Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan
James May did an AMA on Reddit yesterday, no idea what was already announced but he said Autumn for the launch of the new show

Looks... Actually surprisingly okay. I know it's just a trailer, and there's still a worrying sense of it trying to copy the old, but if they do manage to make it into something new, it could be good.
Well I don't think they could've changed the format too much, it was never suddenly going to become fifth gear, but hopefully they will have toned down the blatantly obvious scripted nonsense from the last few series. That Sweeney episode should've been watched by all of them as a lesson in what not to do.
It looks okay and felt like a fresh take on Top Gear. I admit while the familiar Clarkson trio were entertaining at its own right, i agree some of their jokes and such weared out over time.

What i worried more is the audience reactions. The teaser received bad receptions, 1:8 Like : Dislike ratio and comments are basically what you expect, calling the new ones "shadow of the old" and such.
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Well I'll say its actually looking decent. So far, I get the feeling Matt Leblanc is going to easily make me laugh harder then I should.
It looks okay and felt like a fresh take on Top Gear. I admit while the familiar Clarkson trio were entertaining at its own right, i agree some of their jokes and such weared out over time.

What i worried more is the audience reactions. The teaser received bad receptions, 1:8 Like:Dislike ratio and comments are basically what you expect, calling the new ones "shadow of the old" and such.

It's quite obvious that some people are already writing it off as rubbish simply because it hasn't got the 3 musketeers anymore. :rolleyes:

I personally consider that as close minded and petty because it's showing that they would rather have something that's was starting to lose its freshness and growing stale (and that's from a big TG fan) than have something new and possibly exciting.

I'll be going into this open minded and judging it on its actual merits, so that way if it does crash and burn I can at least say, "At least I gave it a fair chance to impress me." :)

Of course any verdicts I have will have a small asterisk next to them because it's the first season and T.V chemistry like the trio before doesn't happen instantly like all the naysayers are probably expecting.
Might give it a try to see if the new lineup works. I'm surprised there hasn't been much about Chris Harris though.
The trailer has been all about Evans and Matt and a little shot of Sabine. The rest of the cast not even a sight, but I guess they'll do the proper car testing while the entreinment will be held by those two I mentioned earlier.

But they got me interested. I'll definitely give it a go.
The trailer has been all about Evans and Matt and a little shot of Sabine. The rest of the cast not even a sight, but I guess they'll do the proper car testing while the entreinment will be held by those two I mentioned earlier.

But they got me interested. I'll definitely give it a go.

Evans and LeBlanc are the two regular hosts, everyone else will appear as needed.

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Harris fans...

I'm trying to give Evans a chance but I'm struggling.

Everything he's doing seems so forced, he really is devoid of personality and the 'pretending to be Clarkson' is kinda cringeworthy. However the trailer looked OK so I guess we will have to see how it pan's out over an hour.
Everything he's doing seems so forced, he really is devoid of personality and the 'pretending to be Clarkson' is kinda cringeworthy. However the trailer looked OK so I guess we will have to see how it pan's out over an hour.

Agreed with this, I'll give him a chance but I would much rather have Harris than Evans.
I swear my curiosity is gonna get me killed one day.

The trailer popped up in my YouTube Recommends list ( I know, first mistake ) and I decided to check it out.

Instantly regretted it. :crazy:

Over 22k dislikes already and nearly everyone is saying the same old song and dance, "We want the Trio back" plus backlash against people who's view on it isn't full of hate for it. :banghead:

If I rolled my eyes back any harder I probably would've blinded myself.

Bottom line: The TG Trio ship hasn't just sailed, it's circumnavigated the world and returned with exotic spices and no amount of pleading, protesting, moaning, threatening and whinging is gonna change the fact that you can't assault a work colleague and expect nothing to happen from it, no matter who you are.

What's happened has happened, I just wish people could accept that and give this a fair chance, but right now I'll have better luck using a handkerchief to clean up an off-shore oil spill.

/End Rant\ :ouch:
I swear my curiosity is gonna get me killed one day.

