Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan
LeBlanc did really well, considering that's the first thing like that he's ever done (as far as I'm aware) his slightly monotone voice let's him down a bit but I guess he can't help that.

Chris on the other hand is every bit as loud, cringe worthy, annoying and arrogant as I thought he would be. And considering he's the main man we won't be seeing any less of him unfortunately.

But it was the first show, hopefully he will get less excited and mature a bit....hopefully.
Never known Chris Evans, and I for one can't stand him...


Sorry to make the lame pun, but soulless.

He reminded me of


over acting, and as the others said, over punctuation, just too much.... give that guy some ritaline

If it wouldn't be for Matt and Sabine, I would have turned off after the topgun segement. instead I continued for 20 more minutes before I was more than annoyed by Chris Evans.

Just loose him. Have the rest of the cast and it would be a succes. Plus all the hinted drama behind the scenes and him being a worse diva than Clarkson ....

Enough good car related shows out there(roads untravelled anyone? YT).... might come back after a while if it improves, but Evans really kills it for me.

Just get Captain America, no need to change the credits :lol:
...Oh lordy. I was thinking of catching this on BBC World later on in the week but if it's that cringe-worthy, maybe I shouldn't.... :irked:
What an unmitigated silo of rancid porcupine slurry.

If I could I'd make a looped tape of that forced 'woo' when Ramsay went off road for the first time and play it back to Chris Evans while he sleeps EVERY NIGHT UNTIL HE DIES.
Was waiting for somebody to shout about the worst part of his hosting tonight. If he keeps that up, that's what he'll deserve the sack for most of all. Not what anyone else says.

But yes, Extra Gear is clearly better. Can honestly say they've put the wrong Chris up front.
Chris Evans: "With the worst car...... in the world"



In all seriousness, Matt LeBlanc was the only reason I watched it all the way through. The show did what everyone thought it was going to do... serve as an Amazon Prime advert :lol:
Evans was a bit annoying, LeBlanc was good on his debut, the Rallycross thing was good, thought they should've put the Corvette around the track as well as the Viper, liked the new opening credits, overall not bad, doesn't deserve the crap its getting on social media, and from Clarkson in his tweet....
I enjoyed it but there were some bits that were cheesy. It seems that Chris is better when he does something with Matt and it also seems that Chris thinks the studio filming is TFI Friday.

Will watch the rest of the series though.
It was on ok start for me. Evans was definitely too forced in his speech and all of the in-studio parts were scripted and unnatural but those are things they can iron out. Same for the guests part, some bits good, some bits no so good. It'll be much better just by not having two random people who don't know each other.

The actual films were good enough, I laughed a few times, there is definitely potential there for me. It had some TG essence, for sure.
Finishing it up, it's not too bad; even the US version was awful in its first season. I don't know how to react to Evans, though. His dialogue during the segments feels kind of flat. It definitely doesn't have that same charm Clarkson can bring to describing a car. Matt however, I really liked. It didn't seem forced or trying to mimic anyone. He brought his own unique charisma to his segment & even his interactions with Evans felt real, that he was genuinely baffled by the UK's customs.

I felt the challenges were a breath of fresh air, though. With so many seasons under the past trio's belt, I'm positive they did the same ones, but those felt like a long time ago.

SIARPC or whatever they call it now felt the same as before, though I did like the questions about their own car experiences. Guess I'll have to wait & watch the segment for a couple more episodes.

All in all, it's ok I suppose. Will give it a bit more time, just think Evans should calm down when in the studio.
I actually enjoyed the first episode, sure it wasn't groundbreaking but it did the job of entertaining me.

Matt is really awesome and the part where he was in were funny and his way of speak felt natural and Sabine making a fighter pilot nearly puke was awesome as well.

About Chris Evans I'm not sure yet, he didn't made a huge impression on me and most of the stuff he said seems unnatural.

SIARC is okay I guess, Evans wasn't as good interviewing people as Clarkson but that's pretty obvious since he's not that used to it yet. Racing segment was ok even if some of the reaction of the guests didnt seems that natural. It seems a bit forced which I never felt with Clarkson. The 2nd guys (not Ramsay) didnt even seems to care about racing or even cars in particular, I wondered what he was doing here, except promotion.

The off road atom was pretty cool too, Matt seems like he know how to drive a car which is cool. Sabine vs Evans was ok even if I would like more car stuff rather than action movie sequence. The US vs UK segment failed to deliver what it was aiming for I think which was fun. It wasnt for the most part, they underused the Robin and the jeep battle was pretty bad imo. Even the climbing with the extra weight and different strategies wasnt that fun.

Sadly I couldnt watch Extra Gear as it's notmbroadcasted in my country.

I think it's a good first episode tho and they can now work on stuff they can change a bit to make it better. And hopefully with time passing I'll like Evans more.
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Just watched it. Honestly, it's not the worst thing in the world. The individual films were alright, but Evans in the studio is really, really, annoying for some reason. That, and the forced chemistry with Matt. Stop trying too hard to be exciting, and it might be tolerable. Otherwise at the moment I cringed all the way through the studio sections.

Viper vs Vette was the best part I think. Should have done a Power Lap in the Vette as well though.

The USA vs UK thing was pretty pointless really. The Reliant has no purpose, and the Jeep challenges were meh. There was no sense of accomplishment whatsoever in the end.

The Ariel Nomad also feel kinda flat to me, but that's just because I'm not a fan of that type of car. Matt's humour saves it though.

I skipped through most of SIARPC, except the laps. Damn they really butchered the circuit. It's a real mess and just makes things more complicated than it needs to be. Jesse being so much slower than Gordon doesn't help excitement either.

