Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan
Well besides being feeling very forced and awkward, I can't say I didn't enjoy it. Though, it all felt so fast and poorly put together, none of the hosts even took the time to introduce the new rallycross thing and the Mini, they just said "oh look a new car and oh look a new course", midway through Ramsey's lap. I really think they should have flowed things better and given the viewers more of an opportunity to learn the new format and get to know the hosts better rather than try to churn out clips of beaten-to-death Top Gear cliches.

I dunno, besides that it was trying too hard to be like old Top Gear and that just isn't possible with new hosts. Chris Evans wasn't as bad as the internet led me to believe he would be, though he seemed a little hyper in studio, maybe nervous. LeBlanc was a bit mono-toned but the Nomad segment was enjoyable. I don't see LeBlanc and Evans ever connecting the way Hammond, May and Clarkson ever did, but the show has potential if they just stop trying so hard to be like the Top Gear we knew and loved.

Extra Gear was enjoyable, no complaints there, I'd like more of that stuff.
I think that's the biggest problem, they need to get out of the old format because let's face it, they wont replace Clarkson-Hammond-May.

Evans really need to find a way to present the show that is unique to himself and not trying to copy Clarkson way of saying things. It just wont work.

Rory Reid did an awesome job in extra Gear, really liked him. I hope he'll do some stuff on the main show soon enough.
In the Fallout, Top Gear got the rights to The Stig, Star in a Reasonably Priced Car, even the very fact they have a circuit based studio... But I would trade ALL of that for the simple recognition that the show was always about the natural interaction between the 3 presenters. Only having 2 feels strange from the very beginning, and I thought they were going to play on that with Matt's entrance (rather than Matt walk out to become the shows first ever non-UK presenter, I fully expected Sabine to take the big hype instead and give Matt the comic relief intro straight after). When they break away to a segment, having just 1 or 2 of the presenters then works because focus switches to the car(s), and similar to the SIARPC section in wanting to see interaction with someone different, even if they are promoting something. So what felt off for me was having a jokey jaunt to Blackpool with just the 2 of them. And I think reaction to Matt has varied because you will always wonder with an actor whether you are seeing their true image or another character. Put Eddie Jordan in the mix, turn his mic down along with Chris', and lets see the show grow a personality rather than a format...
Doesn't matter who I quoted, it's not like they made the viewing figures up whereas Evan's is quoting stuff which no one can verify outside of the organisation.

The likelyhood is that it's the same source for all the statistics;

Since 1981, we at the Broadcasters’ Audience Research Board (BARB) have been delivering the official viewing figures for UK television audiences. We commission research companies Ipsos MORI, Kantar Media and RSMB to collect data that represent the viewing behaviour of the UK’s 26 million TV households.

BARB viewing data offer clients, such as broadcasters and advertisers, a minute by minute breakdown of viewing at regional and national levels. This information is vital for assessing how programmes, channels or advertising campaigns have performed and provides the basis for airtime advertising trading.

.. but I still think suggesting Evans is lying because it doesn't support your point of view is a bit silly. No doubt if it's not accurate, it will be called out.

Interestingly the 4.4-4.7 million figure doesn't include people (such as myself) who viewed via on-demand and catch-up services. Curious to see how that affects the total.

Evans really need to find a way to present the show that is unique to himself and not trying to copy Clarkson way of saying things

Viewers in the UK will (unfortunately) know that Evans has been presenting things the same way since 1992. It's got nothing to do with copying JC. JC's style developed from being a car journalist first and foremost, Evans's from being a presenter of popular live TV programs & radio shows. The two are very different in my opinion.
So, since I went to the trouble of writing up my thoughts about the program elsewhere on the web, thought I may as well copy and paste my 2 cents in here as well.

For the sake of comparison I'll start off mentioning that whilst Top Gear had produced some of the best television I think I've ever seen, it often completely failed to hit the mark too, with the last couple of series' being a bit rubbish IMHO. Old New Top Gear first demonstrated how good it really could be with the Polar Special (2007), and then really peaked with the Vietnam special (2008).. with Botswana and Bolivia also being notably good.. but that's 8 years ago, and those were specials, and I think it's been on the slide since.

