UKGTPXII - The Douze Cruise - Now with videos

  • Thread starter Sureboss


Tanned and Lipstick'd
United Kingdom
Ha, thought of a good name for it!

What are the plans for this? I remember the last weekend of August being mentioned.



Potentially (A whole category for Danny):

As ever, the wonderful hosts are Famine & Milford Cubicle, and the LAN shall be held in the Newcastle/Middlesbrough area.
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We already have a recurring theme of numbers in different languages. What's 12...?
Hey guys, never been on one of these before, but I'm keen to attend.

I haven't had the chance previously, due to school, exams, parents, etc. but my exams have finished, and I'm not off to university (hopefully) until October. Was wondering if i'd be welcome to come along and join in? :)
Everyone's welcome - though we pretty much hit capacity for sleepings last time so you are likely needing to find somewhere local to stay. I can pass on some phone numbers of nearby hostelries (many with a sea view - or at least a sea smell).
Everyone's welcome - though we pretty much hit capacity for sleepings last time so you are likely needing to find somewhere local to stay. I can pass on some phone numbers of nearby hostelries (many with a sea view - or at least a sea smell).

Sounds good. How much would they cost, on average?

If this is scheduled for the last weekend of August, then that'd be just about perfect for me. :)
Cost me and Roo £40 for a twin in the pub, of which I've forgotten the name.

New name, running with the 12 theme.
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Good news: I am amenable to the last weekend in August for the 12th UK LAN.

Bad news: The blue room is not available for sleepings which means you would all have to find an alternative location to stay at night.

More bad news: If it doesn't go ahead the last weekend in August, then LAN 12 will have to be delayed until next year.
29th & 30th?

I'd probably have to fly up, doubt I can knock out driving in 6 weeks!

If it's the last weekend in August, I can definately drive up on Saturday evening, but watch this space as I might - it's a big might - be able to come for the whole event.
If it's the last weekend in August, I can definately drive up on Saturday evening, but watch this space as I might - it's a big might - be able to come for the whole event.

Well, whatever I do it will be on the Saturday, the Friday we've got a day/night one dayer. I shall have a nice flat screen by then too, will there be room for a 37" TV in the garage, Famine? ;)
nothing on that weekend so should make it :)

does that mean the october one may be time for the scottish ukgtp ;)

Sounds good. How much would they cost, on average?

If this is scheduled for the last weekend of August, then that'd be just about perfect for me. :)

it was around £80 for me for the weekend although one night vexd did share the room,in another bed i might add!
Jeebus it's getting close to August already, isn't it!

Well, as far as I'm aware I'm free that weekend so put my name down.

Point heeded about accomodation - I'll sort something out. Might see if my brother is free for this one too, and for those who don't know he's on this forum now as well.
You may struggle to find a local B&B given the time of year. I probably have room for a largish tent or perhaps three small ones (two man) on the grass if someone wants to bring one (I can provide an inflatable single mattress and a camp bed) but it's something you're going to have to fight out amongst yourselves!
I do have a small tent which can be used but the other two smaller tents would have to be provided. And remember, once you're outside for the night, you're outside for the night!
Despite what I said last time about wanting to wait until GT5, I really want to come to this LAN. Last weekend of August may or may-not be viable I shall see. Put me down as interested.
You may struggle to find a local B&B given the time of year. I probably have room for a largish tent or perhaps three small ones (two man) on the grass if someone wants to bring one (I can provide an inflatable single mattress and a camp bed) but it's something you're going to have to fight out amongst yourselves!
I do have a small tent which can be used but the other two smaller tents would have to be provided. And remember, once you're outside for the night, you're outside for the night!

Further to this, if anyone needs one I've got a two man, three man and something like a 5 or 6 man selection of tents, any combination of which can be brought. I've got a few camp beds and roll mats too. Bear in mind I may be arriving late on Saturday. Either way, I'll probably just sleep in the Volvo.
No. It's all a cover for a 72 hour drugs & porn marathon.

I'd belive that but then you have meets in Middlesbrough which takes me to the conclusion that all you do is eat parmos. A parmo eating contest if you will.

Maybe I should start playing gt4 again.....
Parmo = porn and drugs

You still got the MR-2?

Lol ya, i'm on my 3rd engine, 2nd turbo, 3rd set of suspension god knows what else.

God knows how many of these things i've missed, did you guys ever do bowling again? :dopey:
You may struggle to find a local B&B given the time of year. I probably have room for a largish tent or perhaps three small ones (two man) on the grass if someone wants to bring one (I can provide an inflatable single mattress and a camp bed) but it's something you're going to have to fight out amongst yourselves!
I do have a small tent which can be used but the other two smaller tents would have to be provided. And remember, once you're outside for the night, you're outside for the night!

Thanks for the heads-up. Tent sounds the best option, either that or kip in the car. I've slept in much worse places than a car seat... the joys of student life.