Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

  • Thread starter Joey D
Tried the online co-op today with my friend and it was a blast. The treasure co-op mode is also really fun. We also had a crack at a weird level known as "The Stage" which was kinda fun. :lol:
I downloaded the beta and well and it's fantastic. I'm going to be flat broke by the end of this year..there are at least 3 games coming out that i must have. :lol:
Foolkiller has already addressed this. Not sure why I shouldn't be allowed to make fun of people though...

Last I checked, moderators are supposed to lead by example. I surely hope nobody follows your example.

You were finished the second you started making things up to support a position that didn't exist. Like this one:

Which never happened except in your own head.

I really hope you're only kidding. You're trying to SERIOUSLY tell me that you did NOT say that you DISLIKE Tomb Raider? Then when you compared it's features to Uncharted and labeled Uncharted as DISAPPOINTING, that that means the features compared are GOOD THINGS? Wow dude, this really is just totally over your head.


I don't like Tomb Raider


The plots are similar. The villains are similar. The locations are similar. ...

You're doing the same thing as Lara (hunting an ancient treasure in Central America) by doing the same thing as Lara (jumping, "puzzle" solving, swimming, falling to your death several times), occasionally losing all your weapons like Lara (and upgrading your pistol to bigger pistols, uzis, shotguns) and facing the same enemies as Lara (right down to the "mutants"). The mechanics, the cutscenes, the plot - it's all Tomb Raider updated for the 21st century.

So Tomb Raider = a game you DONT like. So then you compared features and said the game is JUST LIKE a game you don't like. However, you try coming back and saying that you never said you dislike the features?

Fascinating. You managed to cite a quote which clearly stated nothing of the sort.

REALLY? This is all going on in MY head? hahahahaha wow dude. Wow. I cant even fathom the thought process in which you're coming up with this.

That aside, I had no idea you'd "left the thread". You didn't say that at any point and, unlike others, I only actually pay attention to what is written rather than what takes place only inside the head of the author.

Which kinda renders the already foolish notion that I made fun of you behind your back even more absurd. And that's without even mentioning the fact that you're obviously still reading the thread despite claiming that you've left it!

No, I think that unlike you, I actually read and COMPREHEND what has been said. (see definition at the end of this post)

Anyways, I'm done with this.

I came back in the thread to see if there was any good information coming out on the game...and found that junk. That's not a good way to set an example.

Also, in the real world, you can't take everything that is said 100% literally. That would make you prone to be offended by sarcasm on a regular basis and unable to decipher cryptic sentences, for example. Like amar's GT5 post...I guess he never really SAID any of those things would happen, right? It was just about a bunch of birds and stuff. Nothing was ever technically said about cars. But, for those of us with this cool thing called common sense, we can "put the pieces together" and figure out what is really being said. I guess I overrated your common sense and comprehension skills, I apologize. I promise that in all my future posts in this thread, I will clearly and literally explain everything, as if I'm talking with a 3 year old child. With that said, I'd love to see your argument on how I'm wrong about you saying you dislike Tomb Raider yet you LIKE its features (since you're denying that you "said" you dislike them).

Here's something you might want to look into some day:


3. perception or understanding
4. capacity of the mind to perceive and understand; power to grasp ideas

Comprehension is very important in every day life, yet you're trying to tell me to completely throw it out the window and "just read what is said." Riiiiight.
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Similarities != Features.

Grow up and do what you say you're going to do.
Features that are similar = similarities. Wow. Surely you can come up with something better than that.

A short retort that does nothing to prove my argument wrong. Woo hoo! I back my posts up with quotes and explain my reasoning. You come back and say "I never technically said that." with no real backbone to your argument. That's all that keeps happening here.

EDIT: Oh crap, I'm sorry, I just perceived the happenings of a situation. Sorry...hope that didn't go over your head.
Features that are similar = similarities. Wow. Surely you can come up with something better than that.

A short retort that does nothing to prove my argument wrong. Woo hoo! I back my posts up with quotes and explain my reasoning. You come back and say "I never technically said that." with no real backbone to your argument. That's all that keeps happening here.