So, "chemistry". I've seen this word mentioned a lot. Maybe it's just me, but I thought the chemistry between the old 3 was all too often utterly swallowed up by poor delivery of the scripted sections... if the chemistry was that good, it should never have come across as laboriously delivered predictable punchlines... and it did, often. Having said that, the last couple of minutes in the studio on Sunday with Le Blanc and Evans were... painful, it was like the worst of Old New Top Gear all over again --- but, we're one episode in. I'm sure we'll see things develop.

That kind of brings me on to the presenters.

Evans: I don't like him, I never have. As the lead man he will be compared mostly with Clarkson... and that really is an apples vs oranges situation. Clarkson was/is a journalist, he was good with words and had an effective manner in which to deliver them. Evans, first and foremost, is a presenter, and he likes to work his studio audience - it's an utterly different style to JC. I'm actually okay with that, but he's far better off in the studio environment than doing the pieces out on the road. I feel he bought nothing to either piece he did in Sundays show.

Le Blanc: I have to admit, I thought this was an utterly ridiculous idea when the news first broke... but actually, I thought he was (mostly) great. I think it works because he's an actor - we know who Matt Le Blanc is.. but we don't really know him at all. This means he can deliver scripted lines without seeming out of character (something 2/3rds of the old Trio couldn't do), and his natural persona (seen in the Nomad section) seemed pretty cool. I like his deadpan delivery too.

Schmitz: I love Sabine, I think she's charming and always puts a smile on my face. I don't think she'll make a great presenter though, so I'm happy if shes confined to being the 3rd person in the feature segments. I honestly can't see her doing a piece to camera, ever. Very slightly misquoting Top Gun with a German accent made me laugh I have to admit.

Harris: I like Chris Harris, but I've got to say, I don't think he'll work well in anything other than lone car reviews. He's quite opinionated and doesn't seem to have much of a sense of humour. If anything I think he's the closest of the bunch to being a replacement for JC, but as has been said, he looked uncomfortable in the studio, and compared to Reid's enthusiasm, he seemed hostile and stand-off-ish. He's great at what he does though, I look forward to seeing that more in the program.

Reid: Aww... he's just so happy to be there isn't he. Likable enough guy. I sense that he's the one most likely to build chemistry with people... shame he'll be confined to Extra Gear only it seems.

Eddie Jordan will put in an appearance next week: I hate Eddie Jordan. Simple as that.

In short, I think they've actually got a good team, but - I don't think they're going to be using it as effectively as they could.

As for Sundays episode itself;

Viper vs. Vette was okay, typical Top Gear of old - beautifully shot, quite implausible, lots of shouting and tyre smoke.

MLB's Nomad feature was fun, if it had have been Old New Top Gear, it would have been Hammond doing the review, and personally I think MLB did a better job than Hamster would have done.

USA vs UK Pretty rubbish. Clearly tried to emulate some of the previous challenges, but basically came across as pointless. We've seen the team in crap cars before, we've seen them breakdown before, we've seen them fail to negotiate muddy fields before, and we've seen them race along a beach before. I don't think this did any of those things better in any way than anything we've seen before. Old team or New, it was just weak.

SIARPC is the bit I always skip. However, I gave it a go this time. My only real complaint is matching Gordon Ramsey with someone like Jesse Eisenberg as guests... worst combo since Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash tried to harmonise. This is much more familiar territory for Evans, and I think he did a good enough job. New track is fun, and I approve of the new car.

Extra Gear was alright. Fast lap by Harris was what he does best, finding out about Sabine's Ranch was a surprise. The guest star (I forget his name) was pretty funny, should probably have been in the actual program against Ramsey, rather than Eisenberg. EG is a good addition to the series overall.


Evans et al have picked up exactly the same problem Clarkson left with. We've seen it all before. Whilst I think the new line-up is overall a good one, I don't think they're going to utilise each of them in the best fashion. Fundamentally though, TG at it's best was 10/10, at its worst it was 3/10. Sunday's episode may only have been a 6/10 (IMHO), but that still puts it fairly and squarely in the ball park for what TG needs to be.
I don't really know who Chris Evans is, but he's really unenjoyable to watch. He also reminds me of the kind of person that just needs to be punched, kind of like Richard Hammond.