If we rate it as its own show, it's not bad. But it's just dull in comparison to the Old New TG. Even with the old trio you can tell things are scripted, but they can at least sell the script. The new show is just too obvious. Let them be more free, let the chemistry develop naturally, and calm Evans down and it might be salvageable.

As of now, I don't think I'll watch episode 2. Bring on Grand Tour!

EDIT: Dayum, Extra Gear is everything the main show is not. It's funny, genuine, interesting and informative. Harris' review of the Nomad has shades of Clarkson in it, mixed with that Harris style that we came to love. They even got the News section and a sort of mini SIARPC (without the lap). You can instantly tell Harris & Reid got along well. Definitely the one to watch 👍
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-> Just watched TGUK & EG. And I think it was alright overall.

-> Unfortunately:
- Evans was the weak point given by his screen time. Took too much coffee (or any caffeinated drink)
- Sabine was a more muted version of Vicki Butler-Henderson.
- Matt in my opinion carried the (main) show better, with his subtle punchline tones makes the show a little brighter.
- Rory was more of a game show host.
- Monkey (Harris) was the most Clarkson-like in this roster [which is a good thing], but I felt like he was an afterthought casting him in.
- The TG Challenge was a bit too long for my liking.
- Not enough 'decent' exposure on cars.
- The TG paved track looks like a total mess.

-> Fortunately:
- The Rallycross Celebrity Segment was a definite improvement although Jessie looked lost in it.
- EG was far better, In fact it needs its own proper show.
- That non-Turbo Mini JCW looks nice!
- The EG Sabine segment was good, it takes a peek on the personal side on one of the hosts.
- The new hanger was roomier and 'brighter' overall.
- The LalalalalalaFerrari Spyder leak was meh (IMO). But a good indication the LF will have a new model!
- Monkey never lost his charm despite his total lack of driving footage.
- Loved that Series 1 vs. Willys comparison!

^ TGT should bring its big guns after this, or maybe not.
Boy did it get slaughtered on social media, and by the Daily Mail who have made it headline news! :lol:


Also lowest ratings for a season opener in a decade with 4.3 million viewers. Wonder if next week it will be half that figure. If they sack Evans or at least make Matt lead I think they will be able to stem the flow.

As for the guest segment, you guys used to skip SITRPC? Well now I'm skipping the new one because they become part of a Top Trumps game show rather than talking about their lives.
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As dumb as it sounds, I actually did keep checking Twitter throughout the show, just to see if any one of the original three said anything; can confirm there was nothing.
Boy did it get slaughtered on social media, and by the Daily Mail who have made it headline news! :lol:


Also lowest ratings for a season opener in a decade with 4.3 million viewers. Wonder if next week it will be half that figure. If they sack Evans or at least make Matt lead I think they will be able to stem the flow.

As for the guest segment, you guys used to skip SITRPC? Well now I'm skipping the new one because they become part of a Top Trumps game show rather than talking about their lives.

I think 4.3 million is a respectable number. It was always going to be lower, you can't really compare it directly to the old show.

I think the guest segment will be changed up, they've got to experiment to find out what works and what doesn't.
Not too bad for a first episode, often when there's a big change in a TV show's line-up it takes a few episodes for everyone to get properly adjusted. Evans needs to tone down the exaggerated narration and do it in a more natural voice and Sabine should feature more, it was just about watchable.
OK well, just finished watching it..... which in itself is bad because I actually started watching this yesterday.

I fell asleep!

Anyway, continued with it and just to sum up my thoughts:

Viper vs Vette - Look, by my avatar you know I'm a Viper fan, and I love gratuitous shots of any Viper, but an ACR no less and I'm sporting some serious wood! However the segment felt awkward, with the Top Gun quotes not really hitting home, especially from Sabine. The missile lock test felt so fake to me, and any pilot can correct me, but all Sabine had to do when behind the Viper was slow down to create more space and they'd lock on no problems. I would have preferred a straight up head to head on a technical course.

LeBlanc & the Nomad - In my opinion, the best segment from the show. Matt looks to have the natural ability to talk about the car even when he is chucking it around the desert. His banter is good, though his voice-over between in car shots of the car was a little flat. Still, I think Matt did a solid job and I will continue watching for him.

Stars in Rallycross Car - My god was this horrible to watch. Jesse Eisenberg is god awful in a car, but what really naffed me off was Chris Evans trying to hype stuff up. It felt forced, the audience clearly weren't into it, and again it felt awkward. Gordon Ramsey was the highlight of this segment with the chat about his Ferrari.

USA vs UK - Another segment not very well done. The drive to Blackpool in Reliants was pointless and added nothing as the test was being done in different vehicles. Yeah OK they showed Matt breaking down, but you want to see things like that when they do cheap car challenges for example and have to travel somewhere, not when they are simply going to use the Reliants as trailers.

GOOD NEWS!!! Oh wait - So, they have got rid of the news section? No more Dacia updates, and gone is a segment that Clarkson, Hammond and May used to great effect with some fantastic banter.

Chris Evans - Yeah just no! Awkward, terrible voice work and despite his digs at the previous team of presenters, mainly Clarkson, it seemed like he was trying pretty hard to be JC. I seriously hate this guy, and I hope that he continues to rub people the wrong way and the BBC gets rid.
I think 4.3 million is a respectable number. It was always going to be lower, you can't really compare it directly to the old show.

I would have thought it would be higher due to the curiosity factor. Usually when a show as big as this is changed up you would expect a spike for the first show then it would settle. I can imagine starting low is slightly worrying for the BBC.

I flat out can't stand how the guest segment went though. I can live with the rallycross lap but at least let them have a chat. Look at the TG Mick Fleetwood interview, excellent!