I've made post after post after post explaining it and every time you invent some whole new thing that I didn't say to argue with. You're clearly not paying any heed to what I say because you just want to argue. Regard:

I can only imagine you're doing this on purpose now.

I said I hated Uncharted and compared it directly to Tomb Raider.
You said that such a comparison wasn't "knowledgeable".
I made a list of direct similarities between the two games.
You changed your mind and said that actually the two games belong to the "same sub-genre"

At no point did the list of similiarities contain "and I hate this" or "and I hate games that you have to do this in". YOU have made this up from your own interpretation. YOU have decided that since I hate two games that are so similar (despite initially insisting quite firmly that they are nothing alike) I must also hate every feature that makes them similar on no evidence at all.

I have made my position clear with the words I have actually said. You have invented a completely different position with words you have made up in your head and are using it as a basis to attack me.

I hate Uncharted. I hate Tomb Raider. They are very similar in many respects. I don't hate OR like the specific respects that make them similar. I don't hate ALL games in this "sub-genre".

This is now the third post after you said you were done with this and yet you carry on. You carry on despite saying you'd stopped and despite arguing against things you've invented. Why? Only you can answer that.
Sweet, now we have a moderator that makes fun of members behind their backs. You get an A+ for maturity 👍

And it would be true if he said something like "I don't like playing with other people." :sly:

I don't need, nor appreciate anyone posting on my behalf at all. Please ensure you refrain from doing so in future.

For the record I was more than able to see the humour in Famine's post, and as a moderator alongside him, if I had issue with it am more than capable of addressing it directly with him.

As it stands I have no issue with it at all, so do not try and use me as a tool to have a dig as someone again.

Oh and thanks for the laugh...I love how you still kept arguing after I said I was done. The whole "I dislike the game, but never said I disliked its features" argument is very amusing.
Sorry but do you get to decide when people can and can't carry on discussing a subject?

Do you get to draw a line and always have the last word?

Quick answer is no. Anyone has the right to reply (within the AUP), just as you do, and others do not lose that simply because you say you are leaving a thread.

I've made post after post after post explaining it and every time you invent some whole new thing that I didn't say to argue with. You're clearly not paying any heed to what I say because you just want to argue.

That makes sense 👍 . If you don't like or dislike those things, why even bring them up when explaining why you don't like Uncharted? If those really aren't things that you dislike, surely there's something else that makes you dislike the games...and if so, you haven't stated them.

This is now the third post after you said you were done with this and yet you carry on. You carry on despite saying you'd stopped and despite arguing against things you've invented. Why? Only you can answer that.

I wouldn't have continued the argument had you actually read/comprehended when I said "I'm done with this" and also stopped yourself. But of course, you just had to keep going, then went on to make a cheap shot joke. Yet I'm the one that needs to grow up?

I will leave this argument.

Scaff...not sure where I was speaking on your behalf, but that was not intended. If you're ok with stuff like that, then that's your choice and not mine. Doesn't mean I can't express my opinion. Just like Famine, I can post my opinion as well.
Doesn't mean I can't express my opinion. Just like Famine, I can post my opinion as well.

It doesn't, but you've just told Famine he's not allowed to do that if you've said your leaving the conversation?

Oh and if you use my post or a direct reply to me as justification to have a pop at someone, then I'm going to get involved, just me I'm afraid.

It may be of interest to note that I completely disagree with Famine on the whole Uncharted thing. I loved the first game, however I totally understand what he has said and why he has said it. In regard to the Tomb Raider vs Uncharted comparison you are just barking up the wrong tree and I would actually advise taking a calmer look at exactly what Famine has said. Currently you are doing yourself no favours by miss-reading what he has said and putting your own spin on it.

It doesn't, but you've just told Famine he's not allowed to do that if you've said your leaving the conversation?

I tried ending the argument because it was going nowhere, and expected him to respect that. That's all.

Oh and if you use my post or a direct reply to me as justification to have a pop at someone, then I'm going to get involved, just me I'm afraid.

What? When did I directly reply to you? I'm afraid I don't recall that.

