Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception

  • Thread starter gtone339
Put this back on yesterday to complete it again on crushing. Some of the stealth segments are so annoying compared to the second game, especially with the checkpoints. You can work through a large section, do it all in stealth until the game forces you into full combat, die, then instead of the checkpoint being at the start of the firefight it's half way through the part you did in stealth, only you're in full combat.

I keep getting this exact problem with the shipyard section, do the whole of it in stealth up to the part where Drake says 'getting closer' and the forced action part starts, then I die and it resets you back in the last section in full firefight before the 'getting closer' section starts. So annoying.
Put this back on yesterday to complete it again on crushing. Some of the stealth segments are so annoying compared to the second game, especially with the checkpoints. You can work through a large section, do it all in stealth until the game forces you into full combat, die, then instead of the checkpoint being at the start of the firefight it's half way through the part you did in stealth, only you're in full combat.

I keep getting this exact problem with the shipyard section, do the whole of it in stealth up to the part where Drake says 'getting closer' and the forced action part starts, then I die and it resets you back in the last section in full firefight before the 'getting closer' section starts. So annoying.

For that section attack the left, then the right, then the back. There's actually an amusing glitch on that level on any difficulty.
For that section attack the left, then the right, then the back. There's actually an amusing glitch on that level on any difficulty.

Not sure what you mean, I can do the whole section in stealth, take everyone out until you start climbing the ladder and you automatically get spotted by people on the ship and have to get in a gunfight. I died in that part and it reset me but back in the middle of the part I did stealth, but spotted and ambushed by a huge group. Annoying, it should either reset you at the start of the forced part or back in stealth.
With youtube you shouldn't have any further problems with those levels. Maybe not entirely right to use youtube as help but if you desperate for trophies than do it.
Well I'm just playing it for the challenge, I don't really care about trophies. Besides a YT video can't really help you with not dying in a firefight.
Not sure what you mean, I can do the whole section in stealth, take everyone out until you start climbing the ladder and you automatically get spotted by people on the ship and have to get in a gunfight. I died in that part and it reset me but back in the middle of the part I did stealth, but spotted and ambushed by a huge group. Annoying, it should either reset you at the start of the forced part or back in stealth.

Which ladder section? The one full of people in a sort of shipwreck lagoon or beyond that?
This bit.

I do pretty much the same as him but that's as far as you can go in stealth, you automatically get attacked at that point and then I died. When it reset I wasn't in that part, it had gone back and put me in cover on one of the boats being attacked by the guys I just took out in stealth. Only then could I get back to that part and be attacked again.
You mean the part where people attack you from the side of the ship up there? Yeah that's as far as you can go. You need either the sniper, or the rocket launcher and you can retreat back to the other side and you can pick them off there as they can't reach you in a certain spot where you are safe.
You mean the part where people attack you from the side of the ship up there? Yeah that's as far as you can go. You need either the sniper, or the rocket launcher and you can retreat back to the other side and you can pick them off there as they can't reach you in a certain spot where you are safe.

Yeah I know what to do, it's just the first time I got that far I died and then as I say it reset me back into the previous section, just annoyed me so I turned it off. It wasn't like that in the second one, you never got a forced attack right after a stealth section. I seem to remember the first time I played 3 on Normal there was a similar section towards the end which annoyed me.

I also don't remember in the second one getting down to a couple of guys in an area, one spotting you and 500 other people spawning out of nowhere. It's still a good game but not as good as the second one.
Yeah I know what to do, it's just the first time I got that far I died and then as I say it reset me back into the previous section, just annoyed me so I turned it off. It wasn't like that in the second one, you never got a forced attack right after a stealth section. I seem to remember the first time I played 3 on Normal there was a similar section towards the end which annoyed me.

I also don't remember in the second one getting down to a couple of guys in an area, one spotting you and 500 other people spawning out of nowhere. It's still a good game but not as good as the second one.

2nd one has hairy moments though. Worst has to be the train and the Monastery. Not that I'm complaining because it was pretty easy to stealth (until you got to the rocket launchers).
@simonK: don't give up! just practise and practise...you'll improve your skills I am sure...

and for the shipyard: take your time... take a rest from time to time and let the KI come to you...
and make a plan whom to kill in which order... maybe go for the snipers and the rocket-guys first

I am for sure kind of average gamer and got the platinum trophy as well...

And note: Try NOT to use youtube...it is so much more satisfying to reach a goal on your own / by your own skill/ideas/tactics...

CU online..

hint: coop hunter arena is such fun with booster1= beast (gold) and booster 2= respawn time (gold)
Update: Uncharted 3 - Patch 1.17 Notes:

Link: http://www.naughtydog.com/site/post/uncharted_3_patch_117_notes/

Colors! Platinum tier! We've once again skipped over a number and gone to the next one as this patch has some pretty big hidden technical hooks. Patch 1.17 hits Uncharted 3 Multiplayer today.

