Tutorial | Composition & Cleanup

Five-star tutorial, great work! 👍

I'd been meaning to tidy up this particular photo for a while, so I gave the Quick Cleanup a shot and added some Unsharp mask, smudging and more. My before-and-after:

Five-star tutorial, great work! 👍

I'd been meaning to tidy up this particular photo for a while, so I gave the Quick Cleanup a shot and added some Unsharp mask, smudging and more. My before-and-after:

Great work, amazing the difference a few minutes in photoshop can make.
I was wondering when you were going to finish this. It was worth the wait. Some good info. Ill most likely save these tips for those pics that really turned out good from the game and really give them that extra touch. 👍
how do you take out the gran turismo sign.

If you mean the GRAN TURISMO 4 / SCEI copyright down the bottem of every photo, you can crop it out, or clone it out.

Cropping is the easiest, but you need to take that missing slice into consideration when creating your composition in-camera.

Cloning is a tad more complicated and I may cover it in a future tutorial.
I have a Design Degree. Don't like pointing that out, cause it's not like I think I know better... cause it's all so subjective. Plus if I mention I have a degree, the tutorial and all my photos should look better than they do. But I choose not to stress over it like I do my work.

I'm looking for work... so not really a PRO yet, an educated amatuer... :D
Every time I see your posts, I wonder how you do it. All your posts are small, yet still retain full detail and somehow look just a little better or more realistic than most stuff on here. I had a feeling you were pro. This is huge and truly appreciated. thank you pixeljunkynz
holy ****ing ****.. (sorry for the language, but i said that in real life)
i'm a photoshop user for nearly 6 yrs, and i must say, your tutorial is A++++++

you won my heart
holy ****ing ****.. (sorry for the language, but i said that in real life)
i'm a photoshop user for nearly 6 yrs, and i must say, your tutorial is A++++++
Cheers man...
you won my heart
...hmmmm how much do you think I can get for your heart on eBay?
Works like magic:

Tutorial: A+ 👍
Great stuff man! The car's probably a bit dark. But if you lighten the whole image up more I think the clouds will start "popping". Sometimes you need to make selections and use levels on the selection. It has to be subtle or the selected area will "seperate" from the image.

I selected the car using a FEATHERED selection, then adjusted the levels slightly for the car. I brought out the highlights a bit more too. I will go over making good-quick selections in my next tutorial. (2 weeks away probably).
something i quickly whipped up

played with levels, lighting etc
and fixed a fender glitch with the nudge tool
something i quickly whipped up

played with levels, lighting etc
and fixed a fender glitch with the nudge tool

Beautiful, shame the smoke doesn't quite meet with the back of the car. But as for photoshopping it's sweet. Could do with a bit more room up top, even as little as 10px.
If I'm going to put together another tutorial, I need to know what people want to know. So anything you don't know how to do? Anything you want explained? Photoshop confusing you?

Actions is a big one, I've done a draft of my actions tutorial, it's just going to take some time to sort out.

So is there anything other than Actions that you want a tutorial for?
how about layer option? like dissolve, darken, multiply ...
I still dont quite know what they are used for
but it seems many people using it
This tutorial should be sticky! 👍

I'm not an artist or designer in any way, though I've worked with many and have a good friend was a pre-press planner for quite a number of years, so I am aware of what it can do. However I've never done anything more with it myself than cropping & resizing etc, with a bit of text layers or brightness & contrast on the side - pretty much all that's allowed in the photomode comp so it suited my limited skills to a tee.

But after spending some time on the weekend looking through a number of the fantastic galleries on these pages, in particular 440 Charger's, I was inspired to hunt down this thread and force myself to learn more about all those spooky options I'd previoulsy left well alone :)

And boy am I glad I did! Thanks to pixeljunkynz's excellent guide I was indeed able to polish my turds to perfetion! :D Permit me to demonstrate on my entry for week 23.

Before & After

Not too shabby for a first go! I'm not completely happy with the exhaust and there's a few other little things that bother me, but that was done pretty much straight from the step by step instructions in the tut. So to anyone reading this who's thinking "I'll download the pdf later", do it now!
