Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception

  • Thread starter gtone339
U3 - Christophe Balestra Shows a Picture of Uncharted 3 Almost maxing out Network Hard Drive!

link: http://gamerfitnation.com/2011/09/c...ture-of-naughty-taking-up-a-whopping-24-2-tb/


Christophe Balestra of Naughty Dog just tweeted a Picture of Uncharted 3 almost maxing out Naughty Dog’s Network drive thats currently at Whopping 24.2 TB. Here is the picture for you all. Here is what he said. ”We’d better finish this game soon… #uncharted3http://yfrog.com/kjyizmkwj”

Looks like this game is coming along rather nicely and it seems they are putting in a lot of work, so much that his hard drive is getting pretty full at the moment. November 1, 2011 is not far away. Who’s getting ready for the game?
Uncharted 3 Subway online Multiplayer is downloadable & live now in the US!!

More info about this special promotion: http://www.subway.com/subwayroot/default.aspx

Naughtydog website forums:


Enter code here: http://adventure.subway.com/?rdr=PartnerSites:TFA:SubwayCom:HomePage_Marquee_NoCode:W8:2011

FAQ - link: http://forums.naughtydog.com/t5/Subway-Taste-for-Adventure/Basic-FAQ/td-p/501585

1. Is the Subway promotion available in Canada?
No, unfortunately it is not available to our community in the Great White North. Sorry!

2. Is the Subway promotion available in Europe or Australia/New Zealand?
The PlayStation.Blog EU Twitter account just announced the following:
European PlayStation Plus subscribers will be able to get involved in the Uncharted 3 MP experience next week. Full details on Monday.

3. Where are Custom Games?
Custom games are not available during the Subway MP experience. Don't worry, custom games ARE available in the final, retail version of Uncharted 3

4. Where is Co-op?
The Subway promotion has always been messaged as being a competitive multiplayer experience. Co-op will be back at the final, retail game as well.

5. Are these all the maps/items/skins/etc.?
No - some of this content has been locked for various reasons. Some of which are we want to be sure any of our multiplayer content doesn't have any single player spoilers. There WILL be more maps unlocked later in October. Stay tuned for more info on what these maps will be.

Maybe wait for news in the upcoming days/weeks, or just wait till November 1,2,3. ;)

Here's a sneak preview:

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I played two games last night, pretty fun. To me though, it feels like I need to put around 4 clips into someone to kill them. I kinda wish they would tone back lives or up damage or something, at least from my initial games.

Oh and London Underground is sweeeet.
Can't get this in Canada... If anybody wants to shoot me over a pm with a code I wouldn't be upset or anything ;)
Can't get this in Canada... If anybody wants to shoot me over a pm with a code I wouldn't be upset or anything ;)

Some players on the Naughtydog website forums are giving away free subway codes. Get it while it lasts. ;)
For any desperate uncharted 3 fans that are outside the US. You can try and use a generous friend in the US' account to start the download then continue the download on your usual account.
This is how I'm playing it here in Australia.
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For any desperate uncharted 3 fans that are outside the US. You can try and use a generous friend in the US' account to start the download then continue the download on your usual account.
This is how I'm playing it here in Australia.

Somehow it says that the username or the password is incorrect?

If anyone out there is willing to give away their subway codes (with their private Us account) for the U3 multiplayer then I'd be grateful to download it and log out as soon as possible.
For European players and AU/NZ players you can download the U3 multiplayer for free, if you have a Playstation Plus account.

Plus new comparisons between the old build & the new:








Brand new Uncharted 3 Extended SP gameplay from previous trailers:



Airstrip/Cargo Plane:


Desert gameplay (MAJOR SPOILER):

Got a code today for the multiplayer, and have been playing that for the last few hours. It's a lot of fun so long as both teams are evenly matched. This will hopefully tie me over until the game hits retail. What I really want UC3 for though is the single player and co-op.
Announcement from Naughtydog:



link: http://www.naughtydog.com/site/post/uncharted_3_drakes_deception_goes_gold/#

Nearly one year ago Entertainment Weekly broke the news that UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception was real and coming out in 2011. Today we have finally reached the point of breaking through that finish line tape in another marathon of game development. We’re proud to announce that the third installment in the UNCHARTED franchise has gone gold, and is on its way to being manufactured for its November 1st release. We can’t wait to see everyone’s reaction to the next chapter of Nathan Drake’s adventures as it hits store shelves and homes everywhere in just three short weeks!

And as an added bonus, all retail copies of Uncharted 3 will include a voucher code for early access to the upcoming Starhawk Public Beta, which will be coming in early 2012. Just like Uncharted 3, Starhawk promises to provide an incredible multiplayer experience that only PS3 can deliver. Here’s a glimpse of what the voucher insert looks like, and you can keep tabs on StarhawkTheGame.com for more details.


We also wanted to tell you about another very cool bonus that our tireless dev team helped produce. We’ll have four behind-the-scenes videos detailing the development and production of UNCHARTED 3 for free and available on the retail UNCHARTED 3 disc! Those of you attending our AMC Theatre events will be in for a special treat as we’ll have a teaser of some of that behind-the-scenes video content.

Be sure to check back to the PlayStation.Blog for more details and information about UNCHARTED 3 in the coming weeks as we rocket towards launch on November 1st. We’re excited to get the full retail game into your hands and hear your reactions very soon!
I just tried out the "UNCHARTED 3: Fortune Hunter" in Home and it's a blast.

Much like the Killzone 3, Dead Island, and Resistance 3 game integrations in Home, they have done an amazing job integrating the Uncharted world into Home and you can even unlock in-game bonuses and Home rewards for playing the game in Home and completing various challenges.

Here is an article about this event from the PS Blog:

PlayStation Home Announces UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception Total Game Integration

Like the other Game Integration events in Home, users have already been posting videos on YouTube for this event.

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That launch TV spot video was amazing... the shot of the horse galloping in the canyon was awesome.
This game looks so motherfreaking AMAZING :drool: Those graphics :eek: The gameplay :eek:...
My birthday is next week and I'm gonna buy both Uncharted 1 and 2...so excited :D
Big surprise from the dogs:

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Launch Trailer

Guess who's playing Uncharted 3 before us?

Harrison Ford Playing Uncharted 3 Japan:

A perfect score from IGN:

IGN Reviews: Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Game Review


10/10 :)
Yeah, incredible! IGN gives a 10 in each category and an overall score of 10, never seen such a score! But they also gave FM4 a very high score, so I´m curious if they get cash for giving good scores... I will not start a Forza bash but it really is Forza 3,25...
I saw the Gametrailers review, and hated it. They basically focused on the multiplayer, and treated the single-player campaign as a tutorial for the multiplayer game. That's something I don't like about modern games - too much of the single-player and the storytelling is compromised for the sake of the multiplayer game. MODERN WARFARE 2 is particularly guilty of this; it has a really half-baked story. It's a lost art, but one that UNCHARTED has made a priority. When a developer takes the time to make the single-player campaign as immersive as the multiplayer, they deserve recognition for it.
Guess who's playing Uncharted 3 before us?

Harrison Ford Playing Uncharted 3 Japan:
If they do indeed end up making an UNCHARTED film, maybe Harrison Ford could play Sully. Although I don't see that rough quality in him. and the film would have to have Nathan Fillion as Nathan Drake, not mark Wahlberg.