Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan
I'm actually happy they change it a bit, copy pasting what the 2ND series was won't work. I don't mind rally cross either as it will only drop the interest on the pro drivers ranking. For the rest it might even the field a bit more and could bring more drama. And we don't know how that segment will be named yet I think ?

If it's not called SITRPC then fair enough but out of all the segments that needed refreshing in Top Gear that was one which didn't need it IMO.
Really? It was super stale IMO, I rarely watched it any week.

I actually enjoy them, I watch the Graham Norton show every week so I guess I'm a chat show person. Also it's not all that long, about 10-15 mins.
I actually enjoy them, I watch the Graham Norton show every week so I guess I'm a chat show person. Also it's not all that long, about 10-15 mins.

I like watching the Graham Norton Show but I agree with @Samus this segment is an auto skip for me. The rally cross thing is intrigues me though, but I foresee some disasters already :lol:
Just searched and apparantly there's a series called "The Drive" that has celebrities competing against eachother in races and vehicles. The first episode aired earlier this month and had 2M viewers.


It's already been cancelled! :lol:

I kinda preferred ITV's other car game show which was also short lived, The Getaway Car, filmed in South Africa.

The Getaway car was on BBC.

So anything good on TV tonight?! :P
I'll be recording and watching tomorrow so I won't be looking at this thread. Not due to spoilers but due to not wanting to be swayed on my opinion of the show.
I wish the people at Top Gear and BBC all the best for tonight, they are stepping in to the publics line of fire tonight.

Will they come away with a few grazes or are they gonna get it worse than Alex Murphy at the beginning of Robocop? :D
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So far it's like TFI Friday with some cars in the background... and Evans' overdone enthusiasm is kinda irritating. Also everything they are saying in the studio and the segment narration is coming across as way too scripted like they are reading an autocue.

...and now they are playing top trumps with possibly the oddest pairing of guests on a show in history. Facepalm.
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LeBlanc did pretty well in my opinion. Chris Evans seemed like he was trying too hard to be Jeremy Clarkson. It was a fairly mediocre first episode, but there's plenty of room for them to learn and improve. I think they were playing it safe for the most part, but the remixed "Star In A..." format was a great improvement on that of old, I must say.
I thought the first episode was decent although it is still getting shredded on Social Media. Matt LeBlanc is doing a good job although Chris Evans needs to tone down his voice, that's my only criticism.
I can honestly say I was looking forward to this show, but the finished product has left me underwhelmed.

Evans is far too enthusiastic, and the increased audience participation doesn't work for me.

I feel as though the reviews, the Viper/Vette battle in particular, are in a difficult middle road. There were too many technical details, delivered in a way that wasn't particularly entertaining. Yet oddly, as a car person, I found Chris's delivery of the information oddly patronising and irritating.

It just seemed to drag, ultimately. There's barely any dynamic between anyone, and this Extra Gear show seems a little clunky too.
So I think the show is about as **** as public opinion was expecting it to be. But strangely I'm not feeling compelled to drop it, I mean it was a weak first show. The Nomad deserved better, really.

I will second the thoughts that it feels just like what Evans would have one of his shows as. His style here looks like something out of a kid's show, frankly. LeBlanc was pretty credible, although people I've spoken to say he doesn't look like he wants to be there. Just think they need a whole lot better content but it's each to their own I guess.
Don't think it deserves the s:censored:storm its getting, but I'm not overly impressed with it either. It kind of felt like they've tried to force the chemistry between Matt and Chris a little too much, and the result is something that comes of as awkward. Something like that only really comes naturally and in good time. Trying to sell it in your first episode doesn't really work.

I will agree though, the rallycross idea is pretty neat, and a refreshing change to the usual idea. That said, at least the stars tried to be subtle when plugging their new show/movie/event. Now they're literally shoving it in your face.
An indoor voice for Evans would be greatly appreciated, though his more subdued delivery in the ACR review was nearly as cringe-worthy. LeBlanc tried balancing it out with a decent showing in a role he'd be capable of settling into with considerably more ease.

And while it was basically a game of car Top Trumps with two guests seemingly plucked from a hat, I'm glad the SIARC did away with the usual celeb guff and kept things relevant. It stood as the only part that didn't seem to drag compared to the rest of the hour. Which may even be a first for TG since 2002.

Undeniably weak sauce, but not enough to dismiss future episodes just yet.
Evans is far too enthusiastic, and the increased audience participation doesn't work for me.

Those are my biggest issues with it, it comes across too much like a children’s party. Matt was pretty good if he can get used to adlibbing more but Evans is really annoying and I don't think thats something which is going to change because he acts like that on all his shows. The recorded segments were about the same, just the studio segments need tweaking.

I think it will survive because it's not totally unwatchable, but I don't think it will ever have the same audience figures.
I must admit I didn't concentrate so hard with the previous iteration of TG towards the end, but I don't remember every review of a car having a gimmick such as the off-road Paparazzi or the Top Gun stuff?
LeBlanc was excellent.

Evans went over the top with his little Clarkson parody. "TONIGHT". Ditch that and he can improve. Find his own character and build that.

Chat show segment was a needed shakeup. Extra Gear very good. Can't wait to see those two on the main roster.