Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

  • Thread starter Joey D
^Modern Warfare 2 is gonna take that, since there is a lot more publicity about Modern Warfare 2 compared to Uncharted 2. But I hope Uncharted 2 can snatch it away though.
I'm nearing the end now and it seems to be getting progressively worse. The enemy AI is ridiculous, they know exactly where you are without even being able to see you. I thought that sort of thing died out with the last generation of consoles?

It's also very annoying that your allies seem to absorb bullets like there's no tomorrow but when you try to run the same route as them (as I'm apparently supposed to at this point I'm stuck at) you get killed almost instantly, and this is on very easy.

It's slowly turning into a very average game at the minute, it's simply too difficult in places.
I feel safe to enter this thread again seeing as I beat it yesterday :P

Which part are you at Mog? There are sometimes less obvious ways to do things. The main thing is aim for the head, and aim for the head 456745 times if the enemy has a helmet on. Shotgun chargers FTL! :irked: Also, standing next to a wall and aiming (click the stick to switch shoulders if necessary) is a lot more effective then the cover system at least for me.

not story related
Clowns are a 10. :lol:
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I'm up to Chapter 22 on Crushing. Finished the game first on Normal, then Hard and now Crushing. I think it's a bit harder than Crushing on Drake's Fortune, but I have not smashed my controller into a million pieces yet...

My opinion of the game hasn't changed, it's still fantastic, though I do wish there was a way to avoid more of the massive firefights using a stealth approach. Looking forward to going back through the chapters, on EASY, to find the rest of the treasure. :)
i finished the game on normal this weekend, having a go through in HARD now, i am about 1/2-way through on Hard, Awesome game. I enjoyed the whole experience. I think i've found about 60 of the treasures so far. The visuals really are amazing, i wonder what it would look like though if they rendered it in 1080p, boggles my mind why the newer games don't support 1080p.

I also gave the co-op objective Multi-player a try and really enjoyed it. Kind of reminds me of Horde in Gears of War 2. Only thing about the objectives is it's the same thing every time (when on that certain map), the guys always come from the same place. Definitely gives it more re-play. I haven't tried the Competitive multi-player yet, i have a feeling i would be in for a lot of headaches and Cursing on that one. My favorite gun is the M4 by far, i am a head-shot animal with that thing. :dunce: I wanted to call in a sick day today and try out the rest of the multi-player co-op maps.

Great game though, definitely contender for Game of the Year. :)👍
...boggles my mind why the newer games don't support 1080p.

Probably because the PS3 would slow to a crawl :D

But i must admit they've done an amazingly good job at keeping a consistently silky framerate...

Played through twice now, once on easy and once on hard - now for crushing (am i gunna regret this?). As it stands, this game certainly deserves game of the year :)

I must be a natural at online deathmatches, though - first game i played i got 19 kills 10 deaths and beat a guy on level 24 👍
Probably because the PS3 would slow to a crawl :D

But i must admit they've done an amazingly good job at keeping a consistently silky framerate...

Really? i guess i over-estimated the ps3's hardware. Figured 1080p would be no problem. I tried switching it to 1080p to upscale it on the console and the game looked horrible, i know it's just blowing up the pixels which is what causes that. I want to give the Death-match a try tonight. I have been enjoying the co-op, just gets a bit repetitive if you end up playing the same level twice in a row.

I wish more people on the PSN had mic's it seems that noone has them or is too shy to use them, i end up turning mine off as i'm talking to myself most of the time. :)👍

[edit]-Tried the multi-player last night, i was on the snow/train stage. I had my butt handed to me pretty badly. I ended up getting 4-kills, and i think 1 possibly 2 of them were sneaking up and physical attack. I will give it another go tonight, but so far it's not my cup of tea.

I'm nearing the End of HARD difficulty and some of the gunfights are getting pretty brutal, i can't imagine the patience and frustration i will have trying to play through on Crushing mode. The AI aim on Hard is already accurate, you can't be out of cover long with a few enemies on screen, or you're being gunned down.
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Nearly towards completion of my second playthrough - now on hard difficulty. The battles in the concluding chapters are pretty intense! Crushing looks like it's going to be a challenge. :scared: I've found around 63 treasures by myself, quite happy with that considering most of them are hidden in realy obscure places.
i finished hard the other night, the final boss battle was not pretty, the suspense of trying to survive was great though, i was on edge just barely breezed through and finished it. I just started to game again on Crushing, going to see how far i get before i get overwhelmed and give up.

I gave the multi-player another try, playing some of the objectives (like the treasure one) and got schooled pretty bad. Anyone know if there is a way to start off with the M4? Thats the only gun i can play really well with, the AK when i'm using it turns almost useless when people are far away, the recoil is too much, compared to the M4 which is a lot more stable. :)
I'm pretty sure that the AK47 is the gun you always begin with on multiplayer matches.

Also, I have noticed some people that have golden weapons in some online games, does anyone know where to get these or how to begin the game with them?
Also, I have noticed some people that have golden weapons in some online games, does anyone know where to get these or how to begin the game with them?
It was a Best Buy pre-order incentive.
Woop woop
Well I finally finished it on my first playthrough. I going to play again and get the rest of the treasures. I got a quick question do I get to use the guns I buy in the single player?
/\/\/\ not sure how/when you get to use those guns. I started the game again on crushing, and i wanted to switch back to easy or normal to go treasure hunting. Only to find that i could no longer choose the chapters i have already beaten after re-starting the game. I tried changing the difficulty to normal/hard as i've beaten the game all the way through on both settings and could NOT choose any of the chapters except to how far i have gotten in the story mode to that point. So i switched to Normal mode, i'm almost done with the game again, then i can go back and choose the chapters where i have not gotten all of the treasures...bit annoying, luckily the game is fun enough that i don't mind another play through....:indiff:
I have never started a round with the M4. It's supposed to be better than the AK47 so you must remember where it appears on the maps and go grab it. I have a habit of going for the Desert Eagle :)
I playing with the Donut Drake skin and I noticed to whenever he talks in game that his voice is changed. Does the voice change with other skins also? I haven't really tried out any of the other skins.
I playing with the Donut Drake skin and I noticed to whenever he talks in game that his voice is changed. Does the voice change with other skins also? I haven't really tried out any of the other skins.

Yes, you're right. Voices of different characters will be used for different skins. So if you chose Chloe's skin, the voice would be hers (when jumping or picking up ammos on floor). Of course, when you get to checkpoints, the voice will become Drake again. :)

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