We're starting off the week with a taste of what's in store. This patch will set up everything so we can deploy our biggest update to Uncharted 3 Multiplayer yet tomorrow.

Patch 1.17 Notes

Available: Globally - February 25, 2013 before 6:30pm PST.


Full leaderboard reset - our rationale behind this will be revealed tomorrow.
Naughty Dog Paw icon will appear near your rank icon - we love you. We'll explain more tomorrow.
Lab Maps can now be added to the custom game list by Naughty Dog
More than one Lab Map may now appear in the Lab Playlist
The following Medals have been removed from Team Objective and Plunder:



Strike Three

Spray and Pray

Long Ranger


Oh Snap


Changes to existing Team Objective and Plunder medals:
Expansionist from 5 territories to 2 and $1,000 to $500

None Shall Pass from 5 kills to 2 and $1,000 to $500

Captured from $500 to $2,000

Protectorate from $250 to $1,000

No Cigar from $750 to $2,000

Executioner from $250 to $1,000

Guard Duty $350 to $1,500


Additional colors added to every item and skin. - MOAR COLORS! Hooray!
New head items item for various characters - available later on
New shirts for custom characters - available later on


Platinum tournament tier - reached at 23,500 points
11 new items just for the Tournament rewards
Starting immediate Platinum Tournament rewards are Drake Shade Raptor Mask and Talbot Shade Dive Helmet, these will be unlocked once you acheive Platinum for the first time.
There are four new Platinum tier permanent unlocks for the Djinn Skin.
You will earn the Djinn Stunner Shades after 2 Platinum tiers.
You will earn the Djinn Head Wrap after 4 Platinum tiers.
You will earn the Djinn Helmet after 6 Platinum tiers.
You will earn the Djinn Horns after 8 Platinum tiers. The Djinn horns have a stat that no other item has: +Aimed Movement Speed!


Addressed several recurrent bugs
Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Goes Free-to-Play!
Single-Player Story mode unlock by purchase in PS Store!

Link source: http://www.naughtydog.com/site/post/uncharted_3_multiplayer_goes_free_to_play/P15/

Link to U3 F2P Multuplayer - https://store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com/#!/en-us/games/cid=UP9000-NPUA80858_00-UNCHARTED3FREEMP

The secret is out. Uncharted 3 Multiplayer is now Free-to-Play. Download it today!

After a few months of dropping hints our secret is ready to be made public. We are fortunate to have some of the most devoted and amazing fans in gaming. We want to introduce those fans and the world of UNCHARTED multiplayer to everyone possible. And we want every person who plays our multiplayer game to engage with it how they best see fit. It’s time to go big and grow our community even more. We’re thrilled to announce that today (tomorrow in Europe) is the day that UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception Multiplayer goes Free-to-Play!

To date over 3.5 million people have played in over 37 million matches of UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception Multiplayer. All Free-to-Play players will become a part of this same player pool of over a half a million passionate players actively playing our game every month. So if you haven’t tried yet, you have no excuse to not be playing one of the most exciting multiplayer experiences on the PS3— it’s free! Join the adventure today!

Once you download the Free-to-Play game from the PS Store you can hop online and play for as long as you want, as much as you want, up to Level 15. Upon reaching level 15, you’re welcome to continue to play as long as you want without paying a cent. Unlocking the level cap will allow you to continue building up your profile right from where the level 15 cap stops you. If you choose not unlock the level cap or purchase anything you’ll be missing out on a slew of cool in-game items and downloadable content we have made for the game to date. Here’s a rundown of what you can unlock:


UNCHARTED™ 3: Multiplayer Co-op Adventure Add On
Unlocks Co-Op Adventure mode including the Fort Adventure DLC
UNCHARTED™ 3: Multiplayer Co-op Arena Add On
Unlocks to gain access to the Co-Op Arena Playlist
Includes the Co-Op Shade Survival Mode DLC for UNCHARTED™ 3: Multiplayer Free to Play.
UNCHARTED™ 3: Multiplayer Competitive MP- No Level Limit
Removes the level cap for UNCHARTED™ 3: Multiplayer Free to Play.
UNCHARTED™ 3: Multiplayer Competitive MP - Level 25 Limit
Removes the Level 15 cap and allows you to play UNCHARTED™ 3: Multiplayer Free to Play up to Level 25
UNCHARTED™ 3: Multiplayer Split Screen Add On
Unlocks Co-Op Adventure mode including the Fort Adventure DLC
UNCHARTED™ 3: Multiplayer DLC Map Packs
Unlocks all three DLC map packs released for UNCHARTED 3: Drake's Deception™.
Includes Flashback Map Pack 1, Flashback Map Pack 2, and Drake's Deception Map Pack.
UNCHARTED 3: Drake's Deception™ Single Player Experience!!!
Uncover the Truth. Unlock the Single Player campaign.