I think the shows biggest problem is that it's trying to be old Top Gear. It needs to find it's own niche and go that way, like Top Gear America did. I'm good with having the same format with reviews, challenges, etc. but trying to be goofy and over the top isn't going to work.
The new guy on Extra Gear (Reid) presented the show like it was a childrens show, like Blue Peter or something and it really didn't have the right vibe for me. Chris Harris also felt out of place because usually he's the centre of attention, he's very intelligent and knowledgeable when it comes to cars and is used to articulating himself in a certain way, which wasn't at all happening here, he was a side distraction to Reids Blue Peter style command/lead of the show.

I'm also slightly annoyed that the other presenters get pushed into this side show, when the main show painfully lacked the presence of a few more personalities to create the right dynamic. If it was me I'd dump Chris Evans and move Chris Harris on to the main show with Matt Leblanc (who was great).

Chris Evans was terrible I thought, but I knew I wouldn't like Chris Evans before the show because I've never liked him before.
And I've just watched Extra Gear. Chris Harris is not that enjoyable in the studio, he was a bit, hostile, give him a car and he completly changes it's personality and becomes what we got used to see from him. Rory is such a likeble guy, he loves what he is doing, even in the news section where Harris wasn't able to create a dialogue he just kept going with the same enthusiasm. It was a good show actually. Polish up Harris studio presence and BBC might have a winner.
I recorded it from BBC America, watched it, deleted it, and came here and posted that I had done that. This post was as interesting as that show.

and on that....

@Famine about six mins after the show aired Clarkson tweeted 'you can watch Topgear in the US tomorrow or you can gouge your eyes out with hot spoons', although the tweet isn't there now, could've deleted it....

5.8 million viewers last night, just a question of how many come back next week.
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that was from a Twitter account which just had the same profile pic as Clarkson's.
I thought Harris was actually pretty good in the studio, didn't get a hostile vibe at all. Same with Rory Reid, he had a decent amount of charisma and didn't seem out of place hosting.
So before I say anything, let me make clear that I'm not one of the people who hates this show because "I want Clarkson back!!!!" nor did I expect it to be like the old Top Gear. That said, here's my first impressions of this New Top gear:

Chris Evans: I know at this point it its a broken record and I was honestly thinking that maybe Social Media and the press were just trying to make him out to be worse then he is. Sadly, I saw nothing to disprove people's hatred of him. All I got from him was shouting, subtle jabs at the old crew and some absolute over the top mess that was unnecessary. This was not helped at all with the Viper Vs Vette Segment (where most of his dialogues was more of a Dodge PR and less review). He just comes off as trying way too hard to be Clarkson and forcing this false enthusiasm over everything. I'll give him two more episodes but I'm not confident he (or the BBC for that matter) will learn judging from his overly defensive posts on Twitter.

Matt Le Blanc: I went in with no expectations and I'm pleasantly surprised. While his studio performance is tad underwhelming (I can only assume being in the same room with Chris Evans doesn't help at all), he was ok. It was his review of the Ariel Nomad that really impressed me. Not once did it feel forced nor did it feel like he was trying to be someone else, it just felt natural and dare I say it, it was as close to the old top gear as this show would ever get. He may end up being the only reason I may keeping watching (Even with Chris's Inability to go down on the Goddamn'ometer)

Sabine Schmitz: Utterly disappointed, not with her so much as how wasted on the show she was. The only good was when she said some scathing things about the Corvette. How do you hire a name famous among Gearheads and Top gear fans like only to reduce her to..that.

Star in a..whatever: Apart from the Mini Rallycross car and Gordon Ramsey being Gordon Ramsey (and likewise, Jess eisenburg), horrid. Not at all well thought out and if anything, just felt like an afterthought.

