How do you know?
Beta is for an online stress test for gameplay, not for graphics.
The game comes out in little more than 3 months.
GT HD had better graphics than GT5 the main game, and that had years of development inbetween.
And Uncharted 3 is in 720p, it is low resolution, unless they bring it out in 1080p in November not much will change. Or can it? Do you have a source for feedback on this issue?
Lets face it, its just a
Multiplayer BETA after all. What the creator wants from us is to give them feedback about the online modes available in the open beta. Don't have to ramble about this alright?
What I know so far is that ND is pushing the PS3 to its limits, this time using all SPUs, 100% buddy.
One question: have you even played the Multiplayer BETA that was out worldwide on July the 6th? I did, it was great that naughtydog is adding a lot more content and modes that weren't in U2 multiplayer modes. I enjoyed it, it was very fun, addictive and awesome at the same time!!
If you didn't played it you should watch this youtube video of this greatly polished map of YEMEN:
Uncharted 3: Multplayer BETA - YEMEN - Free for all match
Remember the first Uncharted game used at least 30% of the cell processor, the second game (U2) used almost all of the processing power, thats approximately around 90% - 100%.
Well if you want the truth go to Naughtydogs website:
Or wait till November to find out for yourself.
And remember, don't compare this game to Gran Turismo as both games aren't in the same genre, both completely different franchises. Don't be a troll okay?
Okay here's the latest update:
Uncharted in 5 minutes, from IGN:
Lovely Screenshots from E3 2011: