Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan
There's a double page spread on Evans in today's Mirror, a 'top level source at the BBC' backing him up after allegations of him being a 'control freak', I understand that this was designed to support him but wouldn't it have been better if the story wasn't printed at all?
There's a double page spread on Evans in today's Mirror, a 'top level source at the BBC' backing him up after allegations of him being a 'control freak', I understand that this was designed to support him but wouldn't it have been better if the story wasn't printed at all?

See above post.
Getting someone on board who can actually do comic acting seems like it's been a great idea. Hamster trying to do comedic acting was just painful.

Based on?
They don't seems to have any chemistry going on in the trailer.
They don't seem to get along, I'll still watch it tho. Actually In pretty impatient to see how the new series will turn out.

I disagree, I guess we'll just have to see how the programme turns out.

There's a double page spread on Evans in today's Mirror, a 'top level source at the BBC' backing him up after allegations of him being a 'control freak', I understand that this was designed to support him but wouldn't it have been better if the story wasn't printed at all?

That's how the rags work. Covering a long denial of something just gives them a passive-aggressive opportunity to rake over some muck.
So I have a bit of a confession, I read the Mail On Sunday (runs and hides!)

I only buy the Sunday one and not the one in the week, mostly for the Sport because the coverage they have is pretty good, but anyway the reason I bring this up is in its Event magazine supplement today is a 15-page special on the new series with interviews with all the presenters and behind the scenes pics, nice little feature there, new series looks good.👍
I hope the wacky producers open with the audience pelting cabbages and overripe tomatoes at Evans and LeBlanc. That would be the funniest thing ever. If the show is a hit and outperforms its Amazon rival... that'd be the second funniest thing ever.
I'm sure it is just me, but to my recollection Top Gear is merely a TV show...? It's not a message direct from God, the panacea for all ills nor the cure for cancer.... is it? So why do people get so 'het up' about it all?

Whilst I haven't read all the posts on here, I have seen comments elsewhere... is Chris Evans really the anti-Christ? Does he really deserve to be pilloried for breathing? Do any of those people attacking him or anyone else actually know the man or people concerned? No. Obviously.

So as per usual all these very definite views and allegedly 'deeply insightful' comments are based merely upon what people are told or read... which is always someone else's agenda

It seems to me there are better things to get upset about in life, 80% of the world starving and in abject misery might be a decent starting point.

Mr Punchy, May and the Hamster will be back on Amazon Prime, Top Gear with or without Evans and Le Blanc will return in some fashion ... and at no point will it make the slightest bit of difference to anyone's existence in any meaningful way.

If it does, I can only counsel, get out more.. a lot more.
I'm sure it is just me, but to my recollection Top Gear is merely a TV show...?

No, it's a very popular magazine too.

It seems to me there are better things to get upset about in life, 80% of the world starving and in abject misery might be a decent starting point.

How's the FM6 car painting going? Are you entertained by it or racked with unassailable guilt for every second?

If it does, I can only counsel, get out more.. a lot more.

That trailer has made me think that as fans, we may have made out well in all of this. The cinematography, budget and access to the newest cars will remain with Top Gear and should still be a decent show. The Grand Tour will at least be funny with the ClarMonDay trio even if they just sit in a tent and make fun of each other.

Now we have two shows to watch.
we may have made out well in all of this

Speak for yourself, I got nothing.

The cinematography, budget and access to the newest cars will remain with Top Gear and should still be a decent show

I hope so... but if you're a regular watcher of the BBC you'll notice that the last year has seen some dramatic changes. At the current rate Top Gear will soon be about a single canal boat and hosted by one of the cheaper Countryfile presenters.

SIARPC segment was always DVR skip material... at least they're trying to spice things up a little.
I rarely watched the segment unless I knew or cared about the person in it. I always watch everything behind due to just generally being busy most of the time so top gear was always a 40 odd min program.
I knew the track got a re-vamp as it said so in the magazine feature I mentioned before, the studio is different too, I wonder what the new reasonably priced car will be now the Astra was sold, anyone was to guess??
I knew the track got a re-vamp as it said so in the magazine feature I mentioned before, the studio is different too, I wonder what the new reasonably priced car will be now the Astra was sold, anyone was to guess??

Honda or Nissan, preferably a UK made model. Or maybe an MG 6?
All hour long American shows are only 40 minutes not including the commercials. :lol:
AFAIK an American shows actual length consists on this:

15 Minutes broadcast = 11 Minutes actual show
30 Minutes broadcast = 22 Minutes actual show
1 hour broadcast = 44 - 45 Minutes actual show
Right they have turned the track into a Rallycross track from what I understand and the SIARPC will now become Star in a Rallycross car.
I am really disappointed that not only is the rally cross thing true but the reasonably priced car is not in any way reasonably priced! A Mini Cooper is not a reasonably priced car, if anything its an overpriced hatchback with a fancy badge. Way to kill a segment TG!
I'm actually happy they change it a bit, copy pasting what the 2ND series was won't work. I don't mind rally cross either as it will only drop the interest on the pro drivers ranking. For the rest it might even the field a bit more and could bring more drama. And we don't know how that segment will be named yet I think ?