The trailer popped up in my YouTube Recommends list ( I know, first mistake ) and I decided to check it out.

Instantly regretted it. :crazy:

Over 22k dislikes already and nearly everyone is saying the same old song and dance, "We want the Trio back" plus backlash against people who's view on it isn't full of hate for it. :banghead:

If I rolled my eyes back any harder I probably would've blinded myself.

Bottom line: The TG Trio ship hasn't just sailed, it's circumnavigated the world and returned with exotic spices and no amount of pleading, protesting, moaning, threatening and whinging is gonna change the fact that you can't assault a work colleague and expect nothing to happen from it, no matter who you are.

What's happened has happened, I just wish people could accept that and give this a fair chance, but right now I'll have better luck using a handkerchief to clean up an off-shore oil spill.

/End Rant\ :ouch:
I happen to have a cousin who prefers the American TG boys over The Three Musketeers. I hope that this changes.

As for me personally, I happen to be one of the ones who said that TG would never be the same without them. However, this trailer has convinced me to give them a chance. I just so happen to like Matt LaBlanc, and his little scene in the trailer was perfect.
I have a feeling Matt LeBlanc is going to be the star of the new show. Chris is just too obnoxious. I'd rather he just be himself rather than trying to copy Clarkson's POWERRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! style.

If anything else, at least the cars and production quality are still top notch 👍

First shots fired. I wonder when we are going to see Amazon Not-Top-Gear's first trailer? ;)
I'll give it a go. Can't be any worse than some of the stuff on TV nowadays though. :yuck: :lol:

It does look to be a copy and paste of Clarkson-era Top Gear, even with the personalities of the old trio. Evans does come off as forced but it's just a trailer so I'll reserve full judgement till after 2 or 3 episodes.
Over 22k dislikes already and nearly everyone is saying the same old song and dance, "We want the Trio back"

And to those people I say 🤬 off. Honestly. And that's not because I'm defending the new Top Gear but because the old trio are still around and doing a show which is going to be identical in its crappy, formulaic, scripted, forced "comedy" where you have to suspend your disbelief in that they are playing "characters" like a freaking wrestling show and not being themselves.

Complete idiocy to be demanding something to be brought back when it's still actually around. It's just on a new channel.

For what it's worth that trailer looks no worse than any of the previous TG trailers and in fact it's refreshing to see new faces doing it. I'd rather they shifted more towards a Fifth Gear style show but that's wishful thinking given your typical BBC run-it-into-the-ground stagnation once they have found a winning solution.
I have a feeling Matt LeBlanc is going to be the star of the new show. Chris is just too obnoxious. I'd rather he just be himself rather than trying to copy Clarkson's POWERRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! style.

If anything else, at least the cars and production quality are still top notch 👍

First shots fired. I wonder when we are going to see Amazon Not-Top-Gear's first trailer? ;)

Doubt Chris would change, they'll probably limit him as he is a bit "too hardcore" for the average Top Gear viewer. Or maybe he wants to resume his show since he actually collected money from Patreon then decided to do Top Gear instead.
To quote a comment from YouTube: "Judging by the quality of some of the comments on this video, I feel this trailer has done something far more noteworthy: it's repelled the idiotic fanboys from the TG fanbase." :lol:

Doubt Chris would change, they'll probably limit him as he is a bit "too hardcore" for the average Top Gear viewer. Or maybe he wants to resume his show since he actually collected money from Patreon then decided to do Top Gear instead.

I meant Chris Evans, not Chris Harris. I love Harris and he can stay the way he is :P
Looks OK to me. Always love looking at threads like this with the "waaarrggghh I hate Clarkson, Hammond & May" "nnneaaaahhh this won't be a patch on the old line up", "huuuurggggh this looks terrible, not going to watch either show anyway but feel the need to comment over and over" when you know full well the old show was still, warts and all, one of the best things on TV (OK maybe cars had a lot to do with that), and both new shows are likely to be still very watchable, and you will, absolutely without doubt, watch them.

But that's not "cool" I guess. Maybe I should be more cynical and deliberately contrary, but I'm a positive kinda guy.