Foolkiller has already addressed this. Not sure why I shouldn't be allowed to make fun of people though...
Last I checked, moderators are supposed to lead by example. I surely hope nobody follows your example.
You were finished the second you started making things up to support a position that didn't exist. Like this one:
Which never happened except in your own head.
I really hope you're only kidding. You're trying to SERIOUSLY tell me that you did NOT say that you DISLIKE Tomb Raider? Then when you compared it's features to Uncharted and labeled Uncharted as DISAPPOINTING, that that means the features compared are GOOD THINGS? Wow dude, this really is just totally over your head.
The plots are similar. The villains are similar. The locations are similar. ...
You're doing the same thing as Lara (hunting an ancient treasure in Central America) by doing the same thing as Lara (jumping, "puzzle" solving, swimming, falling to your death several times), occasionally losing all your weapons like Lara (and upgrading your pistol to bigger pistols, uzis, shotguns) and facing the same enemies as Lara (right down to the "mutants"). The mechanics, the cutscenes, the plot - it's all Tomb Raider updated for the 21st century.
So Tomb Raider = a game you DONT like. So then you compared features and said the game is JUST LIKE a game you don't like. However, you try coming back and saying that you never said you dislike the features?
Fascinating. You managed to cite a quote which clearly stated nothing of the sort.
REALLY? This is all going on in MY head? hahahahaha wow dude. Wow. I cant even fathom the thought process in which you're coming up with this.
That aside, I had no idea you'd "left the thread". You didn't say that at any point and, unlike others, I only actually pay attention to what is written rather than what takes place only inside the head of the author.
Which kinda renders the already foolish notion that I made fun of you behind your back even more absurd. And that's without even mentioning the fact that you're obviously still reading the thread despite claiming that you've left it!
No, I think that unlike you, I actually read and
COMPREHEND what has been said. (see definition at the end of this post)
Anyways, I'm done with this.
I came back in the thread to see if there was any good information coming out on the game...and found that junk. That's not a good way to set an example.
Also, in the real world, you can't take everything that is said 100% literally. That would make you prone to be offended by sarcasm on a regular basis and unable to decipher cryptic sentences, for example. Like amar's GT5 post...I guess he never really SAID any of those things would happen, right? It was just about a bunch of birds and stuff. Nothing was ever technically said about cars. But, for those of us with this cool thing called common sense, we can "put the pieces together" and figure out what is really being said. I guess I overrated your common sense and comprehension skills, I apologize. I promise that in all my future posts in this thread, I will clearly and literally explain everything, as if I'm talking with a 3 year old child. With that said, I'd love to see your argument on how I'm wrong about you saying you dislike Tomb Raider yet you LIKE its features (since you're denying that you "said" you dislike them).
Here's something you might want to look into some day:
3. perception or understanding
4. capacity of the mind to perceive and understand; power to grasp ideas
Comprehension is very important in every day life, yet you're trying to tell me to completely throw it out the window and "just read what is said." Riiiiight.