Appreciate it, Psycho and at risk of sounding like a dick: at this track in particular I have likely run over 5000 laps over the last 15 years or so over various platforms. Not bragging, just saying. As I mentioned at last weeks pickup after cape ring, I occasionally run in 3d and pertaining to earlier posts regarding off camber corners-yes. There are many. Its easy to see. I find more than half this track off-camber. My issue is mainly that I have put more than 80% of previous laps in on an F1 car and am having difficulty navigating without massive frontal downforce. As well, as you collectively may or may not be aware, I am currently not wheel-equipped. (not whining just stating fact) It irks me to not be able to post similar lap times such as yours as I know I and the car are capable. Where were you guys 10 years ago when I had a full sim cockpit and running grand prix legends on p.c.?

At any rate, I appreciate the invitation and subsequent practice/races. I am always mic'd when in session. And again; dont give a rip about cars. Only here to gain non A.I. Experience. Sorry to sound like a robot.