UKGTPXII - The Douze Cruise - Now with videos

  • Thread starter Sureboss

Edit: Right, everything is packed. Shortbread and Roulade are ready to be made on Saturday (don't worry, they don't take long).

Just found out our game is on Sky Sports 2 tomorrow, so I will probably be having some good rants on Saturday as it makes it a chuffing nightmare with their 3 massive trucks on our small, ickle ground. :( Not going to be on GTP tomorrow, probably lifting and moving 80Litre beer barrels too at work too \o/ So, see you all on Saturday! It's gonna be fun. :)
Edit#2. I also now have Whisky...
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I've commandeered an air bed so the back of my car is going to be full of that and that is where I shall be sleeping. Avec double duvet cover and pillows. A Fiesta will have never seen such luxury.
Chapette?!? I've had just about enough of your cheek, Crackerman.


I'm considering driving up this evening after witnessing the worst traffic in English history all day today.
So if there's some strange silver vehicle parked outside tomorrow morning with a trying-to-sleep-VEXD in it; that'll be me.
Looks like you lot are having fun.
Who is attending?
I think I can make out Venari, Roo, Blacksheep & homeforsummer in the shot at the moment.
Just a gentle warm-up with the PYO cars today. Onto the Dutcho stuff tomorrow :D
Pikes Peak at Monaco to follow at some point today...presumably this is before the Apocalypse.

Tent was surprisingly comfy, not had 9 hours sleep in a while! Got woken up by a dogs tail slapping me on the back of the head...
I'd like to personally thank you for bringing a fine selection of letter openers to my attention yesterday.

I suspect it'll be either the first sign of the Apocalypse or somewhere amid it.

It's not quite the least sane race we're having today (at some point), but it's up there.
HFS reporting in, I'm back. Weird using a steering wheel and pedals with genuine feel after three days of electronics :P

I'll get photos off my phone and onto here in a short while - food calls first.
Did you find yourself drafting people on the way home?

I think I might have done, but then I did have a legitimate reason.... blummin 1.3's.....

Well I think that section of dual carriageway might have been the only time all weekend I passed you and made it stick...
Well, I'm knackered but I enjoyed myself.

Hearing laughter all the way through at least 4 races pretty much made the weekend for me, regardless of any results.
few pics
vexd's bed in the caramerivan



Daan's peugeot being french



random hedgehog

Drive back was interesting with some aquaplaning for good measure

and some random height facts if you ever drive along the A66


throught i took more pictures,apperently not though.

range stormer vs mazda
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OMG. You cruel, cruel man, Famine!
Surely you didn't inflict the SUV "handicap of doom" on everyone, did you? :eek:

Nice photos & videos Holdenhsvgtsr 👍
I'm assuming that's your voice on the Freddie vid?
We were warned to "lek oot fer a rael strong Glesga aaksent!" :P

Just wondering how you managed a capture of a race video minus the usual cursing & background noise already? You must be a master editor!! :lol:

Look forward to seeing more thoughts, favourites, pictures, vids and maybe even some results from you all...

Speaking of which, I'm still in the naughty corner w.r.t. SFGTP5 results. :guilty:
Yes. Yes I did :D

One of the races throughout which laughter could be heard permanently was the first SUV Handicap race - everyone in the comical handling Audi Pike's Peak quattro...
Roo and Sureboss got really soaked pushing me through that storm!

It's all lies though. The Pug of power started first time as it always does... Although it is no coincidence that both times we stopped, I parked it on a slight downhill.

Had a brilliant time this weekend. To come 3rd overall is my best ev4r result at a UKGTP, and I was really chuffed about that.

Thanks to everyone for their brilliant racing, and mega thanks to Milford Cubicle for turing over her house to a bunch of loonies for the weekend!

Special mention to mini-Cubicle who managed a faster lap round high speed ring than Venari or hfs managed in the same race!

I've got loads of videos, which I've not even looked at yet. I'll try and get some of them onto youtube and not forget about them like I have a habit of doing...
Lots of laughs this weekend, probably more than at any other LAN. This includes when daan was trying to kill me with Roo's G25 'Wheel of Death'. From winning last October's LAN, to coming joint 8th this time around, I couldn't care less. I enjoyed it, I remember being bored in one car, can't remember what. Oh and I won at Le Mans, so the world will end tomorrow.

Massive thanks to the hosts for their hospitality, tent and bathroom facilities and everything else. Thanks to Roo for a seat in the Lolvo.

Had some good smokers chats with VEXD too. Oh, apparently my snoring kept up Roo this time \o/
I remember being bored in one car, can't remember what.

Probably the Lolvo. You were in it for 9 hours.

Echoing others, big thanks go to Milford Cubicle for putting us up, and putting up with us, for a whole bank holiday weekend, and thanks to Famine and Venari for organising the races. I'm worried we'll turn up for the 13th round and Cubicle Jr will destroy us all :scared: Thanks to Sureboss for feeding us puddings too :)

Had a decent time results wise, better than the last few LANs, including a win in the Clio Endurance - mostly down to my teammate homeforsummer though 👍

Drive back was interesting with some aquaplaning for good measure

What were you doing on the M3?
Speaking of which, I never asked for feedback on the Roulade (you all always have a "crisis" over the shortbread anyway so needn't ask). I felt it could have done with more chocolateness, but it is supposed to be light and a relatively healthy chocolate cake anyway.

4 eggs, 100g sugar, 2 tbsp Cocoa is what the sponge consists of.
Should've stayed longer (or I should have put the cream I bought in the fridge and not let it solidify and smell, er, interesting).

There'll be more Roulades.

Hmm, shortbread Roulade? You'd all just die, I think :D

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