I think it's a serial connection for the pedals to wheel.
Afro, does it react the same way when hooked up to a PC? Have you called logitech? I hear they sell you a g27 for cheap if you have a broken DFGT.
Got my DFGT coming in tomorrow. Going to eventually buy a pair of G27 pedals and mod them into it, as I had a DFGT before and really liked it. To the more awesome point.
Amazon.com had DFGT's for "Amazon" price of $129.99. Of course there were other merchants selling as cheap as $99.99. Behold Amazon is selling DFGT's from them for $99.99. Best yet, a main hub is only 120'ish miles from my house (my hometown) and I got overnight shipping for $8 bucks. 8 freaking bucks.
So for the next weeks if you see me on track I might be a bit unpredictable as I get used to it.