Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception

  • Thread starter gtone339
so after a week or so, this game is sill awesome and I have been playing it off and on

only thing is, I SUCK. so bad. lol. I'm assuming most of these dudes that are insane were masters at
Drakes 2, which I never got into online, so I believe I'm a bit behind :)
Downloaded the beta today, played a few games so far and the multiplayer looks good! Definitely seems like a big step up from Uncharted 2. Looking forward to the full release.
Next Uncharted 3 Multiplayer BETA update today.

Link: http://forums.naughtydog.com/t5/Mul...-Till-Co-Op-Adventure-Who-s-ready/td-p/366393


Team Deathmatch, Plunder, Three Team Deathmatch, Hardcore, Co-op Adventure, Co-op ArenaTeam Deathmatch, Team Objective, Free For All, Plunder, Three Team Deathmatch, Hardcore, Co-op Adventure, Co-op Arena, Co-op Hunter

Airstrip, Château & Yemen

This is the very last week of the BETA so please use your time on it wisely. See you guys online. :)
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A big meh from me on the Beta, co-op is ok but competitive is still a bit pants to me. Though it is very pretty which is a good sign for the real meat of UC3 to me, the campaign.
Is co-op adventure the same co-op mode that was in Uncharted 2? Been dying to play that with my bro. We felt so badass when we 2 manned the maps on hard+ difficulty, considering they were engineered for 3 players.
3 team deathmatch sounds unnecessary. Anyone played it yet, how many people per team is there?

I haven't downloaded it so just wondering.
Is co-op adventure the same co-op mode that was in Uncharted 2? Been dying to play that with my bro. We felt so badass when we 2 manned the maps on hard+ difficulty, considering they were engineered for 3 players.

Probably yeah.
Yeah, we played some. I know it's a beta, but I was saddened by the fact that even if you have a party of two, it forces you to find a third player, plus the game won't let you choose a difficulty. :(

The map is fun and some of the new weapons are really kick ass, can't wait for it to come out.
Drake's gotten alot older (and uglier) :sly:

How about now?


Surprised no one else here is complaining of the graphics, it's a jaggies fest.
A quick google shows I am not alone though.

The beta had those issues so it will be solved before the final release.
The beta had those issues so it will be solved before the final release.
How do you know?
Beta is for an online stress test for gameplay, not for graphics.
The game comes out in little more than 3 months.
GT HD had better graphics than GT5 the main game, and that had years of development inbetween.
And Uncharted 3 is in 720p, it is low resolution, unless they bring it out in 1080p in November not much will change. Or can it? Do you have a source for feedback on this issue?
How do you know?
Beta is for an online stress test for gameplay, not for graphics.
The game comes out in little more than 3 months.
GT HD had better graphics than GT5 the main game, and that had years of development inbetween.
And Uncharted 3 is in 720p, it is low resolution, unless they bring it out in 1080p in November not much will change. Or can it? Do you have a source for feedback on this issue?

Lets face it, its just a Multiplayer BETA after all. What the creator wants from us is to give them feedback about the online modes available in the open beta. Don't have to ramble about this alright? :P

What I know so far is that ND is pushing the PS3 to its limits, this time using all SPUs, 100% buddy. :)

One question: have you even played the Multiplayer BETA that was out worldwide on July the 6th? I did, it was great that naughtydog is adding a lot more content and modes that weren't in U2 multiplayer modes. I enjoyed it, it was very fun, addictive and awesome at the same time!!

If you didn't played it you should watch this youtube video of this greatly polished map of YEMEN:

Uncharted 3: Multplayer BETA - YEMEN - Free for all match

Remember the first Uncharted game used at least 30% of the cell processor, the second game (U2) used almost all of the processing power, thats approximately around 90% - 100%.

Well if you want the truth go to Naughtydogs website: http://forums.naughtydog.com/

Or wait till November to find out for yourself. :)

And remember, don't compare this game to Gran Turismo as both games aren't in the same genre, both completely different franchises. Don't be a troll okay?


Okay here's the latest update:

Uncharted in 5 minutes, from IGN:


Lovely Screenshots from E3 2011:














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The game is crap.

Fantastic contribution to the thread. Really trying to get to that next level of posts eh?

Anyway those screenshots look fantastic. This and BF3 will keep me busy for some time.

Edit: By the way 3 months is more than enough time to change very many things. Even if it's 2 months to disc printing time that is about 1/12th the game development time. Secondly I just participated in the Battlefield 3 ALPHA!!!!!! and that game comes out 3 weeks earlier. Hmmm I wonder if anything will change with that game?
The game is crap.

If you are basing this opinion solely on the multiplayer beta then you are an idiot or just trolling. Or both...
I know what option my money is on.
It was a joke based on a fanboy calling me a troll just because I didn't like the graphics.
I really did play the game for myself...
99.9% of my PS3 time in on GT5, i'm so used to 1080p most things looks bad in 720p now.
It was a joke based on a fanboy calling me a troll just because I didn't like the graphics.
I really did play the game for myself...
99.9% of my PS3 time in on GT5, i'm so used to 1080p most things looks bad in 720p now.

Hahahaha! Have you seen the massive thread talking about how GT5 looks BETTER in 720p than 1080p?
How do you know?
Beta is for an online stress test for gameplay, not for graphics.

The U3 beta was not strictly for online stress or graphics. Many things were found there that needed work: gameplay bugs, graphical glitches, AI Behavior issues, matchmaking, (hopefully) gun mechanics, etc. The beta is by no means the final graphical quality we will see at release. I didn't do a lot of research, but it may have even been an earlier build of the game compared to what they were working on in-studio, and some stuff may have already had improvements.

If there's a beta four months before release, nothing is close to final and they are most likely doing more than online stress testing. If a beta is 1-3 weeks before, like Killzone 3, then it probably is online stress testing, and what you see is mostly what you will get. The KZ3 beta was very polished, pretty much done. Many called it a glorified demo. But that wasn't the case with the Uncharted 3 beta.
Gamescom updates:

Uncharted 3 new trailer, gameplay & images:

Uncharted 3 gamescom trailer:


Uncharted 3 - Airstrip gameplay:


Latest images from Gamescom -

Desert Singleplayer/Multiplayer map???





New night time highrise (U2 DLC map updated):








Cargo plane demo screens:










New High-res Ship demo screens:







PS VITA: Uncharted - Golden Abyss gamescom trailer:

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Gamescom - Uncharted 3 multiplayer gameplay:

Highrise (night):



^^ Thanks interludes for adding the extended version of the "Cargo Plane" Demo.

Here's the Cargo Plane full demo version:

Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception

NFL Saints vs. Packers season opener TV commercial:

Uncharted 3 MP DLC First Look:


Uncharted: Golden Abyss Japanese trailer:

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