Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception

  • Thread starter gtone339
If they do indeed end up making an UNCHARTED film, maybe Harrison Ford could play Sully. Although I don't see that rough quality in him. and the film would have to have Nathan Fillion as Nathan Drake, not mark Wahlberg.

Maybe Harrison Ford can act the part for Sullivan? I doubt it though.


Okay here's Gamespots review:


9/10, they said the game is fast paced, and much more action-packed than U2 was.
I am soooooo eagerly awaiting this to drop on the door mat :) the MP Beta was much more fun than UC2 MP, the controls felt more natural (with the added sprint etc) and balanced. Have enjoyed the series so far like no other gaming series ever, and that is quite a leap seeing as my first PS1 purchase was solely so I could enjoy the Tomb Raider gaming of the day and I have followed GT since its first incarnation.

Thanks for posting the new trailer - I hadn't seen that and, well, one word... WOW! :)
I am soooooo eagerly awaiting this to drop on the door mat :) the MP Beta was much more fun than UC2 MP, the controls felt more natural (with the added sprint etc) and balanced. Have enjoyed the series so far like no other gaming series ever, and that is quite a leap seeing as my first PS1 purchase was solely so I could enjoy the Tomb Raider gaming of the day and I have followed GT since its first incarnation.

Thanks for posting the new trailer - I hadn't seen that and, well, one word... WOW! :)

No problem, glad you liked it. :)

Only 9 more days till its out here in NZ. :drool:
Maybe Harrison Ford can act the part for Sullivan? I doubt it though.
Have you seen COWBOYS & ALIENS? He can be crabby when he needs to be without being a jerk. Meld that into Indiana Jones, and I think you've got a good Victor Sullivan.
Currently playing the multiplayer experience, got the free code from NZ herald website. :)

Too much blind-firing with a long rifle. 👎 :yuck:

All in all, its looking great so far.
Dang I cant believe this comes out tomorrow already! I think the goldeneye 007 remake also comes out tomorrow.
I will try to rent it tomorrow and if its good enough probably add it to the christmas list.
Gah, this just had to come out in the same week as Sonic Generations. I'll probs end up getting both but Generations is my priority.

...even though this will be the better game. :dunce:
Picking my copy up in the morning. I'm so ready to sit down and play it, I've purposely been avoiding all reviews, info, and videos since before E3.
I just competed all 10 of the challenges for the Uncharted Fortune Hunter game in Home and besides all the Home rewards I also got a pop-up message with a code for the Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Kickback Endurance Booster.

If you haven't played or finished all of the challenges for this game, you might want to do it soon as the game came out three weeks ago, and previous Game Integration events in Home like this one have lasted only a few weeks.

Thanks for the tip, haven't visited Home for quite some time.

But I visited the LAN mode on my own already to try out the cinema:
Hopefully Heather can rent this for me sometime today before I leave work. Otherwise it will probably be all rented out.
Thanks for the tip, haven't visited Home for quite some time.

The fun thing about these game integrations in Home is that you get to use what ever characters/avatars you like... playing Uncharted as a giant pumpkin had some hilarious moments. ;)
I e-mailed Heather to see if she could go rent this for me and she replied with "I already picked it up". So it looks like I will be playing tonight for sure. :)
I'm hopefully getting my copy today, Uncharted is an excellent series with a great story line, unlike most shooters(if you even consider the series a shooter) which are all just killing and more killing.:P
I agree excellent series for sure. Very fluid gameplay, very good voice acting and facial expressions, amazing graphics, good puzzles, plenty of action, excellent storyline, plenty of humor. Just all around as good as it gets. Easily the best game series on the PS3. Nothing like it on the 360 besides Enslaved and Tomb Raider but those are not even close at all.
There are too many games out..............my head is going to explode.

I just picked up uncharted 3, but I won't touch it until I beat batman
What an epic game, I'm addicted to it now, I'm sure my GT5 disc is happy that it'll finally get a well deserved break for awhile:P
I love this game!! The feeling of drakes mood trough his movement gives me the player that emotion of his struggle. The ship missions are just fantastic!!! Defiantly best game of the year for me!
did you play 1 and 2??? how does it stack up to those masterpieces?

Well, except for the aiming, which still might be patched (not a huge problem anyway), it's better than Uncharted 2, in every aspect. Of course the difference between 3 and 2 isn't as big as the difference between 2 and 1, but it's still improved in almost every detail. If you liked the other two games, you will like this one too and no one should be disappointed from this game.
Put 2 and 1/2 solid hours into Uncharted 3. I am currently on level 8. What an a amazing game. The graphics, gameplay, voice acting, storyline, and puzzles are all top notch as always. Some of the puzzles in this one are very very creative. The use of lighting with the Horse, lion, Pheonix was insanely awesome. Just in general the lighting and use of lighting is the best I have seen in a game. I was also proud that I have not been stuck on a puzzle yet. I had to do some thinking with the puzzle I just mentioned but I had it solved within 5-10 minutes. Always so rewarding solving the puzzles in the UC series. I have also found quite a few hitten treasures. Been taking my time looking around as much as possible and taking in the stunning graphics. The water in this seris is just stunning. Looks so real. Cant wait to get home and put some more time into the campaign.