Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception

  • Thread starter gtone339
Thanks for the tip, haven't visited Home for quite some time.

Home has been evolving and growing at an insane pace. Too many games and events to keep up with.

BTW: I just went back to the Uncharted Fortune Hunter space to check out the leaderboards, and I got a pop up message that I received another reward "Drake's Deception Treasure #4". Apparently when the Home community collected a total of 5 million treasures from the game this reward was unlocked.

Here are the current Community Scores for the Fortune Hunter game:

27m Enemies Killed
15m Headshots
5m Treasures Collected
Well, except for the aiming, which still might be patched (not a huge problem anyway), it's better than Uncharted 2, in every aspect. Of course the difference between 3 and 2 isn't as big as the difference between 2 and 1, but it's still improved in almost every detail. If you liked the other two games, you will like this one too and no one should be disappointed from this game.


thanks, I can't wait to play it. naughty dog does a brilliant job with this game (I hate to call it a game, it's more like a movie/game/puzzle)
Curses... pre-ordered and expected it to arrive today but it may not arrive until Friday which totally sucks, I should just have gone to the store...
Henchman: You're torch is burning out.....good luck with that.

Sully: God, what a d***
Nate: I know, right?

Sully: Hold on I'm comin'
Nate: What is it, an inner ear thing, c'mon let's go!

Comedy, just some of the many parts that made me laugh.👍
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Im currently at the middle way chapter (Single player), oh and this game is so much like a movie indeed. :)

Loving the new melee combat system, puzzle solving & action.
-continued from post #180 chapter 8. ***Might contain mild spoilers.***

So far this is easily GOTY 2011. I played Uncharted 3 all night. Now I have 6 total hours into the campaign and I am on level 16. Some of the previous levels reminded me a lot of Assassins Creed. A couple more creative puzzles especially the tomb puzzle using the light and statues. That was quite fun getting the shadows just right. Level 14 the shipyard and 15 the cruise ship level were just insane. The junkyard shipyard started a bit frustrating and I died a lot. But the level after that inside the cruise ship was very rewarding. Especially the "Aquarium" part. Both these levels had very innovative vertical gameplay. Parts of the cruise ship reminded me a lot of Prey. One minute I was on the ceiling, next on the walls, next on the floor. Just so awesome. The graphics in this game are just jaw dropping beautiful. The all around attention to detail especially the water. The most realistic water I have seen in a game. The Uncharted series always did a great job with their water and water effects. The draw distance, voice acting, facial expressions, frame rate, everything is just so crips and clean in this series. Nothing even close on 360. Its going to be tough for any game to try and top U3.
Home has been evolving and growing at an insane pace. Too many games and events to keep up with.

BTW: I just went back to the Uncharted Fortune Hunter space to check out the leaderboards, and I got a pop up message that I received another reward "Drake's Deception Treasure #4". Apparently when the Home community collected a total of 5 million treasures from the game this reward was unlocked.

Here are the current Community Scores for the Fortune Hunter game:

27m Enemies Killed
15m Headshots
5m Treasures Collected

"Too bad, the Uncharted 3 Fortune Hunter Space is not available in your region." I almost exploded and threw away the pad. This is so ridiculous.
"Too bad, the Uncharted 3 Fortune Hunter Space is not available in your region." I almost exploded and threw away the pad. This is so ridiculous.

That's odd.. as other EU regions of Home like the UK have had it for the last three weeks.

That said, it takes less than 5 minutes to create a PSN account in any region you like - and the Fortune Hunter game is still there. If you are going for the Kickback code for completing all 10 challenges, I'd use a UK account if Germany doesn't have it, as a NA code may not work with a EU version of the game.
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Might try it with my AUT account, still sucks that I can't use the Home items then. It's blocked here because it's not rated by the USK (the InFamous, SOCOM and whatever spaces are blocked here too), which is stupid, since U3 isn't even rated 18 here and the U2 space was available in Germany.
***mild spoilers***

I am now on level 22. Level 18 sucked and sucked bad. Easily the worst level of the entire series. You are stranded on a desert and its very long and drawn out and didnt need to be. At least I am past that and back into the action but now its a bit frustrating because of cheap kills. Hopefully it gets better again but it seems like the fun of U3 just fell right off once I hit level 18.
I just completed the single-player campaign yesterday. It was great and all but wonder why ND decided to drop out the way to watch all of the cutscenes of the story & the tweaks/cheats for the single-player. Both features were in previous titles. :confused:
^Was asking me the same + the throphies ingame list is gone

I am at chapter 8 . Love it. Uncharted rocks
I've beat this yesterday and if you haven't played it yet: I feel bad for you. Easily the best game this year, and that is just the single player! FYI: If you want to try out all the guns that are in multiplayer just go into lan mode.
I just beat this game yesterday and loved it. However uncharted 2 is still my favorite game. I don't think that uncharted 3 had that special spark like 2 had. Anyone else feel this way?
What a great and entertaining ride this game is. This game had me up until 4am this morning. I reached Chapter 20, I think I'll give it some more time within a few minutes.👍

EDIT: Just completed story mode, another AWESOME GAME NAUGHTY DOG! 👍
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I'm about halfway through, and I've loved every minute. It does sort of feel like playing a movie at times, where I'm stuck wondering why a section wasn't just made into a cutscene, but that's the only gripe I have.

