What do Ron Paul, the American Civil Liberties Union, Conservative Action Alerts, Democratic Underground, and Alex Jones and his Prison Planet group all have in common?
Not much, but these well-known conservative and liberal icons have all gone into full-blown panic mode over Senate Bill 1867, otherwise known as the National Defense Authorization Act, which passed in the Senate the other day on a vote of 93 to 7.
All right, we admit we get a little panicky when bipartisanship breaks out in D.C., too, but this is ridiculous.
Throughout the Internet, the Defense Authorization Act is being referred to by the ominous title of the Indefinite Detention Bill. The Inter Lake has been assured by various parties, both local and nationwide, that passage of the bill would be tantamount to a declaration of martial law, that our civil liberties will be stripped away until we are naked against the bulwark of the federal government, and that it is just a matter of time before good Americans are locked up without trial in the same way that the Soviet Union imprisoned enemies of the communist state.
Well, yes, somebody may be locked up, but we are confident that it won’t be good Americans. Indeed, if the thousands of people forwarding scary emails about the bill would stop and actually investigate, they would find out that in large measure U.S. citizens are exempted from the law.
Remember, this is a gargantuan 926-page bill, but there are only two small sections that have people up in arms, or nearly so. But it is those two exact sections that provide the evidence that there is nothing to panic about.
According to Section 1032 on “Requirement for Military Custody,” for instance, “the requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not apply to citizens of the United States.”
Seems pretty plain to us.
And Section 1031, which relates to the use of the armed forces to detain covered people “pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force,” has a very narrow purpose of describing detention “under the law of war” of people who either participated in the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, or is a member or “substantial supporter” of al-Qaida, the Taliban, or “associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners.”
This DOES apply to U.S. citizens, but it has already been established in plentiful detail that traitors who join forces with the enemy are subject to military law, including detention and worse.
This concern about protecting Americans who might be judged by the government to be at war with the United States seems to be misplaced, at best, and mischievous at worst. There is a virtually nil chance that you or your neighbors will be swept up off the street and locked up in “indefinite detention” unless you are indeed engaged in war against the United States.
At that point, sorry, you lose most of your civil liberties.
Moreover, we would encourage everyone to think about the oath of office that many federal officials take, including all members of Congress. Remember, they are sworn “to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Those who are engaged in war against the United States are just such enemies, whether they are citizens or not.
We often disagree with the government, but that is not the same thing as being at war with it. Let’s not scare people into lessening the few protections we have against those who are dedicated to destroying our way of life.