Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception

  • Thread starter gtone339
UNCHARTED 3: Drake's Deception™ - Drake's Deception Map Pack:


All of these treasures for the character items are really frustrating. The game seems to give you all the treasures except the one you really want.
GOTY box art looks amazing, any details on the actual game? I assume it'll include all the DLC etc?
From IGN

According to Sony, the following content is included:

Classic Skins Pack 1-3: 25 multiplayer skins, including Nathan Drake's looks from Uncharted 1 and 2
Multiplayer Accessory Pack: Includes Killzone 3 skins and accessories
Flashback Maps 1 and 2: Eight remade maps from Uncharted 1 and 2
Drake's Deception Map Pack: Four new multiplayer maps: The Graveyeard, Old Quarter, London Streets and Oasis
The Fort Co-Op: Takes place in the fortress from Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Co-Op Shade Survival: Fight against the Djinn (fire enemies from Uncharted 3's final chapters)
Doughnut Skin Pack: Five "fat" skins
Rogues Skin Pack 1 and 2: Skins of 14 enemies

No release has been given, hopefully a date will be mentioned soon though.
From IGN

According to Sony, the following content is included:

Classic Skins Pack 1-3: 25 multiplayer skins, including Nathan Drake's looks from Uncharted 1 and 2
Multiplayer Accessory Pack: Includes Killzone 3 skins and accessories
Flashback Maps 1 and 2: Eight remade maps from Uncharted 1 and 2
Drake's Deception Map Pack: Four new multiplayer maps: The Graveyeard, Old Quarter, London Streets and Oasis
The Fort Co-Op: Takes place in the fortress from Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Co-Op Shade Survival: Fight against the Djinn (fire enemies from Uncharted 3's final chapters)
Doughnut Skin Pack: Five "fat" skins
Rogues Skin Pack 1 and 2: Skins of 14 enemies

No release has been given, hopefully a date will be mentioned soon though.

Thanks for the info. 👍
I might have to pick that up for sure. Rented U3 when it first came out but wasnt able to play the multiplayer or co-op because of the stupid online pass.
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I love this game. If anyone wants to add me for multiplayer, add K1LL1NG_SPR33_99 I am a rank 30 but I was a rank 53 on Uncharted 2.
I remember hinting that, "this would be a game that daddy would want" to my 7 year old, with a couple other drops to the misses before Christmas, and then my birthday. Both events came up empty handed. I got caught up in other games and life and such and completely forgot about this game. Yesterday I picked up a copy, told everyone that "Daddy's going to play his game now, no more Phineas and Ferb, it's daddy's turn....".

What can I say, this game totally sucked me in. The action sequences were like Die Hard on crack. I mean, you really start to feel for Drake and everything he has to endure. Having played 1 and 2, I was accustom to the controls. I normally hate shooters on consoles as I am a Keyboard and Mouse FPS gamer, but they allow adapting to the controller to be a pretty painless process. I have been moving pretty slow through the game, looking for treasures along the way. I put in about 14 hours and am on Chapter 19 (I think), I just rode into a sand storm. The graphics were odd to me. I think this is due to my general gaming resolution of 2560x1440 on the PC vs. the 720p of this game. It was a bit of a mess to my eyes and reminded me of a Rockstar title at first. I am not sure if it was my eyes or the game itself, but as I progressed, it seemed like the graphics progressed along with it. Between the graphics, color and story, I was totally immersed and captivated by the characters and what fantastic, death defying feat Drake would have to do next. I had to laugh when I read Camaroboy's hatred for the "Lost in the desert" level. The only thing I liked about it was the graphics. The sand flowing down the crest of the dunes while Drake walked along was awesome. It was long and painful going from one scene to the next, but the point was definitely delivered. The point was, being lost in the desert sucks! :) It was a point well taken. I have only had a few weird camera angle annoyances but they have been few and far. My biggest complaint was all the swearing. My daughter started to really get into the story (she is almost 8) and was becoming emotionally attached to the main characters. Unfortunately, I couldn't share the moment with her because of the constant swearing. I thought maybe it would just be a little here and there, but this was not the case. I lost count how many times Drake said "sh**". I also quickly escorted my 3 year old out of the room also. I couldn't even skip the movies because there is also swearing in the gameplay banter/dialog as you go through the level. So....other than that, this game is AWESOME! I am really enjoying it. I doubt I will get into the multiplayer so I can get my butt handed to me by a 9 year old from across the map with a .45 head shot, but I may go through the SP a few times like I have done with the others in the series. The MP Co-op looks interesting as well. Will have to check that out also.

So with that, I am late to the party, but once again, Kudo's to Naughty Dog for a job well done on another masterpiece (just add a swear filter next time would ya?).
Pako, Glad you are enjoying the game and I am glad you now undersand my pain with the desert level. haha. I loved the co-op campaign in U2 so I want to check it out in U3 also. Eventually I do want to get this but the problem with buying it used is that it will require me to purchase the stupid online pass (points middle finger at EA for creating that crap). So the only way to get this game is to buy it new. How much did you pick it up for? GOTY edition would be the way to go for sure.
Pako, Glad you are enjoying the game and I am glad you now undersand my pain with the desert level. haha. I loved the co-op campaign in U2 so I want to check it out in U3 also. Eventually I do want to get this but the problem with buying it used is that it will require me to purchase the stupid online pass (points middle finger at EA for creating that crap). So the only way to get this game is to buy it new. How much did you pick it up for? GOTY edition would be the way to go for sure.

