UKGTPXII - The Douze Cruise - Now with videos

  • Thread starter Sureboss
If you really do want to sleep in your car then I have no issue with you having the car out the back and sleeping there.

I'm really sorry I can't accommodate you in the Blue Room this time (if it were the usual October LAN then it'd not be an issue) but the person who usually sleeps in there takes priority!!
I'm really sorry I can't accommodate you in the Blue Room this time (if it were the usual October LAN then it'd not be an issue) but the person who usually sleeps in there takes priority!!

Completely understand, no worries! I'll have a think about the car/tent thing and decide my preference...

Does snoring get amplified in tents?

The good thing: in a tent you are outside, and therefore it's likely to be a little noisier to drown out any snoring.

The bad thing: people in the tent would be sleeping in closer proximity to each other...
Roo did it with Indy when she was about 8 weeks old.

It would just be super if you never, ever take this out of context. Thanks.

If you really do want to sleep in your car then I have no issue with you having the car out the back and sleeping there.

I'm really sorry I can't accommodate you in the Blue Room this time (if it were the usual October LAN then it'd not be an issue) but the person who usually sleeps in there takes priority!!

No problemo! I'd rather sleep in a tent, but if the tent space is needed the Volvo's an option for me.
your only allowed to bring the volvo if you can get this badge fitted to it :sly:
Yeah, I saw that in the Funny Pics thread. It did cross my mind, but when I saw it had been done I kinda lost enthusiasm.
I can actually feasibly get to one of these now, so put me down as interested. Depends on the dates though, as it'd fall between A level results day and me disappearing off to France for une semaine.
In a slightly related issue, I've just found 4 packets of earplugs....

Anyone want to trade for a PS3 and the fuel money to travel up there?

In a slightly related issue, I've just found 4 packets of earplugs....

Anyone want to trade for a PS3 and the fuel money to travel up there?


Trade in the Honda and get the train.

Righty, you can count me in for all three days, arriving Friday evening if possible.

Nigel - there's a lift free if you need one.
\o/ We have a match on that Friday, but I don't have to work it, so I'll just say "I'm unavailable". I'll clarify this on Monday, though.

Arriving Friday night? Sounds good to me, I can't keep doing Saturday starts like that! One day, Roo, I will be driving it, hopefully for the first GT5 one, as this is possibly going to be our last GT4 LAN.
Hey, we can be retro before it becomes cool.

I shall be there, I shall see if the BlackSheep wants a lift too.
Well, there definitely won't be another LAN before next May so potentially this actually is the last GT4 one...
Oooh, come GT5, surely it'll be no more dual-LANs? The idea of all of us racing at the same time is great! Can the garage units cope with the bigger PS3s?
Hey, we can be retro before it becomes cool.

I shall be there, I shall see if the BlackSheep wants a lift too.

I'll be there if it's the last GT4 meet. I'll have no budget for a PS3 in time for GT5's release and it's a long way to travel just to sit around and get my head licked while you lot play :D
Right, what's going on? This thread is dead, yet the date draws nearer.

Have we all decided its a bad idea on some other website somewhere that I am not a member of?

We're sleeping on it ;)

I've managed to obtain a copy of Across the Lake, I thought it might be cool to watch it on one of the nights, thoughts? It's quite rare. For those of you too lazy to google/don't know it, it's about Donald Campbell's attempts on Lake Coniston in the 60s.

Also about the order a bottle of Laphraig (daan is laughing as I try to pronounce that).