UKGTP10 The Dixie - 25th/26th October - confirmations

  • Thread starter Venari
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Don't fall asleep if Roo's around with a camera.....

If that's the case, I'll be taking pictures of myself. I have to get up at 4.30am tomorrow. I didn't even know there was a 4.30am.

Word of warning, everyone - I will be very tired and very grumpy by about 3pm. I'll probably crash a lot.

Nigel - I've got to help move a freezer after Scouts, and they're hacking up pumpkins for Halloween tonight, so I probably won't get home until about 11pm at the earliest. Feel free to go to sleep before I get back.
I've loaded the rep-mobile up.

Loox like I may be joining you lot.

No TV from me though, hope that's ok.

See you all in the ungodly hours of Saturday.

Can't remember the last time I got up that early on a Saturday actually....

It better be worth it.

Right, I've just woken up (well, 15 mins ago), the PS2 and all it's associated bumpf are packed and all being well I should be ready to set off by about half eight, and at Famine's for as near to ten as I can manage 👍

For identification purposes, I will be in jeans, a green army-esque jumper, and I have mad-tyte facial fluff, so don't be surprised when a person of said description turns up at the doorstep...

See y'all soon 👍
Happy racing, ladies and gentleman - hope you have a corking weekend. Anyone have a webcam? 💡
I think it's fair to say that fun was had by one and all today.
Especially the attention-whore puppy.

Incidentally, the 2006 Eclipse is bobbins. Particularly when being pushed uphill in kiddiecam by an F-150 Lightning.
"aaarrrgh! I cant see!"

"That's cos youve been 'eclipsed'...."


Ahh, much fun was had.

Quick summary:
Sureshot won the Handicap on a race-off, VEXD won the two-day Dutcho, I won the Pick Your Own (someone let me loose in a Ruf RGT :D) and the Clio Endurance (Infineon Stock) was won by Sureshot/daan/HoldenHSVGTSR. Sureshot got the overall win. homeforsummer was awarded, in absentia, the award for the Driver of the LAN award and Tig got the special, one-off, "Spirit of Dixie" award for being a bloody good sport (playing GT4 for a grand total of 2 weeks off and on, before subjecting himself to a bunch of hardcore nutjobs - and still turning in a race win).

Once again, my thanks to everyone who attended, filled my garage with lights and expletives and dropped my dog :D

Extra special thanks to Milford Cubicle, for putting up with the bunch of us and being gorgeous :)
Particularly when being pushed uphill in kiddiecam by an F-150 Lightning.
I was helping you out by giving you a wee push.

Thank you very much for the use of your house/garage/kitchen/Famine for the weekend. Although I didn't use Famine much. Honest. He's as good as new...

Thanks also to Famine, Venari for sorting the races, and Mrs Tig for her excellent sandwiches/sausage rolls etc.

Thanks also also to all the racers who made this such a great weekend with some brilliant races. 👍

Oh, and softs, with no stops, FTMFW!
Especially the attention-whore puppy.

Incidentally, the 2006 Eclipse is bobbins. Particularly when being pushed uphill in kiddiecam by an F-150 Lightning.

That just sounds dirty. :sly:

Sounds like all of you had a grand time.

I'll have to bring plenty of beer next weekend to see if we can live up to the standard you've set for October, 2008 LAN parties. ;) :cheers:
I really wish I could have come to this, but it's sort of a good job I didn't since I didn't get paid on time :( I'll try and make the next one though.
Next one - UKGTP11: The Elf - is Spring Bank Holiday weekend (23-25th May) 2009.

Results & Photos to follow soooooon :D

Many, many thanks again for letting us all gatecrash your house!

Ahh, much fun was had.

Quick summary:
Sureshot won the Handicap on a race-off, VEXD won the two-day Dutcho, I won the Pick Your Own (someone let me loose in a Ruf RGT :D) and the Clio Endurance (Infineon Stock) was won by Sureshot/daan/HoldenHSVGTSR. Sureshot got the overall win. homeforsummer was awarded, in absentia, the award for the Driver of the LAN award and Tig got the special, one-off, "Spirit of Dixie" award for being a bloody good sport (playing GT4 for a grand total of 2 weeks off and on, before subjecting himself to a bunch of hardcore nutjobs - and still turning in a race win).