If you’re really enjoying the UNCHARTED™ 3: Multiplayer Free to Play and are looking for the full UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception experience, the best deal is to pick up the UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception Game of the Year Edition from the in-game store, which also launches today. This digital version of the UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception Game of the Year Edition includes all 12 DLC maps, all Co-Op multiplayer modes, and over 40 character skins. Purchase the digital version of the UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception Game of the Year and essentially you’re getting the single player game free!

If you already own UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception and you are a long time Multiplayer participant we’re giving you some very special gifts as a way of saying thank you. Next time you log in online you’ll see a custom Naughty Dog Paw on your rank icon and you’ll receive the Naughty Dog Paw shirt for your custom characters.

Also, to celebrate the launch of UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception Multiplayer Free-to-Play we’re getting more colorful. Every character item and every character skin in multiplayer will now have more color options. These new color options are completely free.

During the coming months over 40 additional DLC items will be made available. Every DLC drop will have a theme and we’ll be unveiling that content here on the Naughty Dog Blog, over on the PlayStation Blog, and on our Free-to-Play webpage.

Patch 1.17 was released recently. It includes some big changes you can read about on the Naughty Dog Blog. For instance, we’ve added another tier to our Tournament. It’s the Platinum level and we have some very cool permanent Platinum level prizes for people who achieve this prestigious level.

We've also updated The Lab for this week. The Lab for this week is 5 versus 5 Team Deathmatch with Hammer and Uzi only. Fire it up and play with some new friends!

No doubt the Uncharted 3 multi-player is the best quality for the PS3. Just let you know guys that they want to give out as many as DLCs as possible for Uncharted 3. Since this could be their way of saying that they had very loyal players/gamers out there who support their games since Crash Bandicoot and Jak & Daxter, and they want to thank them by giving them a special treat just for PS3 users.

It's a possibility that they're now determined to completing their final new IP for the PS3, aka "The Last of Us". Once they're release that on June this year they will begin on their next gen PS4 title... 👍

Thank you NaughtyDog for giving players a true definitive gaming experience!! I applaud you guys!! :D


Nyan Drake game! :lol:

link: http://www.naughtydog.com/games/uncharted_nyan_drake
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I hope this catches on, I'm pretty sick of paying full price for a game only to find less than a quarter of it is single player content. If you can buy the entire single player bit separately and it's fairly priced, I'd be more likely to buy games.
Does anyone know how much space is needed to download this? I have 17gb free but it's saying I have insufficient space.

For U3 Multiplayer it requires at least 11.6gb!!

For U3 Story Mode it requires at least 33.4gb!!!!

bad luck for users who have slow download speeds and bandwidth issues.
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I can confirm that deleting language packs the game is only 4GB in size and keeps your previous rank if you owned the game before.
Only just come back and found your reply. I went into my downloads list in the PSNstore and saw the pile of language packs then also the MP by itself as a 4.6gb download. Downloading now.
There's an update for Uncharted 3's multiplayer on naughtydog's website. Just more in-game sale & celebrating patriotic day.

Got the single player free with Plus and it was alright. There were way to many "run towards the camera" scenes, not that much puzzle solving, and the "take as long as you like to complete this section" moments. Like the Convoy in the desert, you can take your sweet time in completing. I hate those parts when they have a character trying to rush you. "Dude, it's a video game, I could take a break, eat lunch, sleep and come back and still be able to complete this just in time for the next cutscene."

But...Multiplayer. I'm not even going to bother with. Why? Poor character customization. You get your choice of 4 nearly identical male characters and a handful of clothes. No female characters outside of the three from the main story. (who wants to play as Marlowe? Ew. And Youn Marlowe looks the same as Old Marlowe, so, that's pointless.) No hair, and just bland bland bland. So, Uncharted 2 was better.
Bump. Been going through the trilogy and i'm a couple of hours in on Uncharted 3, and although the graphics are pretty it feels a lot more scripted than 2. For example there's this part where you are on the top of the castle in Syria and they are shooting with RPG's at you. Of course there just happen to be 3 sniper rifles laying there but before i got to them the first time, i spotted one of the RPG guys and unloaded some bullets in him as my machinegun also had a sniper function. Bullets didn't do a thing... :rolleyes:
No, follow the script and kill them with the sniper rifle is what they want you to do.

In general i find that sometimes you unload 10 bullets in someone's forehead and he doesn't budge, whilst on other moments you get a one shot/one kill moment just like that. Doesn't make any bloody sense...Serious step backwards from 2 in that regard.