Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan
Yeah definitely seems they want to go more towards the older format, which i think is a good idea. They could even just go back to more like the 2002-2008 years of new TG, when things weren't as ridiculous and silly as the latest years. No point really trying to do that again with new presenters, people won't buy it, so I'm glad they're changing it up.
Edit: Someone else posted the news. Deleted.

Personally, I'm happy about the presenters, especially Harris and Sabine. Still not too thrilled about Chris Evans though...
I'm hoping the cast is mixed about to match the segment. So one week we will see more of Chris Evans, Matt and Rory as they go about building some diabolical contraption as the main focus of the episode. Then we can have Chris Harris and Sabine doing semi-serious car review stuff on the track, whilst Eddie Jordan adds his slice of crazy to the news. If that changed each week, you'd start to forget that no 3 of them have the same chemistry and on screen relationship that Clarkson Hammond and May have...
Do they really need The Stig anymore if they have Chris Harris and Sabine? Perhaps they should just hand The Stig over to the Amazon show... :confused:

But overall I'm very happy with the presenters! Not sure how its going to work with 6 of them filling up an hour, hopefully they'll all get a segment in each show unless they're just going to do challenge films...
As viewers we've really come up trumps on this, we get what looks to be a fantastic revamp of TG and we still get to see Clarkson Hammond and May on Amazon! :D
Do they really need The Stig anymore if they have Chris Harris and Sabine? Perhaps they should just hand The Stig over to the Amazon show... :confused:

But overall I'm very happy with the presenters! Not sure how its going to work with 6 of them filling up an hour, hopefully they'll all get a segment in each show unless they're just going to do challenge films...
As viewers we've really come up trumps on this, we get what looks to be a fantastic revamp of TG and we still get to see Clarkson Hammond and May on Amazon! :D

Chris is a good driver, but for laptimes he isn't great (whoever Stig is he would be a racing driver of some sort), Sabine is the Stig of the ring.
In having such a large team it seems they are going for the old Top Gear style of presenting with segments and features. Much like how Fifth Gear and The Gadget Show is presented. I don't know how it's going to work having 6 people on a road trip for example. Also it's pretty obvious the BBC has gone the PC route covering
I doubt the 6th will go on road trip, we might not even get a road trip anymore anyway. I think if they stick to what was Top Gear in season 1 to 8 they could succeed. Big roadtrip were fun but more because of how the trio worked together, I doubt you can recreate that with 6 peoples.
In having such a large team it seems they are going for the old Top Gear style of presenting with segments and features. Much like how Fifth Gear and The Gadget Show is presented. I don't know how it's going to work having 6 people on a road trip for example. Also it's pretty obvious the BBC has gone the PC route covering

The PC route? Why?
The PC route? Why?

All the people they have picked are hardly outspoken controversial people, or rather people who freely speak their mind... well maybe apart from Eddie. It seems they are making an extra effort to undo or cover up the years of offending Clarkson has done to every part of society! It's almost like the One Show or This Morning is presenting TG.

It's as if to suggest that some of them aren't there on merit. Something which i completely disagree with. I think they chose well.

I never said they weren't there on merit, it's just they are a pretty 'safe' group of people. It's hardly the Big Brother housemates now is it?

Yeah definitely seems they want to go more towards the older format, which i think is a good idea. They could even just go back to more like the 2002-2008 years of new TG, when things weren't as ridiculous and silly as the latest years. No point really trying to do that again with new presenters, people won't buy it, so I'm glad they're changing it up.

I agree, years ago the production team admitted the TG format was stale and in need or a drastic change and going back to even older TG might be the way to go. My only worry is that in doing segmented pieces are we going to loose some of the magic we saw in the challenges and trips?
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It seems they are making an extra effort to undo or cover up the years of offending Clarkson has done to every part of society!
If that were the case, it would have a cast of thousands...

I was just thinking what Clarkson could call his new show, and whether he could use an anagram of Top Gear... my favourites are "Gape Rot", "Part Ego", "Pre-Goat", "Got Rape", "Pot Rage" and "Opt Gear".... so maybe not then.
I was just thinking what Clarkson could call his new show, and whether he could use an anagram of Top Gear... my favourites are "Gape Rot", "Part Ego", "Pre-Goat", "Got Rape", "Pot Rage" and "Opt Gear".... so maybe not then.

Last thing I heard is that they were going for 'Gear Knobs' :lol:
They should keep Sabine and Chris, and leave it at that. And keep the Stig for laptimes, as a character he is just too famous to cut out.

I've always thought Chris' channel is way better than Top Gear has ever been. He can at least actually drive.
I never said they weren't there on merit, it's just they are a pretty 'safe' group of people. It's hardly the Big Brother housemates now is it?
I still don't see how you'd class their selection as being PC. It really shouldn't even come into play/be a consideration. What matters more (for me anyway), is the quality of the program. Not how controversial the presenters are.
I still don't see how you'd class their selection as being PC. It really shouldn't even come into play/be a consideration. What matters more (for me anyway), is the quality of the program. Not how controversial the presenters are.

Could just be a little too clinical, that's all, like how a lot of other similar shows are. So how is it going to stand out other than with the franchise name.
They should keep Sabine and Chris, and leave it at that. And keep the Stig for laptimes, as a character he is just too famous to cut out.

I would imagine a lot of this new team will be given one, maybe two series to prove themselves and if they don't, they will start thinning them out.
Not really sure what to make of that lineup.

  • Chris and Sabine, I can understand why they would do it, especially after watching Chris's videos.
  • Evans is sort of an Uncanny Valley. Yes he's a big car enthusiast, but I'm not sure he'd be up to the task, especially of filling Clarkson's shoes.
  • Matt LeBlanc + Eddie Jordan: Really? That's just not going to work in my opinion.
  • Who the hell is this Rory Reid guy?
Chris and Sabine, I can understand why they would do it, especially after watching Chris's videos
Who the hell is this Rory Reid guy?
Try watching some of Rory's videos and you'll probably say the same thing you said about Chris Harris...
Having watched Rory's videos, I'm excited to see him on Top Gear. Also Chris he and Neil will still do internet stuff which answers my previous question.
I could see Sabine merchandise selling pretty well, depending on what the "merchandise" is of course.

And, to be serious for a minute, it already does. You can even buy dinner with her as one of the RSRNurburgring packages :)

There's also D-Motor merchandise already although not quite at the level of the TopGear UK publicity machine.
I'm quite excited about this line-up, I must say. The show was in dire need of a re-boot before it bit the dust last year, and I hope that this will be able to just that, especially with the vastly contrasting personalities from one-to-another.
And, to be serious for a minute, it already does. You can even buy dinner with her as one of the RSRNurburgring packages :)
Not sure that duvet covers of her with the phrase "I could do say time in a fan" would sell quite as nicely as Stig ones.
I find myself hoping that the christmas specials return more than anything, christmas this year just wasn't the same. I hope the new line up is flexible enough to do the stupid things the previous three did, and not the bracket of "celebs" that would consider themselves in need of stunt doubles to get up to, yes childish, yes intelligence of a monkey ( maybe insulting monkeys there), yes to a many of things - but for me the best tele thats not a reality public voting contest, or a boxset that leaves a cliffhanger every hour (of which 45mins is actual footage). I would love, love to see Eddie J with a machete and a beaten up second hand 4x4 stranded in a jungle, or Chris evans mm's from sliding his range rover off a cliff on devils road, or whatever it was called :).