I picked it up at Gamestop for $40. There is an online pass included with the case, but I have no idea if it has already been redeemed or not. I suppose I could raise a stink with Gamestop if the "Entire" game doesn't work. I have 30-days to return it if "anything" is wrong with it. I would say not being able to play MP is a pretty major drawback if that's your thing. I could careless about the MP, so it's not as big of a deal breaker for me. :cheers:
About the Multiplayer thing. I'm one of the teenagers that plays this game and I don't annoy everyone with a mic. Even if there is an annoying 8 year old with a mic, you can mute individual players. As with the shooting across the map, you can easily catch the people that do that by flanking them. The disappointing thing about the multiplayer though is that it's too easy to rank up. In UC2, I played for 10 months and only reached level 53 but I've been playing UC3 for about a month and I'm nearly rank 75.
I picked it up at Gamestop for $40. There is an online pass included with the case, but I have no idea if it has already been redeemed or not. I suppose I could raise a stink with Gamestop if the "Entire" game doesn't work. I have 30-days to return it if "anything" is wrong with it. I would say not being able to play MP is a pretty major drawback if that's your thing. I could careless about the MP, so it's not as big of a deal breaker for me. :cheers:
If you dont have the online pass you wont be able to play the co-op or the multiplayer. So basically all you will have is the single player. :guilty:
But like you said, if you are not happy you can return it since the game is used.
Naughty Dog has listed the patch notes for 1.11:

-The Lab returns and we begin the playlist with a T-bolt/Pistole only map. We will be rolling out other game types as the year progresses.
--The Lab will contain treasure drops from whatever the base game type is (the T-bolt/Pistole map is considered Team Deathmatch)

-Elimination Mode has been added.
--Elimination mode will contain treasure drops from Team Deathmatch

-Message of the Day returns – a daily message will pop up with news, tips, and other information

-The following custom game settings are now available via a menu in Custom Game mode called “Advanced Settings”
--Respawn Time
--Buddy Spawning toggle
--Health Multiplier – by percentage
--Sprinting toggle
--Weapon Mode (Default, Basic Weapons, Pistols, RPG-7)
--Medal Kickbacks toggle
--Boosters toggle
--Grenade Throw Back toggle

-If you leave a game, disconnect, or turn off your PS3 mid-game, it will be counted as a loss.

-Kill and deaths no longer count towards your career stats in Plunder and Team Objective modes

-The technical hooks to make the Game of the Year edition (EU) work properly with DLC were added

-The Long Ranger Medal can now be earned by achieving 3 kills at 50 meters in a match instead of 3 kills at 70 meters.

-In Team Deathmatch mode the Airstrip and London maps now are listed with “No Intro” variations. If these variations are selected you’ll start those maps with no convoy events

ND has also told us about a current issue that may affect some players experience:
"If your language is Greek, the Message of the Day will be static until the next patch update. We are getting some technical issues ironed out regarding the Greek language Message of the Day and that should be updated in the next patch. We will also be rolling out some minor live updates that you may or may not notice. We'll let you know as these happen if they will affect your gameplay experience."
Naughty Dog has listed the patch notes for 1.11:

-The Lab returns and we begin the playlist with a T-bolt/Pistole only map. We will be rolling out other game types as the year progresses.
--The Lab will contain treasure drops from whatever the base game type is (the T-bolt/Pistole map is considered Team Deathmatch)

-Elimination Mode has been added.
--Elimination mode will contain treasure drops from Team Deathmatch

-Message of the Day returns – a daily message will pop up with news, tips, and other information

-The following custom game settings are now available via a menu in Custom Game mode called “Advanced Settings”
--Respawn Time
--Buddy Spawning toggle
--Health Multiplier – by percentage
--Sprinting toggle
--Weapon Mode (Default, Basic Weapons, Pistols, RPG-7)
--Medal Kickbacks toggle
--Boosters toggle
--Grenade Throw Back toggle

-If you leave a game, disconnect, or turn off your PS3 mid-game, it will be counted as a loss.

-Kill and deaths no longer count towards your career stats in Plunder and Team Objective modes

-The technical hooks to make the Game of the Year edition (EU) work properly with DLC were added

-The Long Ranger Medal can now be earned by achieving 3 kills at 50 meters in a match instead of 3 kills at 70 meters.

-In Team Deathmatch mode the Airstrip and London maps now are listed with “No Intro” variations. If these variations are selected you’ll start those maps with no convoy events

ND has also told us about a current issue that may affect some players experience:
"If your language is Greek, the Message of the Day will be static until the next patch update. We are getting some technical issues ironed out regarding the Greek language Message of the Day and that should be updated in the next patch. We will also be rolling out some minor live updates that you may or may not notice. We'll let you know as these happen if they will affect your gameplay experience."

Ha ha, good one naughtydog! :D
1.12 is now out and it deletes the cinema files.

So, I finally got round to finishing the story mode and I have to say, the final boss on this one is way easier than on 1 and 2.

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