Overall: Barely worth watching. Honestly, Le Blanc could've carried that show by himself and it would be far less cringeworthy. Like I said, I'll give it two more episodes (assuming Matt Le Blanc doesn't keep up the job he's done) but unless Chris stops being a damn megaphone in a library, chances are I'm done.

Shame I can't get "Extra Gear" as I hear that was miles better.
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My inital idea. :lol: Just swap Chris Evans for Chris Evans

the Viper Vs Vette Segment (where most of his dialogues was more of a Dodge PR and less review).

I even said it out loud on the Viper segement:

It's very rare for me that I just hate a guy in a matter of seconds. This was the case for Evans.

And his reaction don't look genuine, why not get a guy that actually has a passion for cars:

Watch here 10 seconds of that clip (timemarker): or even just the still

You see the geniune laugh and reaction to the car.

Or here Tim Schrick (10 seconds / timemarked)

You just see that passion and it jumps over to the viewer.

Whereas Evans is just as entertaining and has as much charisma as a bigbag of sand

I know the UK has some black humor. If releasing Evans to the world is a joke, well done....
why not get a guy that actually has a passion for cars

He might be as irritating as pepper spray in a condom to some people (myself included), but I don't think it's fair to claim Evans doesn't have a passion for cars...

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/cars/gallery/top-gear-presenter-chris-evanss-car-collection-in-pictures/ (if you click view all you don't have to go through the click-bait slideshow)

.. and he also came up with this .. http://www.carfest.org/

I think he is both passionate about cars and usually quite effective at getting a crowd going, though I can totally understand if you don't like his style.
All a car collection means is that he has money.

Car collecting is a sin IMHO, cars are meant to be driven dammit.
Chris Evans does drive them. He's raced some of them in classic events too. Did you check out @MatskiMonk's links?

And what's so wrong with collecting the things you love if you can afford to? Many people dream of having the money to own and drive a 250 GTO (or equivalent preference), it's just that the few that can need cash to do so.
You don't know much about him, do you?

Well nobody outside the Uk knows him, but the links Matski posted should give a perspective. Cool that he owns even bargain sportcars.

My wording above, with the added knowledge, could now be rephrased ...

He doesn't emit his passions for cars as well as other gearheads/showhosters do. His reaction in the ACR were underwhelming... especially when he seems on crack in the studio :lol:
Just seen Extra Gear, Chris Harris is best left fr car reviews and not in studio segments (best reviewer on the show by miles), Rory is fine, better than Evans for sure. Also God Sabine is weird :lol:
Finally saw Extra Gear and it was a decent effort that was much more enjoyable than the main show IMO although it did feel ever so slightly children’s TV-ish like, like it was squarely aimed at 'da yof' BBC3 demographic. I find it interesting that the old style guest and news segment seems to have migrated into this show which I'm happy about, pity the 'main show reject' guests aren’t worth interviewing!

Rory is a natural in the studio, as for that Chris Harris bloke who I've never heard of till now and comes across as a right prat (auto journalists tend to be such a self important bunch!). I really don't give a toss about his opinion already because of his abrasive character. It's not even funny and abrasive (a la Clarkson), just abrasive. As already mentioned he should really just drive the cars and not be in the studio mouthing off.

Also God Sabine is weird :lol:

Yeah, her home is as crackers as she is. I had no idea she has a sugar daddy partner who's a meatball millionare :lol:
Agreed with Harris best left to do the drifty bits @Robin. Still not sure which 3 should be the main cast, Matt is the best all rounder, Rory is close maybe Eddie can be the third. And leave and car reviews to Harris and Sabine.

Did a rewatch of Top Gear again and couldn't get through it, Evans gets worse on repeat. Also I'm a bit of a fan boy of the Viper but saying stuff like it has pre-historic power output and engines with half it's size make much more power is complete none-sense. The car has 650 BHP :lol:
Also I'm a bit of a fan boy of the Viper but saying stuff like it has pre-historic power output and engines with half it's size make much more power is complete none-sense. The car has 650 BHP :lol:

Presumably Chris Evans is referring to turbocharged engines found in cars like the McLaren 675LT and Ferrari 488 GTB.