UKGTP10 The Dixie - 25th/26th October - confirmations

  • Thread starter Venari
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Just an update from me, reminded by Famine via PM :D

I will be attending, but I'll only be there on the Saturday thanks to lack of moolah and suddenly becoming ridiculously busy :indiff:

Incidentally, just to recap - I can bring a couple of memory cards, a DS2, a copy of the game, and even a PS2 if needed 👍
I may have space for a medium LCD, but nothing more. Swindon is 45miles down the A361, which is not a bad road in the tool I'll have. :D If I can pick it up in 2 minutes flat at about 2.30pm, then you've got a deal. Else, no chance.


90 miles in 2 minutes....

Can you average 2,700mph?

Um, let me have another think about TVs.
I've just bought a fresh bottle of Timotei. So just to confirm, i defo will not be attending this time, unfortunately :(

But roll on UKGTP11! :)
I'm going to beat you to death with a ring-tailed Lemur.
I guess it depends if he's holding the horrible snarly, clawy, vicious end of the Lemur and beating you gently with the long, soft, gentle "ring-tailed" end or vice versa! :scared:
I should think the Lemur would enjoy the beating equally as little as TheCracker would...
Im reserving judgement on how busy I will be on that weekend, and so for now, i remain one of those annoying possibles, that will either turn up, and sleep in the car, or will not turn up, and will read the results thread.
If i turn up, i come complete with seat, wheel(s) and GT4 plus mem cards, but no TV.
If i dont turn up, i dont come complete with anything.

I've just heard from the RSPCL. They are concerned about the harm that the lemur may come into whilst TheCracker is being killed until death by it. They suggest you use a Prairie Dog instead. They're not as endangered as ring-tailed lemurs.
How about a Prairie Dog which looks suspiciously like a air hockey puck?


Any point in £2.52 for a week, doesn't sound bad... Note: I haven't actually read any T&Cs, I just can't think of any LCD's/small CRTs that I can bring other than the one I am bringing.

Could you play GT4 through a laptop monitor?

Hmm, we have 8 TVs and 9 PS2s. So we need more PS2s as much as we need more TVs. If we get one more TV we can do a 5-seat LAN and a 4-seat LAN. I've tried options in finding a TV, I did think about LCD PC monitors, but that isn't going to work, is it?
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the money would be too much to lose.

To be honest, we're having a little cashflow issue at the moment too

I'm out of ANYTHING that costs money for the forseable future. Ask Sureboss/Roo what I do for a living and you'll understand why I have you all beat for cashflow problems :scared:

I suppose you want the golden gamepad back for re-assignment?
Oh yes. I'd forgotten about that... Err... Are you able to get it to Roo/Sureshot?

Incidentally, you're not an Icelandic banker, are you?
I fear that the new page has left my TV questions on bottom of P5 unanswered...

I can't remember what Car-less does...did a degree in engineering iirc.
I actually have a spare TV which is currently unallocated. For the reason that it sucks. But it's better than nowt.
I'll bring all the tellys I can get my hands on, but they're all like my PS2 - fat and old.
I doubt they'll be using the gearstick again...

Edit: Her face is brilliant! Also, how come daan tried to sit in Bad Habit?
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It's a tradition. Or an old charter. Or something.
Why wouldn't you want to sit in a 850hp+, 9 second car?

He made it too - that was trying to get out again.

It was more a question of how, rather than his ambition. Also, lot's of purple on the inside as well as outside.
I'm quite nimble for a big, fat, old bloke.

Now Nigel getting into, and out of, Bad Habit is something I'd pay to see..
I could do with a bit of cash ;) Did you not see me getting into and out of Roo's Mini?
Well, I managed to bork the PS2 I was lending Bad Hobbit. Go me.

Luckily, Bad Hobbit is used to microelectronics and, a quick bit of solder later, had it up and running. Crisis averted.
I actually have a spare TV which is currently unallocated. For the reason that it sucks. But it's better than nowt.

Switch it on now, it might actually display a picture by the time people turn up.

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