Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

  • Thread starter Joey D
Nice scenery, specially flooded one. Have to buy it soon.

Check this one.

I just read that Naughty Dog got a huge upgrade in office space, and to celebrate their move someone in the art department came up with a clever drawing:

(click here for the original 1920x1200 pic)


BTW: While browsing through Naughty Dog's Flicker page, I came across this one:


I had no idea you could play as a Chimera in multi-player! I may have to get this add-on skin pack after all. 👍

Also, they have several hi-rez images of the new multi-player maps for those interested.
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This game is amazing..

Since the last update does anyone else think the FAL has less power than it did before? I think they rebalanced the weapons and my favorite got a little less great...
I just found something...
In the trophies that come with the latest patch, there is one called Sneaky***. In the deails it says "Get 50 Stealth Kills in Deathmatch of Elimination games"! All of the other ones say "Deathmatch or Elimination"
A quite remarkable typo!
Yay! :D
What the 🤬 is wrong with the spawn system? You literally spawn right next to your opponent!!!

This is a 5 vs 5 multiplayer game on some fairly big maps. But Naughty Dog has to spawn the opponents right next to me??? I mean, there is only 5 players, not say 20. But at of all the places possible to spawn those few players on the fairly big maps, has to be right next to you.

IMO the Ice Cave is the worst, espically on the bottom end with all the snow. You kill someone, grab the treasure, your about capture it, the he respawns a few metres away from you and kills you!!!

I'm sure there are games with smaller maps and more players that have better spawn systems.

I might be taking the game to seriously, but how could I possibly have fun when my opponents are getting me killed cheaply???

I only hope this gets fixed in the next 1.07 update.
I have noticed this as well after playing U2 a little more recently. The Facility seems to be the worst map for me by far. Every other map I've played on recently seems to have fine respawns.

It does get a little frustrating though when you're using the invalid booster and people are frequently respawning in front of you! :irked:
Uncharted 2 - Loved this game! It's the only game where i sit through the cutscenes on repeated plays(completed it 3 times). Naughty Dog should take their expertise in this department and make an animated Uncharted movie. I reckon it would be ten times better than any live-action one that comes out. Still the best game on PS3, and possibly the best game on any platform over the last 3 years.
Downloaded the new Siege DLC pack today, only got to try out one of the new maps but liked it. New skins are pretty good as well.

Spawn points also seem to have been fixed.
It appears Naughty Dog have increased the maximum level reachable in multiplayer to level 80. This should bring a few of the level 60's back to U2 because now they have something to work for again! Two new villian skins are also unlockable for reaching level 70 (XX) and 80 (XXX).
It appears Naughty Dog have increased the maximum level reachable in multiplayer to level 80. This should bring a few of the level 60's back to U2 because now they have something to work for again! Two new villian skins are also unlockable for reaching level 70 (XX) and 80 (XXX).

Already seen a few of these guys whilst playing today... I've still got a long way to go - I'm only on level 56 :dopey:
Turns out I actually managed to crack level 59 after the double cash. :) I might actually be able to hit level 60 if there is another double cash weekend soon. :D
Naughty Dog are the ones to carry on the Tomb Raider franchise, as well as making new Uncharted games. Sony should pull some strings and buy it from Eidos. Can you imagine an Uncharted/Tomb Raider crossover? Or a game that stars them both? Getting giddy just thinking about it.
Meh, Tomb Raider should probably just die a noble death. It was good in it's day, but I think that day is done. Lara may be easy on the eyes, but she's got nothing like the personality or likability that Drake has. From the standpoint of writing an interesting story about them, it's gotta be waaaay easier with Drake (easy-going everyman) as the protagonist than Lara (uppity high-class broad).
Oh i don't know. I still say a game starring both her and Drake, if done right, could be nothin short of spectacular.
I rented this about a week ago and I have put about 6 1/2 hours into it. I usually try to put in at least an hour a night. I am currently at the beginning of chapter 15 and it has been such an amazing game! 👍
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Finally beat the campaign over the weekend. What an amazing game. I also checked out the multiplayer and the co-op. Those were also really fun. I never saw any lag at all and it ran very well online. Easily THE best game I have played on the PS3 by a longshot.
I got back into Uncharted 2 again after a stint with Read Dead Redemption a few weeks back. I went through the story for a second time, this time on hard (went with the normal difficulty first time around). I actually found it easier this time, thanks to the tough competition in multiplayer. The story is still fantastic though. With other games I tend to skip the cutscenes when I go through the game a second time, but definitely not with Uncharted 2, it's more like watching a film than any other game I've played.

After going through the story again, I did some co-op with two of my friends. We had a hell of a lot of fun. The co-op mode probably has the most challenging gameplay in the whole game, even with three people fighting off the bad guys!

Oh, I completely forgot. If anybody is interested, I've been uploading screenshots from my multiplayer matches to Flickr. Just click here to have a looksee.
I wanted to play through a 2nd time especially since I have all this in game money that I earned. I think I have around $400,000 maybe more than that. But my rental is almost up so I think the only way I will play any further is if I eventually buy this game.

Yes the co-op is a blast and indeed tough at times. I really need to get a PS3 headset so I can communicate with my team mates.
I really need to get a PS3 headset so I can communicate with my team mates.
I was going to mention that. I don't think a headset is necessary, it would definitely help in certain situations (like making sure everyone's ready before throwing a grenade at those hooge guys with gatling guns :P), but I'm sure I would find it even more enjoyable if I could chat and joke around with my friends as we play.
Just picked this up today.

If anyone here is still playing online, let me know. Would be cool to hook with some of you instead of the GP all the time.
This sure was a great rental. Maybe one of these days if I can find it for cheap I will pick the game up. This is one that I really need to have as a PS3 owner. Actually I dont even own a single PS3 game yet. I have been renting all of them but I really like this game a lot. Would love to play through again on the next difficulty with all the money that I have.
This sure was a great rental. Maybe one of these days if I can find it for cheap I will pick the game up. This is one that I really need to have as a PS3 owner. Actually I dont even own a single PS3 game yet. I have been renting all of them but I really like this game a lot. Would love to play through again on the next difficulty with all the money that I have.

I got mine at gamestop this morning for 39.99, not sure what the going price is for it now. Considering the first one is still 29.99 I didnt think this was to bad of a price.