Once again, my thanks to everyone who attended, filled my garage with lights and expletives and dropped my dog :D

Extra special thanks to Milford Cubicle, for putting up with the bunch of us and being gorgeous :)

Driver of the LAN? Awesome, thanks so much to everyone who voted for me :D Had a cracking time, and it's only a pity I wasn't able to stay for later on Saturday/any of Sunday. Famine had done a fantastic job with the "farting" garage :sly:

Pity I missed the "pick your own", my car choice was the RUF RGT for that event too, would have been an interesting battle!

Have to say my racing highlights were an epic and hilarious battle with Daan and Sureshot at Trial Mountain in the awful Eclipses (which has been recorded, AFAIK) and a great race with Famine in Dodge Chargers at Grand Valley East Reverse. Flat out (well, 120mph) down the main straight, side by side about an inch apart... Had some great racing with VEXD too, he's damn quick is that guy 👍

Great meeting everyone, and I definitely intend on making my appearance at UKGTP events more regular. Looking forward to seeing all the results and pictures!

How was the French Fancy?
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The French Fancy was nice, but somewhat disappointing. I think it would've been better if it was lots of small ones making a huge one :)
Cath suggested hiding the big one and replacing it with a small one... :lol:

VEXD has been banned for throwing the puppy and Roo has also been banned for winding the puppy up to the point of explosion. Oh, and tripping her over so she skidded half the garage on her face! I'll have the RSPCA here next time...

Venari has been banned for having the worst memory evAr, he returned after an hour's drive to collect some vital paperwork...then I got a text at half 11 last night to say he'd forgotten the works iPod :lol:

Should be a quieter LAN in May ;)
Driver of the LAN? Awesome, thanks so much to everyone who voted for me :D

Have to say my racing highlights were an epic and hilarious battle with Daan and Sureshot at Trial Mountain in the awful Eclipses (which has been recorded, AFAIK) and a great race with Famine in Dodge Chargers at Grand Valley East Reverse. Flat out (well, 120mph) down the main straight, side by side about an inch apart... Had some great racing with VEXD too, he's damn quick is that guy 👍

That pretty much covers why you got Driver of the LAN - quick and fair on the track and fun to have about off it too. I'll need an address to post your trophy to :D

The Chargers were hi-larious. Never more than 2s apart for the entire race, and not much more than a car length apart for much of the last 2 laps...
Many apologies for not being able to make it Saturday. I arrived back late from overseas work at about 3.00am Saturday morning then had to drive from Manchester to a horrible place near Bradford to stay for the night. As Venari could probably tell I was still in bed when he called at 12.00pm on Saturday. I was trying to get down to the Sunday event but I was on call, and I got called out to Brentwood which was another few hours drive back down south.

Anyway, enough of trying to justify my absence, hope everything went well and I'm sure there will be many hilarious photos to be posted. As from 1st December 08 I will no longer be working abroad at any time so getting to a LAN event will be much easier.
I'll PM my address soon 👍 Thanks again though to everyone :D

The Clio endurance sounds like it could have been fun, how many laps was that then? I think however good the eventual GT5 online mode will be, it'll never quite be up with racing against a bunch of people in a garage in some crazy car choices. Lets just say that GT5 had better have a Ford F150 Lightning...

Oh, and I forgot from before, extra thanks go to Venari for letting me rev the Aston
I'll have to bring plenty of beer next weekend to see if we can live up to the standard you've set for October, 2008 LAN parties. ;) :cheers:

Hmmmmm. 💡

I'm moving mine to November then, just so there's no contest! :sly:

That doesn't mean you're excused from beer-bringing duties though! :cheers: :lol:

Glad to hear everyone had fun at "The Dixie" and I'll be getting my:
type of stick out to poke our instrument development dept. with, and booking some pointy ears for "The Elf" :D

Where did you run the Clio Endurance by the way? I already have a track picked, but I'm wondering if by some spooky coincidence that it's the same one you ran? :nervous:
They did indeed, but most attendees are either halfway home or currently at work having got home late last night.

I expect a results/photos thread shall be forthcoming...
They did indeed, but most attendees are either halfway home or currently at work having got home late last night.

I expect a results/photos thread shall be forthcoming...

Two of you didn't have to travel far to get home ;)
The step into the kitchen's a bugger though. Especially if you're over 6'2" as well... :D
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