Did anyone else get the Twisted Metal coupon covered in typos though? It claims Uncharted 3 is coming out 11/11/11 and says it expired several months ago. :S
I picked this up on launch day and look forward to getting to play it next week. Still finishing off Batman at the moment. Look forward to seeing which of the two ends up being the better as they are the two GOTY contenders for me.
Just got all 100 treasures, plus secret relic. Had to play the SP mode again to unlock other trophies. :)
Just got all 100 treasures, plus secret relic. Had to play the SP mode again to unlock other trophies. :)

I only found 21 treasures on my first playthough.:lol: :guilty:

Got to find the time to playthough the whole story again.
Going to try and get most of the treasures on the first playthrough.
And then a second p/t in crushing


I finished up the Campaign on Friday. Another great game for sure but there were a couple levels in this game I didnt like. The desert level (level 18) was one of them. Really did not like that level at all. Then I went to play the multiplayer or co-op and found out I needed the online pass. 👎 Cant help but laugh at the PS3 commercials that say "play online for free". :lol:
I finished up the Campaign on Friday. Another great game for sure but there were a couple levels in this game I didnt like. The desert level (level 18) was one of them. Really did not like that level at all. Then I went to play the multiplayer or co-op and found out I needed the online pass. 👎 Cant help but laugh at the PS3 commercials that say "play online for free". :lol:

Why? Really? The desert chapter was truly spectacular to me.

Anyway I'm almost gonna platinum the whole entire game, just need to complete the final difficulty in SP (Crushing).
I am talking about the part (I think level 18) where you are stranded out in the middle of the desert after the plane crash. Slowly walking around for 5 minutes, then a cinema, then walk another 5 minutes, cinema. I think this went on for 20 minutes. It really was wasted gameplay compared compared to how the gameplay usually flows for the series. That level could have been much shorter or much better implemented into the game. It was the ONLY level out of the entire series that I did not like. The desert levels after that were better but that level on the desert was terrible.
Just finished the single player. All I can saw is WOW! What a game! Thoroughly enjoyed playing through it! The graphics are drool-tastic as well! My jaw dropped when I saw the city in the last level. 👍
I am talking about the part (I think level 18) where you are stranded out in the middle of the desert after the plane crash. Slowly walking around for 5 minutes, then a cinema, then walk another 5 minutes, cinema. I think this went on for 20 minutes. It really was wasted gameplay compared compared to how the gameplay usually flows for the series. That level could have been much shorter or much better implemented into the game. It was the ONLY level out of the entire series that I did not like. The desert levels after that were better but that level on the desert was terrible.

I think that the developer is just showing to us, as players, that the way Nathan Drake manages to survive in that type of environment. Or maybe proving to us that they made the dunes look real. :)
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Update: Uncharted 3 Patch 1.01

Link: http://www.naughtydog.com/site/post/uncharted_3_patch_101_notes/

The Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception 1.01 patch has been released and will be rolling out across all regions globally in the next 24 hours. The patch notes to update 1.01 are as follows:

Available: November 7, 2011


- Fixed an issue so that 3D works properly on all Sony SimulView 3D TVs.

We’ll keep you updated as to the any other fixes and patches coming online as they happen. Let us know in the forums of any technical issues you might see and hope you’re enjoying Uncharted 3! See you online!

Not much though, hoping for more single-player updates or multi-player.
I am talking about the part (I think level 18) where you are stranded out in the middle of the desert after the plane crash. Slowly walking around for 5 minutes, then a cinema, then walk another 5 minutes, cinema. I think this went on for 20 minutes. It really was wasted gameplay compared compared to how the gameplay usually flows for the series. That level could have been much shorter or much better implemented into the game. It was the ONLY level out of the entire series that I did not like. The desert levels after that were better but that level on the desert was terrible.

I think the idea of that level was to stretch it on so it felt like you were aimlessly wandering around for hours and hours. Giving the impression that you were stuck in a desert and struggling to make any real kind of progress.

At least that's the impression I got.