- 145
- Edmonton
- FFK13
I should probably do some practicing for this race tomorrow
I'm not racing this week... midterms at university
hey.. I could always use 2!! lol. I need both F1 cars correct?
I'm willing to trade!
Ok, I'll send you the level 24 ticket. I'll check to see if I need a level 23 ticket. If I need one you can send it to me then I will dupe it and send it back.
Good afternoon Gentlemen, and a big welcome to some new faces...
We are racing tonight in the Turtle Division 1 lounge at 10pm EST.
Bring your F10s to the back gate at the GP/F track... see you all there!
PSN: Ya-Shoe
Helmet: Black with green stripe
Can I still race for today?
monkeyboy4qSorry wont be racing this evening. Still don't have cars...
Why don't you have cars?
That's some slow grinding.
I just joined the F1 league a week ago. Still don't have the F1 car needed for this event. Maybe by next week. Still need to grind out 3M more.
What did you get with the level 24 ticket I sent you?
Nope... didnt see any gifts. Dont we have to be friends?
I sent it from Turtle Town yesterday.
I will check again when I get home but I didnt see anything last night.
Ok, let me know what you get. I think I can send you another one after the top of the hour.
I will check again when I get home but I didnt see anything last night.
Did you get the F10? I have a LV 24 I can send you also. I will send you a FR from my dupe acc. ( shred-tec_d )
Did you get the F10? I have a LV 24 I can send you also. I will send you a FR from my dupe acc. ( shred-tec_d )
Thanks Shred!!!!!!!!!!
You need to accept the FR from my dupe acc. And I will send it.
( shred-tec_d )
As soon as I get home I will.. Still at work! trying to get home by 7pm
Guys.. I messed up. I accidently deleted TURTLE_town.
I resent it. We usually warm up in Turtle Town and then head over to TURTLE_Division1 about 10 minutes before race time.