Tyre sound from the E3 Trailer

  • Thread starter petter mo
If gt has had the sound from this fia gt vid, then the music would be needless!
The music during the race was needless from GT1 for me :dopey:
First thing that i do when i start GT for the first time is turn the music off :)
And im from Germany and never studied English in school, but thats a different topic. lol

@Nox: The sorround sound from GT5 is actually quite good (if you have a proper system) the problems are more the basic engine sounds. But we had enough threads about that issue. ;)
As is evident because your spelling and grammar leave a lot to be desired too. Don't mock others when you leave yourself open to the same :rolleyes:
Sorry, but i dont let me call "alitle" stupid.
I just find it funny when someone insults another person as stupid with wrong spelling.

And i think my grammar is alright, but if you find any huge spelling mistakes please notify me, im always eager to learn. :)
Ranko_SD: I really like that they brought back behind the car view like from GT1 to GT3...
I really hate the fixed one in 4 and prologue, they look so arcadey and for me undrivable, hope that they bring it to GT5...[/B]

it makes it look a lot better when you can see around the car more, especially as Gt5 will have such good car models. Also it makes it hard to drift in the rear camera. 👍
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i to have a ok 5.1 soround system, and dont think the car sounds are that bad.. i hate the skidding sound its so high thats my only consern..

i hope they have some sort of volume controll on the engine and tire sound, and music
wow the F3 sound is pretty damn close, If GT5 comes out with the same low Q sounds I think i'm gonna cry abit because that's the one thing I think their lacking to make GT the emersive game it should be. thats why I keep on re watching the Vision Gran Tourismo Trailer, the sounds on that video make me splat.
one more thing about the E3 trailer i saw only 16 cars in the nascar clip..
so it doesent seem that they have gotten a bigger number cars on track. than prolouge
The FM3 vid is recorded with a camera, and sounds kinda distorted, we'll have to wait for a better vid I guess. But GT5P sounds close to the real thing. 👍
even the real sound in the video is distorted because of the quality of the microphone and the proximity of the exhausts
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even the real sound in the video is distorted because of the quality of the microphone and the proximity of the exhausts

I'd recommend the newest versions of the Panasonic Lumix. Filming in close to HD format, and a GREAT stereo microphone. It records F1 really well, even when they all pass after the start. :)
I think the engine sound and the wind in GT5P is ok, the only thing that is terrible is the IIIIIIIiiiiiiiii i ii iiiiiiiiiiii........ from the tires:

I prefer for example the tire sound of GRID because in my opinion is more real.
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I think GT5 will feature different sounds from GT5P... I mean, hopefully more realistic sounds, but if not, at least they'll be different.

Look at GT4P for example... same tyre sounds from GT3. But then we got new sounds in the full GT4. GT5P has the tyre sounds from GT4... see the pattern here?

Also, on a side note, GT4P had GT3's HUD, which was changed in GT4 full. Maybe we're going to see a brand new HUD in GT5? 👍
They only rev the cars on neutral unlike Turn10 and many others that use dynos.

Watch them recording that Maserati Spyder sound :




They use a huge super-expensive scanner that they bring everywhere and all around the world each time they need to "scan" a car right ?

Why don't they bring a dyno too ?
its not hard to record real sound .. the thing that is hard is that getting a statick sound to react to an engine reving that is hard.. the sound is changing as the engine is reving. that part is very difficult to get right..
but again i dont have any problems with engine sounds in gt games.. just tire sound..
all i hear some times is iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. around corners.. thats anoying
LOL, compared to RL the gt5p sound so bad! Cant understand that its so hard to get engine sound right?? Its so far off that I almost think they didnt even try.. If its recorded from the actual car, shoulndt it sound kinda like the real thing...?
Alright, I found this vid when it came out (Subscribing ftw) & thought of the BMW tii right away. Check it:

compared to:

..Some tire squealing so I don't seem too off topic. :sly:
I'm with the OP, I was impressed with the NASCAR "leaving the pits" tire sound, but the engines sounded like a Richard Petty Driving Experience car, not a Cup car!

I wonder if they will get the tire squealing right with different rubber compounds and tread patterns such as slicks, rally, and econo street tires (aka N class).

PD definitely needs to step up on how they gather engine sounds. When an engine is under a load, there is a different sound from just sitting parked revving the engine.
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Look at GT4P for example... same tyre sounds from GT3. But then we got new sounds in the full GT4. GT5P has the tyre sounds from GT4... see the pattern here?

Actually, no the tire sounds are different in all three games. There are no huge differences but they are different.