UKGTPXII - The Douze Cruise - Now with videos

  • Thread starter Sureboss
Sorry can't make it, as it coincides with a music festival I bought tickets for a year ago. I only remembered when the tickets came though in the post today.
Hmm, now I am thinking about working that Friday, which would mean I won't finish work till 11-11:30 on that Friday night. Hmm, will have to think about this...
I've not been to one of these for a while now and really wanted to make it up for this one. Unfortunately it coincides with me being crushingly disappointed by an 11th hour pull-out from the Gold Cup meeting at Oulton Park that same weekend. Probably. :(
Quick question - is this one starting on the Saturday of the bank holiday weekend, or the Friday night? I won't be free on the Friday night (working) so if my car is to go in the back you'll have to wait till I arrive on Saturday morning to set up. I still intend to sleep in my car too :D
It'll be the Saturday.

I really can't be bothered to find out flying for Saturday morning. Work will just have to find someone else. Not really worth it, flights look about the same price as I'd earn, and I'd be knackered as I would have had a 14-hr Friday. I briefly looked and there's nowt to Newcastle from Gatwick.

Suppose I'd better go find some camping stuff!
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I imagine once everything is set up, gaming will start around lunchtime on the Saturday until late but certainly not after 10pm as I have a small person to put to bed!

Sunday should/will be! an early start ;)
I'm supposed to be working until half 7 on the Friday, but I'll swap late nights and finish at 5. That'll give me more time to get down on the Friday night.

I've also asked for the Monday and Tuesday off on holiday, so I'll probably drive back up on the Monday night.
I finish work at 9pm on Friday so by that time I'll have run out of arsed for driving. Hence the Saturday visit like last time.

Looks like I'll be coming in Sadface again, unless one of the five people watching my car on fleabay decides to buy it in the meantime...
Well, after VEXD refusing to get up, I've stocked up on airhorns, water pistols and klaxons...
Snoring alarm clock would work better. Or you could hide a bag of doggie treats under his pillow...
I really can't be bothered to find out flying for Saturday morning. Work will just have to find someone else. Not really worth it, flights look about the same price as I'd earn, and I'd be knackered as I would have had a 14-hr Friday. I briefly looked and there's nowt to Newcastle from Gatwick.

We could always drive up Saturday morning like we normally do.
We could always drive up Saturday morning like we normally do.

Thing is, I can't see how I could get to you before half-midnight on Friday night/Saturday morning. Probably be well after 1am in reality. Or, I leave here at 5ish on Saturday morning, but then we'd only get up to Famine & K's until about 12.

Actually, arriving late at night isn't plausible, not fair on Dad. Would arriving at yours for about 7 and up at the LAN at 12ish be okay?

Edit: Sorted with Roo, given I could (with the match finishing at 10:30, another hour of cashing and locking up, etc) be home at half midnight at the earliest, and getting up at 4am to get to Roo's, be absolutely knackered on Saturday. Probably be a 12hr working day on Friday. Um...

*shoots himself.
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Isn't this usually about the time when people confirm what they're able to bring along?


- 2x DS2 (one with a broken L2 button and another that's brand new but not very good...)
- 1x PS2
- 1x assorted leads - power, cabling, scart stuff
- 1x GT4
- 1x memory card (possibly 2x if another is required)
- 1x grumpy Ford Fiesta in lieu of something better, providing it hasn't sold and been replaced by next week (if it does miraculously get sold next week then I'll have to buy something pretty sharpish unless I'm planning to swim to the Douze)
- 1x Me
I am providing 1 x tent of which Sureboss has booked one sleeping space, there is room in that tent for another to sleep. I am also providing 1 x airbed.

Two of you will need to provide a 2/3 man tent each, or one of you a 6 man tent and also things to sleep on. I do have a double blow up bed and a double squishy vacuum mat airbed type thingy but that'd mean getting close and cosy to your tent partner!!

It's your call ;)
I'm planning to sleep in the car, and intend to bring my full duvet and pillows to make the experience as comfy as possible! I've not decided whether "boot with the rear seats folded" or "passenger seat wound all the way back" is the way to go yet though...
There's also the local hostelries probably still available (though it is Spank Holiday Weekend).
1 x TV1 x PS2
1 x GT4
However many Mem cards I can find, 3 I think.
1 x DFGT
Cabling, I need to remember power stuff.
1 x random kitchen equipment

I won't have time to make Shortbread before hand (well, I could do it on Thursday, but it'd be rank by Saturday). So I'll make it on Sat/Sun and you can all see why it tastes so good! I'm also bringing stuff to make that roulade that didn't work last year.

Famine, I remember you saying before you have a favourite dark fruit, blackberry, was it?

I've got a Vanilla Pod, so it'll be a Vanilla Cream & something, it worked well with Raspberries and I can get some on Friday morning that were picked on Friday morning (local & proper shops ftw!)

God knows what I'll be like on Saturday after a 12& a 1/2 hour shift on Friday. I may sleep in the Lolvo, Roo...
I havent really got the cash, or anywhere to sleep to do this, and there are a million other things I should be doing, but we'll see if I drop all those and drive up. It all depends on work tbh. If I manage to blag one of those sweet 3 series tourers for the trip, then count me in. Actually, that's highly unlikely.
Anyways, if I make it, i'll sleep in the car, with a cd of people snoring on repeat to help me drop off.

I'll be bringing all the usual insults.
And that chair.
I'll do the whiskey run on Saturday I spose. I will aim to drink more this time around though.
Or am I banned?