It may be of interest to note that I completely disagree with Famine on the whole Uncharted thing. I loved the first game, however I totally understand what he has said and why he has said it. In regard to the Tomb Raider vs Uncharted comparison you are just barking up the wrong tree and I would actually advise taking a calmer look at exactly what Famine has said. Currently you are doing yourself no favours by miss-reading what he has said and putting your own spin on it.


It's obvious that Famine and I have two very different viewpoints on the matter and that is not going to change. I believe that even if two games have similar features, that it's much more important to note the implementation of them and that it doesn't mean the games are identical. It's a disservice to compare a top tier PC racing sim to a lowly arcade game, which is the same feeling I get with this comparison.
I tried ending the argument because it was going nowhere, and expected him to respect that. That's all.
No problem with that, however you can't just decide that a conversation is over. The other party is at liberty to reply if they feel they need to.

What? When did I directly reply to you? I'm afraid I don't recall that.
I didn't say that you replied to me, I said.........

Oh and if you use my post or a direct reply to me as justification to have a pop at someone, then I'm going to get involved, just me I'm afraid.

....a direct reply to me. I didn't say that reply was from you.

This is, to be honest, an example of something being taken out of context by yourself. You have read into this what you want, rather than actually taking the time to think about what has actually been said.

It's obvious that Famine and I have two very different viewpoints on the matter and that is not going to change. I believe that even if two games have similar features, that it's much more important to note the implementation of them and that it doesn't mean the games are identical. It's a disservice to compare a top tier PC racing sim to a lowly arcade game, which is the same feeling I get with this comparison.
I don't get that feeling at all, and I have to be honest this does smack a little of you almost wanting to have an argument over it because you don't like what you 'think' Famine said.

Really can't wait for this game. I also was hoping for a bundle, but i guess Europe is the only ones getting the bundle!:confused:
Can everyone chill out? but on the subject of the game, i downloaded the beta/demo/ whatever the hell you want to call it and i think it's fun, but the guns are WAYYYY to underpowered. It takes like 6 shots to kill someone with an AK. Also, last time i checked, the FN FAL has a 20 round 7.62x51mm mag, and not 30 of what i presume to be 5.56x45mm.
I can't get a game and not finish it. In fact I have done only once so far - Sonic Unleashed.

Same here. There are currently over 200 rated games in my database on Gamefaqs and I have finished them all. Most people buy too many games once they earn money. I just buy 10-20 games every year. Less games, more fun.

Took me btw 12 hours to finish Uncharted 2 on "Normal":
I don't know. There are 100 treasures to be found. I didn' t care and only picked up the obvious ones. If you complete a level, you can go to the "select chapter" option and look how many treasures you have found/missed:


In the chapters 5, 10, 11, 21 and 26 there are no treasures at all.
Normal is the third of the five difficulty settings.

The fighting is not the problem in Uncharted 2. It's the puzzels. There are some places where you have to climb to leave a room or an open area. It's sometimes hard to see the ledges you have to climb up. In chapter 24 or 25 you slide down a rope and land between several houses. After the enemies on the ground were dead, I serached for 20 minutes to find a way out. The solution: One enemy used a rope to come in. I didn't see that, because I was looking in the opposite direction. The rope has a similar color as the wall, very hard to see. I only found it, because I ended up jumping at every wall in the area. In POP or TR ledges are easier to see.
The greater chain of stores selling consumer electronics do not care about official release dates. They know Sony or MS will not take legal actions for selling games before the streetday. The game is officially not out here yet, but many shops already sell it.
The greater chain of stores selling consumer electronics do not care about official release dates. They know Sony or MS will not take legal actions for selling games before the streetday. The game is officially not out here yet, but many shops already sell it.
I gotcha 👍
i downloaded the beta demo but have not tried it yet, i just sent back batman, i'm hoping Gamefly will send me This as my next game, with my luck they won't. Is the online similar to the Resident Evil 5 play/gameplay? Can you move and shoot at the same time unlike RE:5? I will probably try it this afternoon, didn't have time to jump into an online game and then have to leave it half-way through.