Probably because the PS3 would slow to a crawl
But i must admit they've done an amazingly good job at keeping a consistently silky framerate...
Really? i guess i over-estimated the ps3's hardware. Figured 1080p would be no problem. I tried switching it to 1080p to upscale it on the console and the game looked horrible, i know it's just blowing up the pixels which is what causes that. I want to give the Death-match a try tonight. I have been enjoying the co-op, just gets a bit repetitive if you end up playing the same level twice in a row.
I wish more people on the PSN had mic's it seems that noone has them or is too shy to use them, i end up turning mine off as i'm talking to myself most of the time.

[edit]-Tried the multi-player last night, i was on the snow/train stage. I had my butt handed to me pretty badly. I ended up getting 4-kills, and i think 1 possibly 2 of them were sneaking up and physical attack. I will give it another go tonight, but so far it's not my cup of tea.
I'm nearing the End of HARD difficulty and some of the gunfights are getting pretty brutal, i can't imagine the patience and frustration i will have trying to play through on Crushing mode. The AI aim on Hard is already accurate, you can't be out of cover long with a few enemies on screen, or you're being gunned down.