanks for reading. Cheers


Yes the Cincinnati Reds
Infinital-NG, what about the ping test I keep hearing about. Does that provide any useful information?
Psycho Tuber
Infinital-NG, what about the ping test I keep hearing about. Does that provide any useful information?

That basically tells you your ping to the server, or how fast the information is being relayed to the server from your PS3, then back to your PS3 from the server (I believe). The lower the number, the better.
Every track just listed with the exception of Fuji made up that F1 series I just ran.
In this order:

Which was your favorite? For me it's Monaco (Coté d'Azur). A real drivers track, takes immense skill to be clean and consistent for many laps on end. If I had to chose a track for Turtle Racing, that would be my pick 👍

Edit: Indy Road Course as well, definitely a fun track :)
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Well if you go to speedtest.net it will download an upload a large file over a set time limit, to gauge your max download & upload. Useful for determining what your paying your ISP for is what your actually getting. Now if you get a 10 down/4 up from your ISP, you might not get that exact value but should be pretty close. Also it depends on how far away the server your performing the test on. Here in my city there is a local server running this. However if you were supposed to get a 10down/4up from your ISp and your only getting 5down/2up then it's worth a call to your ISP.

So that test is just a very basic idea of how your internet performs with a large packet of data.

Online games are sending small packets back and forth so our main concern that we want to see is "Packet Loss" where packets of data never get to their destination. That's usually what causes Lag in online gaming.

So pingtest will ping a server close by, perform a packet loss test, and do a jitter test. The jitter test is just a variance of your ping results which if you were close to the server your ping reply times should be almost exactly the same. However for a server across the country it will fluctuate because that data has to travel through so many other servers/network devices that it will fluctuate.
Pingtest.net is run from a browser. I don't know if the PS3 browser runs java or not, as it's a java app.

But run from any hardwired computer should net the same results as what your ps3 should get.

There is a download and upload test in the PS3 network settings you can use when you pick "test connection"

Just watched a video on youtube of someone running speedtest.net from PS3 browser. So pingtest.net should work as well.
I will, more than likely a Pittsburg player will hit a home run right to me. I'll want to throw it back, but never caught a baseball at a MLB game.

But probably one of the few years that a game between the reds and pirates would mean something.

I'll be thinking about you guys trying to pass on that narrow track and understeering into the wall on the tight S curves. :)
I will, more than likely a Pittsburg player will hit a home run right to me. I'll want to throw it back, but never caught a baseball at a MLB game.

Bit off topic, but the one time I caught a ball at a MLB game, it was a foul ball that bounced off a speaker, hit my mom in the neck, and landed in my lap. It was quite an experience :lol:
I will, more than likely a Pittsburg player will hit a home run right to me. I'll want to throw it back, but never caught a baseball at a MLB game.

Bit off topic, but the one time I caught a ball at a MLB game, it was a foul ball that bounced off a speaker, hit my mom in the neck, and landed in my lap. It was quite an experience :lol:

Great story Afrodeezy, hopefully Infinital-NG will catch a ball as well. 👍
Count me in, My PSN is llGooFyll, I'm the white car with chrome rims, who do I add to race?

You don't need to add anyone, you will be added by the proper accounts once MBOBB1969 sees your post. Welcome to Turtle Racing League! Hope you're ready for some fun, clean, & enjoyable racing :) 👍
Man I loved the car and track combination. The most fun I've ever had. I'll take the 1967 ticket, and thanks for great racing

Hey mb1425, we are glad you enjoyed the races! I'll get the 1967 Birthday Ticket out to you shortly. 👍
@ Turtle Racer, I guess a 66 ticket for me.
@ Afro, don't know if a have a favorite track out of those for F1. They were all fun. If I had to choose I would have to say Spa.
Hey all,

I was on Friday night for practice and all night Saturday and into Sunday morning. I didn't see any turtles on my friends list (town, division2) log on except for a few minutes; is there someone else I should have added?

- Suede
^They don't have to be online to go into the race. Just go to community and find Turtle_Town or the division user, and go into the lounge, even if they are offline.
@ Turtle Racer, I guess a 66 ticket for me.
@ Afro, don't know if a have a favorite track out of those for F1. They were all fun. If I had to choose I would have to say Spa.

Ahh I love Spa. I need to get off my lazy ass and go get a PSN card to get the DLC courses though! I know Spa very well so I need to get them soon because I love that track.
Count me in, My PSN is llGooFyll, I'm the white car with chrome rims, who do I add to race?

Welcome to Turtle Racing llGooFyll. We will get some fr's your way.
Got you down for White car / Chrome wheels. If we could get you to pick a unique number (refer to drivers list on first page of the thread) we will get you added.
Thanks for joining we look forward to racing with you.

Closer to cincy always been somewhat of a Pete Rose, Johnny Bench fan.
Quick question: if I didn't buy the track DLC, can I still race at Spa online when we go there with the C6 RM Vette's? Or should I go out and buy the DLC?
Quick question: if I didn't buy the track DLC, can I still race at Spa online when we go there with the C6 RM Vette's? Or should I go out and buy the DLC?

No, you need the DLC to use SPA. :grumpy: In fact, buy all the DLCs we are going to use them regularly. :)