Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception

  • Thread starter gtone339
Woah! What a game, possibly the best I've ever played! Everything was absolutely well done. I just completed the game on normal mode. Now I can go check out the multiplayer and then I'll have to go back and do the story again on the hard difficulty. :scared:

At least that's the impression I got.
I got that impression too. Sure, it wasn't the most fun level I've played but from a story-telling point of view, I thought it was great. 👍
Just finished the game.

This is the only game i can really play together with the missus...

We've discovered it when part 1 came out and loved the game, (part 2) even more!!

This one (part 3) is even more brilliant for me ,-to play a game together with the missus that is.,... :sly:

Because part 3 is even more suited for us cause there is much puzzel solving and especially a great story (almost a movie) to follow thru... as we both work in the movie world this is great!!...

Very much enjoyed this game:
Super graphics also,if you sometimes take the time to look around the scenery,it is just stunning!!!

Now of to do some online shootings...

If you want to play , add me> spyrrari (not with the GTP_ and 1)


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Loving Cinema Mode, unfortunately the resolution of the videos isn't too big and if the clips are a bit longer, you cannot upload them from the PS3.

Just finished this game, my opinion:

Best game I have ever played. Story, graphics, acting, everything. Just amazing.
I think the idea of that level was to stretch it on so it felt like you were aimlessly wandering around for hours and hours. Giving the impression that you were stuck in a desert and struggling to make any real kind of progress.

At least that's the impression I got.
I got that impression too. Sure, it wasn't the most fun level I've played but from a story-telling point of view, I thought it was great. 👍

In my opinion that whole section would of been better as a sexy sexy cut scene.
In my opinion that whole section would of been better as a sexy sexy cut scene.

I think playing it really put you in his shoes though, a cut scene would have been as good but would have left us detatched from Nate a bit. It was definitely done like it was to put you in the desert wondering where your going, feeling lost and helpless. It captured the essence of the moment perfectly and looked stunning as well.
I think playing it really put you in his shoes though, a cut scene would have been as good but would have left us detatched from Nate a bit. It was definitely done like it was to put you in the desert wondering where your going, feeling lost and helpless. It captured the essence of the moment perfectly and looked stunning as well.

Except I was very aware of being sat on my sofa with a refreshing drink, holding my thumb in one direction for 10 minutes :lol:

If I'm honest I thought the whole second half lacked something. The first half was exciting and brilliantly funny. Then I felt it was rushed somewhat. U1 and U2 were better for me.
Am I also the only one who thinks the story is very simalair to Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade?

Not a criticism, just curious if anyone else thinks the same.
I just finished main story after 10 hours and 15 minutes.

A little disappointment for me, i think Uncharted 2 had much more epic and breath taking moments. U3 definitely looks better but the ending for me is way much worse than even First Uncharted.

I like the same story schematic, you look for clues, you travel from location to another location, discover mystery, fight bad guys and final boss in the end. So you have to have hard fight and spectacular ending.

What do i have in Uncharted 3 :confused: Kind of different approach.
Uncharted 3 update: Patch 1.02

link: http://www.naughtydog.com/site/post/uncharted_3_patch_102_notes/

The Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception 1.02 patch has been released and will be rolling out across all regions globally this week, starting today. The patch notes to update 1.02 are as follows:

Available: November 27, 2011 (US and EU only), Asia (early the week of Nov. 27th)

Uncharted 3 - Patch 1.02:

Single Player


- Movie cutscene viewer added (in the Bonuses menu, Single-Player only)


- Fixed the missing Motion Blur effects (for Single Player only)
- “Alternate Aim Settings” added to the Options menu under Camera options (for Single Player only)




- Settings bug fixed: all controls being set to flipped mode setting will no longer change all controls back to default


- Medal streaks won’t reset if the host migrates to another user
- Blindfire targeting adjusted so that opposing players past a certain vertical angle above and below won’t be hit.
- Allow grenade throw while scoped
- Tuned Pull Down range from 1.5 meters to 2.0 meters
- Lowered the player running speed when players run ‘n gun by approximately 15%
- Slightly increased the turn radius of run ‘n gun
- Slightly decreased the turning speed during Sprint


- Fixed an infrequent hunter spawning issue in Hunter Arena when the match round switches
- Fixed several cinema crashes
- Locked fast-forwarding on convoy sequence in Airstrip TDM and train sequence on London Underground TDM to 3x maximum in Cinema Mode
- Fixed certain cameras in Kick Offs and Pull Downs
- Fixed a late join skin bug with locked content
- Fixed a split-screen Buddy treasure pickup bug
- Fixed duplicate medal problem causing bad tabulation of a few medals to the player’s career stats

User Interface:

- Objective points now show up in the player’s Competitive statistics tab instead of the Cooperative statistics tab
- Added a Facebook Sign Out option
- Added the Add Friend functionality in the Facebook tab
- Fixed voice icon for mics not appearing in Matchmaking lobby
- Adding missing weapon stats tracking for certain weapons that were not being recorded to the player stats
- Fix for not displaying the entire Online ID within the “Players” column of any leaderboard.
- Fix for a user having an online ID containing fifteen or more characters created in uppercase format and actively using a voice comm device.


- Matchmaking now waits for double the number of players in the biggest party in the room to be present before starting a game (to prevent parties from being split frequently)
- Players no longer able to join party that is already in Matchmaking

A few add-ons for the single-player (now we can watch the cutscenes this time) and a bunch of multiplayer tweaks. Looking good ND, keep it up!!
I've already platinum my U3 and delete from HDD, after those weeks of playing i had enough :)

I still think that U2 is far much better, not graphically but main story and levels and bosses 👍
Is there anyone on here that I can add to play online? I just got the game and I want to check out the multiplayer.
Anyone interested in online gaming? Especially coop modus (crushing mode...)
Send me FR if you like. I am kind of average player...
PSN ID: Turbo--Kai
IGN - The Lost Levels of Uncharted 3:

link: http://au.ps3.ign.com/articles/122/1222748p1.html

Most of the work is just concept work really.

The Dry-dock -

The Floating Reservoir -

Foggy Forest -

Château Sketches -

Sandlantis Cave -

The Sand Pit -

Petra Inspiration -
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Imagine if those actually made it into the final game :drool: I should get back into Uncharted 3, I played the story mode twice already and have a decent level rank in multiplayer. :P
Imagine if those actually made it into the final game :drool: I should get back into Uncharted 3, I played the story mode twice already and have a decent level rank in multiplayer. :P

Yeah, hopefully Naughtydog puts them into the next game. :)