Un-official GTPlanet BBC Topgear UK ThreadTV 

  • Thread starter ExigeEvan
^ That was one of the highlights of the special to me. In fact I found May the funniest out of the lot, his tent rant and his 'brief exchange of words with Hammond' in particular.

Did anyone else get the sense this special was the 'beginning of the end' so to speak? I don't know, but the throwbacks to their more famous gags (i.e. the cow on the roof), wanting to do car football after an 8 year hiatus, acknowledging pre-2002 Top Gear a lot more, Clarkson revealing a very personal reason for picking the car and actually being about the cars all scream that they're trying to end on a high, if somewhat nostalgic note to me.

The fact that the next series has 13 episodes (similar to the amount around series 10, which most people consider the best) also gives me that impression.
So Argentina basically just proved that it has a useless police force that can't adequately control a clearly violent and dangerous mob...

I thought they handeled the situation well-ish.

Decent special, love the 3 cars, always impressed how these cars keep going (I know they have some magician mechanics) but seeing a supercar take that type of punishment is the highlight of the special (touched by jezza's father story as well).

Also felt for James, not the first time he got badly injured on a special.

9/10 for me, really enjoyed the two parts.
"I know which one was deliberately provocative"

This Twitter user's got a point. Especially when FIFA prohibits football teams and federations from being political.

Can only imagine the Argentine government put a gun to the heads of its national football team, and told them to hold up that banner at the world cup. So that they could then throw a wobbly and play the victim when someone rightfully gave them what they had coming.

Last a year a referendum was held asking the Falklands if they wished to remain a UK overseas territory, and the extremely vast majority voted 'yes'! Even after this the Argentine government clearly does not respect the wishes of the islands residents; they just want the oil. If Argentina got their hands on the island they'd only care for as long as there was still oil around. As soon as they'd drilled it all, the island and its residents would probably just be left to rot.

What the average Argentinian's view on the Falklands is, I have no idea. But at least they respect the islands right to decide its own fate either way. As for the Argentine government and its hardcore nationalists however, they should adhere to this helpful piece of advice. Don't give it if you can't take it!
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I have no idea where you're getting the whole "they didn't want the islands until the oil turned up" thing.

The Argentine military junta used the Falklands as a political football to stir up nationalistic support whenever they felt vulnerable to being deposed, and in fact it was their invasion of the islands that led to their downfall. What we see now (combined with the still somewhat insane Argentine government) is the long and painful hangover from that.
I have no idea where you're getting the whole "they didn't want the islands until the oil turned up" thing.

The Argentine military junta used the Falklands as a political football to stir up nationalistic support whenever they felt vulnerable to being deposed, and in fact it was their invasion of the islands that led to their downfall. What we see now (combined with the still somewhat insane Argentine government) is the long and painful hangover from that.
My Dad. I assumed he knew what he was talking about seeing as he was in his early twenties when The Falklands War occurred. But clearly not. Obviously the lesson to be learnt here is always fact check what you're told, even if it is by a member of your family! Even they can have prejudices after all...

Mind you I maintain the islanders best interests are not on the Argentine governments minds; they simply want the oil. My concern is even if the Argentinian government reclaimed the Falklands officially, and not just inside the la-la land residing in their heads, they'd only care for the island as long as it was bringing the money in. As soon as the oil dried up, and their economy became shakey again, they'd simply see the island as an inconvenience, and just leave it to rot.
Oh, today they want the oil (or at least pretend to), but the origins are nationalistic rather than resource based, to say the least.
Hope the Argentinian government is aware of how many millions of people think their country is a disgrace because of this.
Honestly, the people I feel the most sorry for here are, in order:

  1. The crew who were attacked by an angry mob of crazed nationalists.
  2. The Falkland Islanders who once again have been dragged into some ridiculous but ultimately violent non-controversy simply on the grounds of where they happened to be born.
  3. All of the Argentinians who aren't crazed nationalists who go chasing after people and inflict acts of violence on them on completely arbitrary grounds, which surely, hopefully, must be the vast, vast majority of them; who, thanks to actions of a few hundred crazed nationalists who go chasing after people and inflict acts of violence on them on completely arbitrary grounds, have now been made to look to the rest of the world like a bunch of crazed nationalists who go chasing after people and inflict acts of violence on them on completely arbitrary grounds, which is a real shame, since, as James May said, they had encountered no animosity whatsoever until they got to Ushuaia.
Saw the Patagonia Special, and I thought it was one of the better Specials in recent memory. I was also surprised at how well the Esprit fared. As always, stunning imagery and cinematography.

Even though I had known about the whole Part 2 controversy beforehand, I was surprised at how vicious those rioters were. They really didn't paint a good image for that part of Argentina.
I do wonder if Jeremy was being serious, or if it was simply a comical retort to a smart arse comment because...well, it is Jeremy after all! :lol: I do hope he was being serious though; the past few series have been over way too soon.
Regarding the music in the special, great choices again, Andy loves his Kasabian (used some of the new album songs) there were some NIN in there as well.

I think the top 3 artists they've used are UNKLE, Kasabian and Einaudi
When was the last time they did a Cheap Car Challenge where the cars were bought for under a Grand? At least two of the three they've bought for the upcoming challenge would fall well into the three-figure price bracket nowadays. And they're good choices too.

Another tribute to a well-known European marque also looks interesting on paper.
When was the last time they did a Cheap Car Challenge where the cars were bought for under a Grand? At least two of the three they've bought for the upcoming challenge would fall well into the three-figure price bracket nowadays. And they're good choices too.

When was the last time there was a budget and points for... a number of challenges?
The last one that remember was the cars for seventeen year-olds challenge. But we don't get episodes broadcast on time or in order here.
The last one that remember was the cars for seventeen year-olds challenge. But we don't get episodes broadcast on time or in order here.

List Of Top Gear Episodes shows that that challenge had a budget of £2,500 and was broadcast in June 2009. Excluding specials there have been five budgeted CCCs since then.

£1,500 RWD coupes (July 2009)
£3,000 pre-1982 classics (July 2009)
£5,000 second hand track day specials (July 2010)
£5,000 British roadsters (August 2010)
£2,000 BMW E30 convertibles (February 2011)

@Wiegert The last for under £1,000 was July 2008's Alfa Romeo challenge. Only that, June 2006's van man and May 2004's original £100 challenge had budgets of a grand or less.

I think the E30 convertibles actually was the last one to be adjudicated by points but they'd become secondary long before then.
That's another thing I didn't like about the "hot hatchbacks from their youth" CCC. No budget. No table. And because they'd won one event each, there was no real winner. The last two that did have a budget were among the high points of TG this side of 2010 (Rallycross, River Nile/Africa Special). Though neither were traditional CCCs.

Budget-wise, the the next challenge should be <£1500. The youngest vehicle hasn't depreciated enough to suggest a £1000 maximum budget unless there was some hard bargaining involved.
Anyone know what this means?

I thought the new season started the 25th? Also the Christmas special airs the 12th on bbc America.
Good job, Channel 9!

You spent all that money buying the rights to broadcast one of the most popular television shows in the world, and then you make good use of it playing repeats of "Top Gear Top 41" - which you only finished broadcasting last week.
At least that is grounds to actually script the show.

10/10 would watch a 6 part series before being cancelled.